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Optics with SC horizontal vertical BC0BC1BC2 XFEL, design optics.

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Presentation on theme: "Optics with SC horizontal vertical BC0BC1BC2 XFEL, design optics."— Presentation transcript:

1 optics with SC horizontal vertical BC0BC1BC2 XFEL, design optics


3 momenta tracking (non)linear self force space charge de-focusing analytic expression for gaussian distributions  with respect to slice or full bunch in the following: slice space charge parameter

4 20 pC 100 pC 250 pC 500 pC 1nC 500 pC 250 pC 100 pC 20 pC space charge parameter

5 space charge miss-match 250 pC 500 pC 1nC 20 pC 100 pC B mag,x B mag,y match

6 optics with/without space charge 1 nC match

7 optics with/without space charge 250 pC match

8 optics with/without space charge 20 pC match

9 Astra simulations in preparation

10 SASE killer effect

11 analytic estimations (1d) numerical estimation (1d) “rftweak” full 3d calculationin preparation / running

12 setup & optics

13 modulation amplitude FLASH @ 19 nm undulator laser

14 A BC DE FG H A BA BC DC D G HG H E FE F BD FH 100 keV modulation amplitude ~ 3 MeV rms energy spread

15 500 keV modulation amplitude ~ 3.5 MeV rms energy spread

16 first 3d simulation current/A beam line coordinate/ m bunch coordinate/ m 250 keV modulation amplitude near end of beam line current/A bunch coordinate/ m //

17 current/A beam line coordinate/ m bunch coordinate/ m current/A beam line coordinate/ m “side view” period of plasma oscillation  120 m

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