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Quantum Computation With Trapped Ions Brian Fields.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantum Computation With Trapped Ions Brian Fields."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantum Computation With Trapped Ions Brian Fields

2 Overview Intro to Quantum Computation Trapping Ions Ytterbium as a qubit Quantum Gates Future Brian Fields2

3 What does a Quantum Computer Do? Shor’s Algorithm Factoring products of prime numbers Deutche Jose Algorithm Quantum Simulation Magnetism, Ising model, with more qubits possible particle scattering Brian Fields3

4 What Is a Quantum Computer? Divincenzo’s Postulates 1.Scalable, well defined Qubits 2.State initialization 3.Long Coherence Times compared to Gate Speed 4.Universal Set of Quantum Gates 5.Efficient State Read Out Brian Fields4

5 History Mass Spec, Atomic Clocks, systems developed Penning Trap RF-Paul Trap Surface Brian Fields5 Ion Traps

6 Brian Fields6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10 Doppler Cooling

11 Brian Fields11 Ytterbium 171+ Hyperfine State Qubit Long Coherence Times~10s Insensitive external B-Field Cooling Closed (with repump beams) Optical Pumping Min error ~ 10^-6 Detection Typical accuracy ~ 98 %

12 Brian Fields12 Sideband Cooling

13 Brian Fields13

14 Brian Fields14

15 Single Qubit Rotations Two Qubit Entangling Gates CNOT Cirac Zoller Molmer Sorenson Brian Fields15 Quantum Gates

16 Brian Fields16 Quantum Gates

17 Cirac-Zoller CNOT 1)The internal state of a control ion is mapped onto the motion of an ion string 2)The state of the target ion is flipped conditioned on the motional state of the string 3)Motion of ion string is mapped back to control ion state Result – Flips T if C is Brian Fields17

18 Brian Fields18 Possible Pulse Sequence for a CNOT gate

19 More Qubits Higher Fidelities, better state detection Motional Decoherence Modular Trap arrays for Scaling Photon Ion Flying Qubit entanglement Brian Fields19 Future

20 Brian Fields20 References Steven Olmschenk.. “QUANTUM TELEPORTATION BETWEEN DISTANT MATTER QUBITS” Doctoral Thesis. University of Maryland. (2009) David Hayes. “Remote and Local Entanglement of Ions using Photons and Phonons”. Doctoral Thesis. University of Maryland. (2012) Johnathan Mizrahi. “ULTRAFAST CONTROL OF SPIN AND MOTION IN TRAPPED IONS”. Doctoral Thesis. University of Maryland. (2013) Timothy Andrew Manning, “QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING WITH TRAPPED ION CHAINS”. Doctoral Thesis. University of Maryland. (2014) Chris Monroe, et all. “Large-scale modular quantum-computer architecture with atomic memory and photonic interconnects”. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 89, 022317 (2014) DiVincenzo, David “The Physical Implementation of Quantum Computation”. ARXIV. arXiv:quant-ph/0002077v3 13 Apr 2000 (2008) J I Cirac, P. Zoller. “Quantum Computations with Cold Trapped Ions”. Physics Review Letters. Volume 74. Issue 20. May 15 (1994) H. H¨affner, C. F. Roos, R. Blatt, “Quantum computing with trapped ions”. ARXIV. arXiv:0809.4368v1 [quant-ph] 25 Sep 2008 (2008)

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