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1 Advent History Lessons 40-52. 2 The lessons this quarter review our Adventist heritage. Beginning with early Advent history, the lessons cover the major.

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1 1 Advent History Lessons 40-52

2 2 The lessons this quarter review our Adventist heritage. Beginning with early Advent history, the lessons cover the major milestones of the growth and organization of God’s final movement and conclude with the end-time dangers that face the people of God and their ultimate triumph over sin. It is important for us, young and old, to understand why we are Seventh-day Adventists and to be inspired to be among God’s faithful heroes.

3 3 Resources Autobiography by Joseph Bates Cabin Boy to Advent Crusader by Virgil Robinson The six-volume biography series of Ellen White by Arthur White Captains of the Host by A. W. Spalding Flame for the Lord by Virgil Robinson The Great Second Advent Movement by J. N. Loughborough I Was a Stranger by Susan Davis

4 4 Lighter of Gospel Fires by Ella Robinson Madison: God’s Beautiful Farm by Ira Gish, et al. Messenger of the Lord by Herbert Douglass The Midnight Cry by F. D. Nichol Origin and History of Seventh-day Adventists by A. W. Spalding (4 volumes) Pathways of the Pioneers CDs Stories of My Grandmother by Ella Robinson James White by Gerald Wheeler

5 5 The Great Controversy by Ellen White Early Writings by Ellen White Life Sketches by Ellen White

6 6 Lesson 40--The Midnight Cry Lesson 41--Understanding the Disappointment Lesson 42--An Almost Forgotten Truth (The Sabbath) Lesson 43--Testing All Things (True Prophets) Lesson 44--A Foundation of Truth Lesson 45--Helped by God’s Messengers (Angels) Lesson 46--Organizing for Service Lesson 47--Into All the World (Literature Evangelism, Missions) Lesson 48--A Healing Ministry Lesson 49--God’s Work Advances (Faith/Madison School) Lesson 50--Caution! Counterfeits Ahead! (False Revival) Lesson 51--Earth’s Last Solemn Days (Investigative Judgment) Lesson 52--Sin’s Separation Ends (Millennium/Destruction of the Wicked)

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