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Running Kuali: A Technical Perspective Ailish Byrne (Indiana University) Jonathan Keller (University of California, Davis)

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Presentation on theme: "Running Kuali: A Technical Perspective Ailish Byrne (Indiana University) Jonathan Keller (University of California, Davis)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Running Kuali: A Technical Perspective Ailish Byrne (Indiana University) Jonathan Keller (University of California, Davis)

2 Overview Requirements Setup/Installation Build Configuration Basic Data Setup Service Configuration Workflow Rules System Parameters/Rules View Customization * denotes phase 2 changes (d) denotes a demo

3 Required Technical Knowledge Java XML Spring Struts OJB Log4J JavaScript and DWR* HTML, JSP, JSP 2.0 Tags Oracle or MySQL* JUnit Ant Tomcat

4 Database Requirements Oracle 10g Enterprise Edition* 1GB RAM min - 4GB recommended 2 CPU min - more would be good 11GB data disk space Tested on Redhat Enterprise Linux, AIX, Windows XP/2003

5 Web Application Reqirements Tomcat 5.5.16* (or other Servlet 2.4 / JSP 2.0 compatible application server) 2GB RAM minimum 2 CPU AMD 350 MB disk space for application Consider Load Balancing Tested on Redhat Enterprise Linux, Mac OS/X, Windows XP/2003

6 Batch Requirements Execution and scheduling (Ant/Quartz*) 2GB RAM minimum CPU - depends on parallel vs. sequential batch schedule 36MB disk space for application Tested on Redhat Enterprise Linux, Mac OS/X, Windows XP/2003

7 Kuali Distribution (d) Download Kuali Binary & Source Extract zip file Optionally import into Eclipse Obtain and setup JDK 1.5.0_08 & Ant 1.6.3 Setup database (drivers and import/export*) Execute the ant help target of build-packaged.xml Follow instructions on screen

8 Other J2EE Software Apache 2.0.55Recommended for implementation Eclipse 3.2.2Optional for development Zeus ZXTM-lbOptional for load balancing Anthill Pro 2.50.18998 Optional for unit testing

9 Build Configuration –Machine and user specific configuration –e.g. encryption key, mail server, directory locations dev = source / tst = binary –Environment specific configuration –e.g. server URL, datasource info

10 Basic Data Setup Review delivered data Initialize circular references* Populate empty tables tables Update/inactivate/add –Workgroups –Parameters and rules –System options –Business reference data

11 Service Config & Overrides Update with your institution code Create your institution spring beans file Modify appropriate build properties with your values to customize external config files Add your service override bean definitions to your institution spring beans file

12 Service Config & Overrides Kuali logging levels can be increased or decreased Log4j config files in externalConfigDirectory – for web app and batch – for workflow* By default –Batch logs go to standard out* –Web/Workflow logs go to log files

13 Service Config & Overrides* Institution Spring imports Common encryption service Integrated user management and authorization Embedded workflow NetHelp & external static content

14 Service Config & Overrides* Batch –Scheduling, execution, and UI –Input file upload Module definitions –User data and rules –High level authorization –OJB metadata –Data dictionary files –Script files –Batch jobs and triggers

15 Workflow Rules (d) Add rules for pre-configured rule templates via the workflow rule document Add custom rules –Upload xml rule attribute definition(s) –Upload xml rule template definition –Upload new document type definition

16 System Parameters/Rules (d) Review/update existing Create and populate workgroup that should have maintenance permission Create corresponding security group Add parameter (value to control runtime system behavior) or rule (definition of legal/illegal values)

17 View Customization Images and CSS files can be easily changed* JSP tags can be modified to remove from or add to screens Static content may be maintained outside the application*

18 Maintaining Customizations Avoid changes to core Kuali Code (org.kuali) when possible Use your version control system and/or some compare (Kdiff, Beyond Compare, etc.) software during upgrades Use provided script to overlay your changes onto the new distribution* Associate special comment with modifications to web or core files*

19 Conclusion Straightforward installation Many ways to customize and extend Demo Version: Support: Questions?

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