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Sitan Wei Zhiyuan Lu Zhongmin Shi Yang Xiaowei Song.

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2 Sitan Wei Zhiyuan Lu Zhongmin Shi Yang Xiaowei Song

3 Agenda Introduction to WAP WAE and WAP Gateway WML Introduction and Implementation WMLScript and Dynamic WML Page WAP Solution-Success,Challenges, Future

4 Part 1: Introduction to WAP What is WAP? WAP Overview WAP protocol layer

5 What is WAP? The Wireless Application Protocol(WAP) is an open, global specification that empowers mobile users with wireless devices to easily access and interact with information and services instantly. Composed by a set of communication protocol.

6 WAP Overview What type of devices will use WAP? Handheld digital wireless devices such as mobile phones, pagers, two-way radios, smartphones and communicators -- from low-end to high-end.

7 WAP Device Manufacturers

8 Which Wireless Networks Does WAP Work With? WAP is designed to work with most wireless networks such as CDPD, CDMA, GSM, PDC, PHS, TDMA, FLEX, ReFLEX, iDEN, TETRA, DECT, DataTAC, Mobitex.

9 WAP Wireless Operators

10 WAP Software Companies CCL SOFTLINE

11 WAP Example

12 WAP Features Low bandwidth Long latency Small screen size Mobile client

13 Why WAP? WAP enables any data transport -- TCP/IP,UDP/IP,GUTS,SMS or USSD WAP utilizes standard Internet markup language technology (XML) The WML UI components map well onto existing mobile phone user interface WAP utilizes plain Web HTTP1.1 servers

14 WAP Protocol Stack

15 WAE: main interfaces to the client devices and specify a markup language, a scripting language, and a telephony interface. WSP: provide connection-based services to the application layer WTLS: optional layer which consists of description devices WTP WDP and Bearer Service: They provide reliable transmission of WSP data packets between the client and server over a wireless link. WAP Layers

16 Part 2: WAP Application Environment and WAP Gateway Overview Architecture WAP Gateway WML and WMLScript Content Formats Current Development

17 WAE Overview For network applications On small, narrowband devices High degree of interoperability WAE defines basics: –For WAP user agents –For WAP gateways. WAE contains: –WML and WMLScript specifications – Wireless Telephony Application Interface (WTAI)

18 GatewayClient Network Application WSP/HTTP Request {URL} WSP/HTTP Reply {Content} WAE Abstract Network Architecture

19 Web Server Content CGI Scripts etc. WML Decks with WML-Script WAP Gateway Encoder,Decoder WMLScript Compiler Protocol Adapters Client WML WML- Script WTAI Etc. Static file or CGI Output WML Static file or CGI Output WML WAP HTTP 1 Request Encrypted URL Request 2 HTTP Request xxx wml 3 4 HTTP Response xxx wml 5 Response Encrypted WML Content 6 7 How It Works

20 Application Example

21 Why Do I Need a WAP Gateway? Unable connect directly from current WAP devices to web servers. Speak a different language between WAP Devices and the Web Servers An extra server to handle translation – WAP Gateway, or WAP Proxy

22 WAP Gateway Provides a link between a mobile network and Internet Converts the 'WAP' request into a 'Web' request Converts the 'Web' response into a 'WAP' response

23 WAP Gateway (cont’d) A particular piece of software located on a server Handles incoming requests from your WAP phone. Compiling the WML pages into bytecode (WMLC) Reduce the size and number of packets Provide hosting capabilities themselves –For dynamic Web applications –determine more about your target client's request Provide transaction security

24 WML Tag-based browsing language: –Screen management (text, images) –Data input (text, selection lists, etc.) –Hyperlinks & navigation support W3C XML-based language Inherits technology from HDML and HTML

25 WMLScript Scripting language: –Procedural logic, loops, conditionals, etc. –Optimized for small-memory, small-cpu devices Derived from JavaScript ™ Integrated with WML –Powerful extension mechanism –Reduces overall network traffic

26 Content Formats Common interchange formats Promoting interoperability Formats: –Business cards: IMC vCard standard –Calendar: IMC vCalendar standard –Images: WBMP (Wireless BitMaP) –Compiled WML, WMLScript (Wmlc, Wmlcs)

27 Content Format Example Image Element Hello World! <IMG SRC=“/world.wbmp” ALT=“[Globe]” /> Example Use of an Image:

28 Current Development Push Model –Alerts or service indications –Pre-caching of data User Agent Profiles (UAProf) –Goal: content personalization –Working with W3C on CC/PP –Efficient transport over wireless links, caching

29 Part 3: WML Introduction and Implementation - Make and display WML page

30 How to Make WML page 1. Write your own code –Write code directly –From a CGI script 2. Convert from HTML 3. Visual tools

31 Header Deck Card2 Card1 Navigatio n Variable Select Elements Write your own code WML Example Welcome! Enter name: Choose speed: Fast Slow

32 Write your own code WML Elements Deck/Card Elements wmlcardtemplateheadaccessmeta Event Elements Doontimer onpickonevent postfield onenterforward onenterbackward Tasks Goprevefreshnoop Variables Setvar User input Inputselectoptionoptgroupfieldset Anchors, Images, and Timers aanchorimgtimer Text Formatting brptabletrtd

33 Dalhousie Directory Services 1.Email 2.Phone 3.Fax Write your own code Defining the Navigation Path Dalhousie Directory _____________ Next Services 1. Email 2. Phone 3. Fax. OK

34 Forecast Berlin Rome New City Forecast 1 Berlin 2 Rome 3 New City ____________ Find Write your own code The SELECT Element Display a list of options –Each option may set the KEY variable and/or bind a task to the ACCEPT key –TITLE= dynamically sets the label string

35 First story Second story Write your own code The TEMPLATE Element Defines actions & events for all cards in a deck First story … _____________ Next Main Second story... _____________ OK Main

36 WBMP File Generator –JPG, GIF,BMP -> WBMP – Write your own code Add Image

37 Converting HTML to WML How –translates non-complex HTML documents in to WML –tag-by-tag processing and discard all incompatible tags and contents Significance –Dramatically accelerates wireless content development by using abundant HTML resources

38 –Zygo: embedded in the Apache web server via the mod_perl mechanism. For internal use. Download: installing file in the $APACHEROOT/Zygo/ directory and modify Apache httpd.conf file. The best option of web sites Enable server error messages to be displayed in handset Enable Billions of HTML pages, the major resource of Internet, to be shared by wireless device. Converting HTML to WML Server Based Converter

39 Converting HTML to WML User-based Converter WapTools:

40 to develop wireless applications using only point-and-click and drag-and-drop approach –DotWAP 1.0 –XYBO v1.4 –MobileDev 2.0 Visual Tools

41 Visual Tools Example

42 How to Display WML Pages PDA or Cell phone Emulator SmartPhone Emulator Developer Edition 1.2 –http://www.yospace.com WinWAP v3.0 PRO – M3Gate –


44 Online Test online utility for code errors, common mistakes, and valid links –The Wireless Internet Lab of

45 Embedded Browser YoSpace JavaBean Edition 1.0 & Handset Manufacturer Support Put WAP emulation capability into your application software using the SmartPhone as a JavaBean 5NINE –an open source development project for creating a WML Browser to work with all types of Linux environments. –make wireless device an attractive alternative for hard-ware manufacturers.

46 develop and debug WAP programs with standard Java development tools –Waba SDK and VM –UP.SDK 4.2 Standard Java Classes for WAP

47 Part 4: WMLScript & Dynamic WML Page

48 What Is WMLScript WMLScript is the client-side scripting language used for WML pages WMLScript is based on ECMAScript, like JavaScript WML scripts are not embedded in the WML pages, they are sent separately.

49 What Is WMLScript Used for ? WMLScript is used to calculate or validate user input WMLScript is used to generate message boxes and dialog boxes locally WMLScript is used to access facilities of the user agent

50 WMLScript Example WML source file (check.wml) Enter a URL: WMLScript source file (check.wmls) extern function go_url (url) { if (String.find(url,"http://") < 0) { url="http://"+url; } WMLBrowser.go(the_url); }

51 WMLScript File WMLScript source files (*.wmls) For WML browser or WML simulator WMLScript compiled files (*.wmlsc) For WAP device –Stored on server –Compiled by WAP gateway automatically

52 WMLScript Interpreter

53 Standard Libraries Lang Library (WMLScript language core) E.g. min(), max(), exit(), abort(), random(), seed() Float Library (arithmetic floating-point functions) E.g. pow(), round(), sqrt() String Library (string functions) E.g. length(), trim (), charAt(), subString(), find(), replace()

54 Standard Libraries (cont.) URL Library (handling both absolute and relative URL) E.g. isValid(), getHost(), getPort(), getParameters(), getQuery() Browser Library (access the associated WML context) E.g. getVar(), setVar(), go(), prev(), refresh() Dialogs Library (user interface functions) E.g. prompt(), confirm(), and alert()

55 WMLScript vs. JavaScript WMLScript –Used for WML –No objects & array –Support library –Separate file (*.wmls) –Support compiled file JavaScript –Used for HTML –Support objects & array –No library –Embedded in HTML file –No compiled file

56 Dynamic WML Page Server Side Tools –CGI Perl C/C++ –ASP –JSP –Java Servlet

57 Perl Example #!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-Type: text/vnd.wap.wml\n"; print "\n"; print " \n" print "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\" \n" print "\"\">\n" print " \n \n" print " Hello everyone \n" print " \n "

58 Web Server Configuration Apache Server httpd.conf #WML MIME Type AddType text/vnd.wap.wml.wml AddType application/vnd.wap.wmlc.wmlc AddType text/vnd.wap.wmlscript.wmls AddType application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc.wmlsc AddType image/vnd.wap.wbmp.wbmp

59 Part 5: WAP Solutions Success Challenges Future

60 Available Wireless Services Voice SMS – Short Message Service Data (over voice) WAP – simplistic and expensive

61 Attractions of WAP WAP combines two of the fastest growing industries: wireless and the Internet IP WAP is an attempt to define the standard for how content from the Internet is filtered for mobile communications WAP is developed to make readily available content from the Internet easily available to mobile terminals

62 WAP: Scalable and Comprehensive Any mobile phone Any existing or planned wireless service Any mobile network standard Multiple input terminals

63 Fast Growing of WAP WAP Forum Limited Over 450 members device manufacturers network operators SMS center suppliers SMS software suppliers Other vendors

64 WAP: Major Achievements Reduces resources and enriches the functionality of the network Generates additional traffic on the network and revenue Facilitates migration of applications between networks and bearers

65 WAP Achievement: Examples Web browsing WAP email WAP conference WAP search Document sharing Collaborative working Still images

66 WAP Promises: Examples Moving images Home automation Job dispatch Remote point of sale Customer service Remote monitoring (Meters) Vehicle positioning Remote LAN access File transfer

67 WAP: Challenges - Commercial End-to-end security Client identification Encryption/Authentication

68 WAP Challenges - Network Less bandwidth (300 bps to 9600 bps) More latency Less connection stability Less predictive availability

69 WAP Challenges - Usability Screen size Advanced applications Data input Integration with voice

70 WAP Challenges - Legal Issues Privacy: Location information Eavesdropping

71 WAP: Detractors and Controversies Difficult to configure for new services Unlikely in a long time-few mobile phones support WAP standard is incomplete WAP gateway vendors competing against each other Other protocols already widely supported or designed to supercede WAP WAP services be expensive Example of doubt on WAP’s future

72 New Era of Wireless Next release of WAP WSG work area WTLS services WDP datagram protocol

73 Competition for WAP Subscriber identity module (SIM) toolkit Windows CE JavaPhone™

74 Reference

75 ? WAP or NOT WAP

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