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Theremin.... YA! Kyle Swanson Daniel Hamilton Laurel Hardiman.

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Presentation on theme: "Theremin.... YA! Kyle Swanson Daniel Hamilton Laurel Hardiman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theremin.... YA! Kyle Swanson Daniel Hamilton Laurel Hardiman

2 The Hand

3 The Antenna


5 NPN-Transistor C B E

6 Waves

7 Products Sin( kx ) + Sin( lx ) = ⅟₂∙ x [ Cos( k + l ) + Cos( k – l ) ]

8 20Hz-20,000Hz

9 A little bit o’ fact…

10 Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level  Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level  Fifth Outline Level  Sixth Outline Level  Seventh Outline Level  Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Leon! Born in Russia in 1896 Began playing with electricity at the age of 7 and had his own laboratory at the age of 17 He was pretty much a genius… He was tasked with developing a proximity censor, and voila! Created the “etherphone” in 1920 and gave his first performance to a handful of collegues Was termed the “Termenvox” in the Soviet Union, “Thereminvox” in Germany, and “theremin” in the USA.

11 Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level  Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level  Fifth Outline Level  Sixth Outline Level  Seventh Outline Level  Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Even this guy liked it! Lenin was very impressed by Theremin’s device Believed Leon’s electronic skills could be used for the good of Communism He even took lessons

12 The original form of Electronic Music The theremin was patented in 1928 in the USA Though not a huge hit, Clara Rockmore helped popularize the instrument In 1930, Leon gave a concert at Carnegie Hall with 10 other thereminists. It all fell apart. In 1932, Leon conducted the first ever electronic orchestra Theremin began to lose popularity until the 1950’s

13 The RCA Theremin

14 Theremin Extravaganza!

15 Enter Moog! Robert Moog began building theremins while in high school He started selling kits so people could make their own and now Moog Music sells top-quality theremins Another burst in popularity occurred when in 1994, a film was made called “Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey”

16 Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level  Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level  Fifth Outline Level  Sixth Outline Level  Seventh Outline Level  Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Famous Performers Clara Rockmore Lydia Kavina Pamelia Kurstin Armen Ra

17 Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level  Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level  Fifth Outline Level  Sixth Outline Level  Seventh Outline Level  Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Similar Instrument In Good Vibrations (the Beach Boys) They are actually playing a Tannerin Similar, but has a slide and the keys are only for visual aid

18 Where you may have heard one Monster House Ed Wood The Day The Earth Stood Still Jimmy Page used a variation of the theremin for “Whole Lotta Love” and “No Quarter”

19 The Process The Trials, The Errors, The Advancements, and what turned out to be setbacks disguised as Advancments.

20 Inductance  How does one measure inductance?  One way is to use a multimeter that has ability to measure inductance. EASY PEASY BRAIN DEAD WAY!!! However with out a special multimeter, that allows the user to be brain dead, there is a method involving network analysis to measure inductance. (This is not to say that one should not use or obtain a multimeter with the ability to measure inductance. Quite frankly being brain dead once and while doing repetitive work is not such a bad thing)

21 The non-Zombie Way  Step 1: Look for a really god awful looking equation, that looks to be over ones head.  Step 2: Go to take a break, soccer anyone?  Step 3: Widdle it down from a gross equation to an understandable, efficient, useable, easily applicable, beautifully widdled equation. Otherwise known as U.E.U.E.A.B equations. DUhhhhhh.

22 The U.E.U.E.A.B equation of the gross equation.  Now that we have this U.E.U.E.A.B equation. Our next step is to construct ta circuit that we can take advantage of with this formula.

23 Network Analysis This circuits needs: 1. A resistor of known value. 2. A function generator to push a frequency through the circuit. 3. A bunch of inductors to test. For with out these this whole set up would be in vane!

24 Our Findings Using a resistor of 480 Ohms, we calculated the Henries for several of the hundred or so nameless inductors we were searching through.





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