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The West and the World Technology Deep, round-hulled ships. Improved metalwork allowed ships to carry better armament. Compass and mapmaking.

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Presentation on theme: "The West and the World Technology Deep, round-hulled ships. Improved metalwork allowed ships to carry better armament. Compass and mapmaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 The West and the World Technology Deep, round-hulled ships. Improved metalwork allowed ships to carry better armament. Compass and mapmaking.

2 Portugal and Spain 1434 Portugal sails south along Africa. In 1488 they pass the Cape of Good Hope. Vasco da Gama reaches India in 1497. 1514 they reach Indonesia and China. 1542 Arrive in Japan and begin Catholic missionary work.

3 Portugal and Spain Fortresses established in African and Asian ports by the Portuguese. Spanish follow. Columbus reaches the Americas in 1492, thinks he’s in India. Spain gives papal approval for its claims over most of Latin America. Gives Brazil to Portugal. Magellan (Spanish) 1519 circles the globe.

4 Northern Europe 16 th century exploration initiative moves north. Britain, Holland, France. They had improved oceanic vessel design while S/P were busy setting up colonies. British naval victory over Spain in 1588 left general ocean dominance to northern nations.

5 Northern Europe French go to Canada 1543. British--North America 1497. Dutch go to Americas and won control of Indonesia from the Portuguese and then settle in Africa (Cape of Good Hope). French, Dutch, and British traders received government-awarded monopolies of trade, but they acted without supervision. Gained profits and acted like independent political entities.

6 World Economy Three major consequences. New international pool for exchanges of food, diseases and manufactured products. Forming of a more inclusive world economy. Opening of some parts of the world to Western colonization.

7 Columbian Exchange  nternational interaction facilitated the spread of disease Native Americans and Polynesians, lacking natural immunities to small pox and measles, died in huge numbers. In the Americas, Europeans forged new populations from their own peoples and through importation of African slaves New World crops spread rapidly.

8 Columbian Exchange American corn and the potato became important in Europe. Corn and sweet potato changed life in China and Africa. Major population increases. Use of Tobacco, sugar and coffee became widespread in Europe. European and Asian animals passed to the New World.

9 World Trade Westerners don’t replace all rivals. Asian shipping in East, Muslim traders in East Africa and Turks in Mediterranean. Little inland territory was conquered in Africa or Asia. Europeans established ports and contacts with inland traders World economy dominated by Europeans. Spanish and Portugal briefly held leadership, but their economies and banking systems could not meet new demands

10 World Trade England, Holland and France established more durable economies. Expanded manufacturing operations to meet new market conditions Mercantilism protected home markets and supported exports Tariff policies discouraged competition from colonies and foreign rivals.

11 World Trade Areas other than Europe became dependent as producers and suppliers of low-cost raw materials. In return they received European manufactured items. Africa enters as a slave supplier.

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