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Published bySophia Logan Modified over 9 years ago
ISDR Asia Partnership IAP initiative on Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of DRR interventions in Asia and Pacific Presentation at the IAP Meeting, 13 th August, 2010
ISDR Asia Partnership Background of the initiative
ISDR Asia Partnership Background of this initiative At the first meeting of the expanded IAP on increasing coherence in the region, ‘Stocktaking of DRR interventions’ was identified as one of the 8 priority functions –which would assist in coherent regional strategy setting, programming and progress reviews through improved information exchange At the 2 nd Meeting of the expanded IAP, November 2007 in New Delhi, a Working Group was established for the initiative and ADB expressed interest to support it.
ISDR Asia Partnership Background of this initiative Regional Stocking and Mapping is being implemented under the auspices of the IAP and the Asian Regional Platform Implementation is guided by a Project Steering Committee and the IAP working group on regional stocktaking and mapping comprised of IAP members ; ADB, ADPC, ADRC, IFRC, OCHA, UNDP,UNESCAP, UN/ISDR, SOPAC,WB Project steering committee is chaired by UN/ISDR Working under the close guidance of the IAP, ADPC as a technical agency is the executing agency on behalf of the IAP Partnership Agreements entered with ASEC, SDMC, ADRRN, Duryog Nivaran and SOPAC
ISDR Asia Partnership Importance and Objectives of this IAP initiative Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of DRR Interventions would contribute to: Improved regional planning and programming on DRR Highlight areas of cooperation among regional and sub-regional organisations Add to the periodic progress reviews and reporting processes at regional and sub-regional levels Assist donors and decision-makers to channel resources and efforts that can meet their own policy and programmatic imperatives
ISDR Asia Partnership Program Components Develop work plan for information collection from various regional agencies Prepare a data collection template on DRR intervention to obtain information from wider stakeholders Regional Stock take; Document on DRR interventions in all sub regions of Asia and Pacific Identify and review available sources and information on hazards, vulnerability and risks Based on collated information an analytical overview of the regional risk patterns would be prepared highlighting potential information gap Inventory of Risk Assessment describing the wider context in which regional initiatives are undertaken Develop a template for an interactive knowledge map to update information On-line tool to collect & reflect the information collated on hazard and vulnerability information and regional DRR initiatives. Maps and charts to present the analysis Interactive Knowledge Maps linked to web sites such as Prevention Web and with a regular update strategy 1 2 3
ISDR Asia Partnership Methodology-Building on past efforts Stocktaking and Mapping initiatives are NOT NEW to Asia or Pacific This initiative builds on these efforts and learn from their strengths and shortcomings Past and ongoing initiative on stocktaking and databases 1.Pacific Disaster Net (SOPAC) 2.Overview of DRR in Asia and Pacific (ISDR, ADPC and ADRC) 3.IRP Database 4.CBDRM Database (ADPC) 5.Prevention Web (ISDR system) 6.WWW, Indonesia (UNDP) Principles for data collection –Broad and inclusive overview of the information on DRR and related initiatives –Recording of information in neutral and uncontroversial manner –Building on and adding to the existing stocktaking and mapping initiatives –Adopting a user friendly approach to encourage participation for information sharing and access –Development of a sustainable tool which will serve to update information periodically in the region –Focus on regional initiatives
ISDR Asia Partnership Process of development of the system Discussion with IAP members to understand type of information from the system (stocktaking) which would be useful to the partners –Who are the partners involved in DRR? –What are they working on (Thematically)? –Where are they working (Geographical coverage)? –Which geographical areas needs more level of intervention considering its level of risk? –Which thematic area should receive more focus? –Which all initiatives from other sub-regions we could learn from? –In which geographical area more financial resources are being put in? Where not? –In which thematic area there is more partners involved? Which all needs stronger partnership? –In which area (geographical/thematic) we can partner with others to scale up?
ISDR Asia Partnership Process of development of the system Desk review of ‘initiatives on stocktaking’ undertaken to have better understanding of scope and limitations 1.Global 1.IRP Capacity Building Database (IRP and ILO) 2.Financial Tracking System (UN/OCHA) 3. HFA Monitor (UN/ISDR) 2.Regional 1.Capability Statements (PDRM Network) 2.Pacific Disaster Net (PDRM Network) 3.South Asia Disaster Knowledge Network (SDMC) 4.Online South east Asia Disaster Inventory (OSADI) (ACDM and PDC) 5.Stocktaking of DRR initiatives based on Delhi Declaration (UN/ISDR) 6.Matrix for mapping DRR and CCA (UN/ISDR and UNESCAP-RCM) 7.Stocktaking of DRR initiatives under the KL Regional Action Plan (UN/ISDR and ADPC) 8.Regional Synthesis Report on HFA Implementation in Asia and Pacific - An Overview of Reports by Countries up to 2007 (UN/ISDR, ADRC and ADPC) 9.CBDRM Database (ADPC) 10.Stocktaking of Capacity Building Initiatives in Asia and Pacific (ADPC) 3.National 1.Disaster Risk Reduction Database; Indonesia, Who does What, Where (Indonesia) 2.Stocktaking of DRR initiatives as part of development of SNAP (Cambodia) 3.Matrix of Status and Action Plan of DRR initiatives as part of development of National Action Plan for DRR (Indonesia) 4.Stocktaking of DRR initiatives as part of Myanmar Action Plan for DRR (MAPDRR) (Myanmar) 5.Capacity statement of all DP Net Partners (Nepal) 6.Stocktaking of DRR initiatives among JANI partners (Vietnam) Typically Database of organizations working in DM…..sometimes database on interventions related to specific themes such as CBDRR, Capacity Building etc.. Stock take against some particular framework.. In this case it is more of stock take of outcomes……. Lot of times undertaken as a base work for developing some specific output.. Hence one off excel sheet exercise and not updated…… Information provided but no visual representation hence not easy for analysis…. Provides information on the project but not necessarily the outputs developed under the project which could be used by other partners…..
ISDR Asia Partnership Process of development of the system In-depth discussion on data collection template with Project Steering Committee members in November 2009, March 2010. Participated by ADB, UNOCHA, UNISDR, SOPAC, ADPC Data collection template developed and shared with IAP members requesting for information on projects Online portal developed to enter the data Information received till date from IAP members already entered in the online portal
ISDR Asia Partnership Process of development of the system Training to orient partners on the use of the system-17 th and 18 th June, 2010, –Participants from: ASEC, ADPC, ADRC, ADRRN, Duryog Nivaran, ECHO, EMI, ICIMOD, IFRC, IUCN, MRCS, SDMC, SEI, SOPAC, UNDP, UNEP, UNESCAP, UN/ISDR, UNOCHA and USAID –Discussion on increasing the usage of the portal by partners –Linking with existing and ongoing initiatives by the partners on DRR related information system such as ASEC, UNESCAP, SDMC etc
ISDR Asia Partnership Introducing the DRR Project Portal
ISDR Asia Partnership User manual Overview / Statistic Login Add Project, Framework List, View, Search, Export - Projects Home Analyse Projects Organisations (List) DRR Frameworks
ISDR Asia Partnership Features that we can make use of… Project List Project Analysis DRR Strategies/Frameworks DRR organizations My Page
ISDR Asia Partnership Export (to Excel) View Details Filter by Status Countries, Hazards, Themes, HFA Priorities, RFA Priorities, Lead Organisations, Partner Organisations, Donors List, Sort Search
ISDR Asia Partnership Maps Graphs by Countries, Hazards, Themes, HFA Priorities, RFA Priorities, Lead Organisations, Partner Organisations, Donors
ISDR Asia Partnership Organisations, Committees, Forums, Meetings, Networks DRR Frameworks
ISDR Asia Partnership Features that we need to contribute to….. Add COMPLETED Projects Add ONGOING Projects Add PROPOSED Projects ADD DRR Strategies/Frameworks Anyone can add projects (Logged in or not) Login recommended to enable future editing of project Only displayed once approved by Administrator
ISDR Asia Partnership Importance of the system
What ‘USE’ could this system be to us This system is designed to.. Improve regional planning and programming of DRR interventions in Asia and Pacific Identify areas of cooperation among regional and sub-regional organizations Add to the periodic progress reviews and reporting processes at regional and sub-regional levels Assist donors and decision-makers to channel resources and efforts that can meet their own policy and programmatic imperatives Let us see how the system could contribute to each of this…….
Improving regional planning and programming would mean…….. 1.Being aware of what has happened in the past and what is taking place currently….NOT TO REINVENT THE WHEEL 2.Being aware of the GAPS….location, thematic 3.Match the regional PRIORITIES…as set in strategies/frameworks adopted for the country/region 4.Being aware of OPPORTUNITIES Database of DRR projects completed and ongoing- Search for projects by Location/Hazards/Themes/ Lead Agencies/Donors……… DRR Strategies/Frameworks/Action Plans adopted at the national level and in the region…which shows our commitments and identifies priorities Analyse the information in the project database to find gaps in terms of location, thematic areas, HFA priorities for Action, Sub-regional priorities/road maps/work programmes etc… From database on ongoing projects be aware of possible opportunities for collaboration…….from list of proposed projects finds areas of cooperation/funding/minimizing overlap……… DRR Project Portal would provide the following functions
In order to identify areas of cooperation would need information on….. 1.Who is doing what and where 2.What are the existing DRR mechanism 3.Which organizations are implementing DRR projects at the regional level 4.Future plans Project database to help identify partners for cooperation, thematic areas for partnership…….. List of organizations implementing DRR projects at the regional level; Regional offices of UN Agencies, Regional Organizations, Centers and Networks List of periodic meetings of Regional Committees, mechanisms and forums List of proposed projects finds areas of cooperation/funding/minimizing overlap……… DRR Project Portal would provide the following functions
To undertake periodic review and reporting.. Information is required on Interventions which are contributing to specific outcomes…… DRR Project Portal would enable undertaking analysis …. 1.Against HFA Priorities for Action 2.Sub-regional frameworks such as the Pacific Framework 3.Interventions against themes and hazards….. 4.Start and End date as Entry Points
Information that can help donors and decision –makers on how best to make use of available resources…… 1.Trends of DRR interventions in the region-trends in duration of projects, size of projects, nature of projects….. 2.Gaps in the region..location, theme, nature of activities 3.Agencies in specific location, have specific area of expertise, have specific mandates…… DRR Project Portal would help provide the following information 1.Duration of project - Small term, multi year projects, multi phase projects 2.Size of project- e.g. Number of projects less than 10,000, more than 50,000 3.Typical nature of activities in regional projects -e.g. are they more workshops/conferences, or strengthening networks or trainings etc)
Example- Planning for initiatives at regional level to promote the Global Campaign on Hospitals safe from disasters in South East Asia Theme- Health Countries- South East Asia Search- Generates 27 Projects Refine Search by HFA Priorities – HFA Priority 4- 1 Project HFA Priority 5 – 11 Projects Shows the trend that more Disaster Preparedness (HFA Priority 5) related projects have been implemented under Health and less projects focusing on risk of health facilities (HFA Priority 4) Identifies Thematic GAPS Partners with expertise in Health DRR Projects Location gaps
Who will use this system? The primary beneficiaries of the initiative will be: – National DRR stakeholders; national governments, UN agencies, research institutions, universities, private sector and donor agencies – Regional stakeholders in DRR such UN Agencies, inter-governmental organizations, research and technical organizations, NGOS and in particular the IAP member s Results of the project will help in enhanced regional planning, programming and cooperation. Will benefit by receiving more coherent regional assistance and greater clarity on the type of support that may be able to access from the regional level to achieve their DRR goal
What this system is NOT…. Not a tool to measure outcomes/report progress……. Not a tool to analyze achievements/failures in projects Not yet an exhaustive database of all DRR projects in the region-current scope is limited to only Regional DRR interventions (more than one country)
The success of the system would depend on…. Usage by all of us in our ongoing and proposed DRR initiatives Regular input/update of project information by our agencies Dissemination of the system through our websites, mailing list, platforms, existing mechanisms
Next Steps as discussed at 4 th and 5 th PSC Meeting Linking with ongoing Knowledge Management initiatives by partners such as ASEAN Knowledge Portal, GATEWAY by UNESCAP, Knowledge Portal of SAARC, usage by partners of ADRRN and Duryog Nivaran etc. Regional stocktaking and inventory of risk profile is meant to support the National systems, though the focus is on Regional Actors, this should be linked to the national system, Current resources do not permit focus at the national level, subsequent phases can look into national level and information on resources DRR Project Portal launch planned at 4 th AMCDRR, October 2010
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