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Community Health Clinics’ Need for Physical Therapy Laurie Kertz, MPT Donna Calvert, PT, PhD Rockhurst University.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Health Clinics’ Need for Physical Therapy Laurie Kertz, MPT Donna Calvert, PT, PhD Rockhurst University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Health Clinics’ Need for Physical Therapy Laurie Kertz, MPT Donna Calvert, PT, PhD Rockhurst University

2 Rationale for this Study Absence of Physical Therapists (PTs) in Kansas City Community Health Clinics (CHCs) Absence of Physical Therapists (PTs) in Kansas City Community Health Clinics (CHCs) Lack of research regarding the need for Physical Therapy (PT) services in CHCs Lack of research regarding the need for Physical Therapy (PT) services in CHCs

3 Research Questions (1) most common health conditions (2) frequency of PT referrals (3) what PT services are provided (4) what PT services are needed (5) how receptive CHCs are to PTs (6) the best format for PT in CHCs

4 Method and Procedure Questionnaires were developed, and distributed by mail. Questionnaires were developed, and distributed by mail. SUBJECTS: a random sample of Midwestern CHCs SUBJECTS: a random sample of Midwestern CHCs Reminder postcards Reminder postcards Reminder phone calls Reminder phone calls

5 Data Analysis 87 out of 175 CHCs returned questionnaires 87 out of 175 CHCs returned questionnaires Return Rate = 50% Return Rate = 50% The questionnaire data was entered into computer spreadsheets. The questionnaire data was entered into computer spreadsheets. Frequency & % distributions were calculated. Frequency & % distributions were calculated.

6 Results (1) Cardiovascular conditions Cardiovascular conditions Diabetes Diabetes Pulmonary conditions Pulmonary conditions Neck/back pain Neck/back pain Sprains, strains, &/or fractures Sprains, strains, &/or fractures The 5 most common health conditions:

7 Results (2) Frequency: <1 patient/week39% 1-5 patients/week46% Frequency: <1 patient/week39% 1-5 patients/week46% Over 85% of CHCs refer patients for Physical Therapy. Over 85% of CHCs refer patients for Physical Therapy. Physical Therapy Referral History

8 Results (3) 86% of CHCs provide at least one PT service on a “periodic” or “often” basis. 86% of CHCs provide at least one PT service on a “periodic” or “often” basis. The 3 most common PT services: The 3 most common PT services: wound management, wound management, mobilization, mobilization, & training for skills needed at home. & training for skills needed at home. Current provision of PT services

9 Over 63% of these CHCs report nurses provide these PT services. Over 63% of these CHCs report nurses provide these PT services. A Physical Therapist provided these services in only 5% of CHCs. A Physical Therapist provided these services in only 5% of CHCs. Results (3) Current provision of PT services

10 Results (4) Over 50% of CHCs report a NEED for: Over 50% of CHCs report a NEED for: + massage + exercise training + mobilization + work hardening / body mechanics Needed Physical Therapy Services

11 Results (5) Over ¼ of CHCs report willingness to hire a Physical Therapist. Over ¼ of CHCs report willingness to hire a Physical Therapist. 80% of CHCs report willingness to use a volunteer Physical Therapist. 80% of CHCs report willingness to use a volunteer Physical Therapist. CHC Receptivity to PT

12 Results (6) at the CHC at the CHC during weekday, daytime hours during weekday, daytime hours Best format for the provision of PT

13 Conclusion For an extended abstract or more information: There is a definite NEED for PHYSICAL THERAPISTS among the CHC team. There is a definite NEED for PHYSICAL THERAPISTS among the CHC team.

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