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 Program Design  Collaboration  Service Models ◦ Individual ◦ Group ◦ Classroom.

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Presentation on theme: " Program Design  Collaboration  Service Models ◦ Individual ◦ Group ◦ Classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1  Program Design  Collaboration  Service Models ◦ Individual ◦ Group ◦ Classroom

2 SLPs assist with design and implementation of RtI: ◦ Explain the role that language plays in curriculum, assessment, and instruction, as a basis for appropriate program design ◦ Utilize evidence-based practice for language and literacy assessment and intervention approaches ◦ Plan for and conduct professional development on the language basis of literacy and learning ◦ Interpret a school’s progress in meeting the intervention needs of its students

3 SLPs collaborate and/or consult with families, teachers, administrators, and other special service providers: ◦ Assist with universal screening ◦ Participate in progress monitoring systems ◦ Contribute to intervention assistance teams ◦ Provide expertise to meet the needs of students in initial RTI tiers with a specific focus on language learning and literacy ◦ Help families understand the language basis of literacy and learning as well as the specific language issues pertinent to an individual child

4 SLPs provide interventions for individual students, groups of students, or whole classrooms for students at-risk: ◦ Conduct screenings and/or assessments to track students at-risk ◦ Provide evidence-based interventions to intervene with students who may respond to intense short- term interventions rather than being placed in special education ◦ Identify, use, and disseminate evidence-based practices for speech and language services or RTI interventions at any tier

5 5 Pillars of LiteracySpeech-Language Targets Phonemic AwarenessPhonological awareness (blending/segmenting/rhyming) PhonicsArticulation (sound errors, i.e. /t/ for /k/) decoding VocabularyExpressive/Receptive Language ComprehensionCognition (language and memory) Reading FluencyCombination of above skills

6 Ehren, B., Montegomery, J., Rudebusch, J., Whitmire, K. (2006). Responsiveness to intervention: New roles for speech-language pathologists. Available online from Gottfred, Catherine. (October, 2010). Interventions for the struggling reader. Apostolic Church of God, Chicago, IL.

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