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12/4/2008 1 OBIEE Technical Conference Getting Started with a Dashboard Development Project Theresa May.

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Presentation on theme: "12/4/2008 1 OBIEE Technical Conference Getting Started with a Dashboard Development Project Theresa May."— Presentation transcript:

1 12/4/2008 1 OBIEE Technical Conference Getting Started with a Dashboard Development Project Theresa May

2 12/4/2008 2 Agenda ■ Project Scope – Tied to Finance 9.0 upgrade ■ Partnership between ITS and Data Steward – Roles and Responsibilities ■ Process Followed to Implement Finance Dashboards – Requirements Gathering – Dashboard Prototyping – Data Modeling – Feedback – Change Management

3 12/4/2008 3 Project Scope ■ Scope the Project for 90-8-2 Success – 90% of campus users require general functionality » Generally most campus users who require operational information to support business processes on a daily basis. – 8% of campus users require more flexibility or complex functionality » Generally most power users who write queries and work with data directly. Requirements might be in a more ad- hoc nature. – 2% of campus users require the ability to problem solve or do trend analysis by utilizing campus information. » Generally the functional support team and campus executives.

4 12/4/2008 4 Project Scope ■ Phases are Important – Phase the project for 90-8-2 – Don’t try to tackle the entire project on day one – It’s better to deliver smaller components in shorter time frames than to ask the campus to wait for a larger deliverable over a long period of time – Phasing the project provides the support teams a chance to understand how to work within the new environment

5 12/4/2008 5 Project Scope ■ Review Current Campus Functionality – What is being replaced by the dashboard? ■ Review Timing of Campus Processes – When does the campus need certain information? ■ Is the Data Available? – In Finance Reporting Solution (RSOL)? – In PeopleSoft? ■ Joint Decision to Increase Scope

6 12/4/2008 6 Project Scope ■ Initial Phased Approach – Phase I - Department Page » Account summaries » Purchase orders » College based fees – Phase II – Fund Page » Trial balance » Expense summary – Phase III – Transaction Research

7 12/4/2008 7 Project Scope ■ Phase I – Pages Delivered – My Revenue & Expense – My Open PO’s – My Trial Balance – My Revenue & Expense Transactions – My PO Transactions – My Trial Balance Transactions – My Budget Transactions

8 12/4/2008 8 Partnerships Work Best ■ Full Commitment by Data Steward and ITS – To the project » Communication » Compromise – To each other » Communication » Compromise ■ No Partnership – No Good ■ Must Trust Each Other

9 12/4/2008 9 Data Steward Role ■ Project Ownership (Extremely Important) – Data Warehousing is a business function – Data steward should own and drive the project ■ Project Direction and Vision – What information do they want to provide? ■ Validation/Testing – Data validation and testing – Dashboard design input – Dashboard validation and testing ■ Intake for Campus Feedback on Dashboard

10 12/4/2008 10 Information Technology Services (ITS) Role ■ Technical Support and Expertise – Supports the data steward ■ Provides the Technical Infrastructure – Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) – Data warehouse – Servers, load balancers, network, etc. ■ Gathers and Documents Requirements ■ Designs and Implements Data Models ■ Designs and Implements Dashboards ■ Provides an Environment that Allows for a Quick Response to Fixes and Enhancements

11 12/4/2008 11 Requirements Needed ■ Dashboard Requirements – Key performance indicators – Questions to be answered – Flexibility – Downloads – Printing ■ Data Requirements – Sources for data » Finance reporting solution (RSOL) » PeopleSoft finance tables

12 12/4/2008 12 Requirements Gathering Process ■ Don’t Ask Data Steward to Write Down Requirements ■ First Learn about the Services the Data Steward Provides, Business Processes, and Reports – Review RSOL prior to first set of meetings – Set up long information gathering sessions (2-6 hours) – Document information learned from working sessions – Does ITS need an accounting 101 overview? We did! ■ Ask about the Goal for the Dashboard – Is this dashboard to support operational requirements? – Any key performance indicators (KPI’s)? – What questions should be answered? – Who is the audience?

13 12/4/2008 13 Dashboard Prototyping Process ■ Data Steward should Drive Initial Design – Describe using » Tool or » Sketching or » White boarding ■ ITS should Provide Guidance and Options – Deliver the dashboard as close to the data steward’s vision as possible ■ ITS should Develop Standards for Enterprise Dashboard Deployment – Branding – Column selectors – Filter view – Information box ■ ITS should Set Up Prototyping Sessions – Set up working sessions (2-6 hours) ■ ITS should Provide Guidance on Terminology (need consistency) – What’s a Page » Page Prompt » Filter

14 12/4/2008 14 Dashboard Prototyping Process ■ ITS should Provide Guidance on Dashboard Layout – Need to start with summarized information – Use drill capability to get to detail – Help demonstrate a new way of looking at data – This may be a major change management issue for campus depending on the tool they currently utilize for querying data

15 12/4/2008 15 Dashboard Prototyping Process ■ Used RSOL to Build Initial Page Prototypes – Set up RSOL tables in OBIEE Metadata layers – OBIEE requires fact and dimension tables ■ Utilized Preliminary Dashboard Design as Provided by Data Steward ■ Set Up Working Sessions to Build Upon Provided Samples of Dashboard Pages – Made modifications on the fly – Documented items to research – Created task list of items to implement after session ■ Encountered Issues with Drilling and Hierarchies – Determined that there was a Need for a Data Model

16 12/4/2008 16 Dashboard Prototyping Process ■ Documentation – Utilize the dashboard prototypes – Document items not included in the prototype » Research items (things to figure out) » Task list – Don’t get hung up on documenting all components of the dashboard through prototyping sessions » Next two slides show unsuccessful attempts

17 12/4/2008 17 Dashboard Prototyping Process ID #Business RequirementUser BasePriorityPhaseBenefit DEPARTMENT - DEPARTMENT REPORT 1.a.1What are the budget, expenditure and encumbrance amounts for a given Department, by Fund and Account Group within a specific fiscal year? Budget Specialist 1.a.2What are the expenditure amounts for a given Department, by Fund and Account Group within each accounting period for a specific fiscal year? Budget Specialist 1.a.3What are the total expenditure amounts for a given Department(s) for a Fiscal Year?Budget Specialist 1.a.4What are the total expenditure amounts for a given Department and Account group, by Fund within each accounting period for a Fiscal Year? Budget Specialist DEPARTMENT - OPEN PURCHASE ORDER LISTING 1.b.1What PO’s are currently open for a given Department?Budget Specialist 1.b.2What PO's are currently open for a given Fund?Budget Specialist 1.b.3What is the detailed activity for a given PO?Budget Specialist DEPARTMENT - DEPARTMENT REPORT BY SELECTED FUND 1.c.1What is the Trial Balance for a given Fund by Object Code?Budget Specialist


19 12/4/2008 19 Data Modeling Process ■ Learned about the Data that Supports the Finance Business Processes – Data steward provided overviews – Discussed business rules » What makes up a revenue or expense? ■ Built Data Model using RSOL as Source – Reviewed design and all data elements with data steward

20 12/4/2008 20 Data Modeling Process ■ Data Modelers and Dashboard Developers – Communicate! – All need to understand the dashboard requirements – All need to understand data relationships – All need to understand hierarchies within the data – All need to understand the grain of data – All need to attend working sessions with data steward

21 12/4/2008 21 Feedback Process ■ Dashboard Users – Internal finance team » Used the dashboard to perform their daily activities – Pilot group » First set of campus users to use the new dashboard – Campus users » All users after roll to Production ■ All Feedback must be Funneled through Data Steward ■ Data Steward to Provide Fix-It/Enhancement List to ITS along with Priorities

22 12/4/2008 22 Change Management Process ■ Open Forums – Data steward and ITS partnered – Project overview – Demonstrations of new tool & dashboard ■ Tool Training – ITS supported ■ Dashboard Training – Data Steward supported

23 12/4/2008 23 Questions?

24 12/4/2008 24 Contact ■ OBIEE Technical Conference: ■ Email:

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