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©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender UNCTAD Regional Conference ICT Strategies for Competitiveness and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean Rio de.

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Presentation on theme: "©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender UNCTAD Regional Conference ICT Strategies for Competitiveness and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean Rio de."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender UNCTAD Regional Conference ICT Strategies for Competitiveness and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 25 November 2003 Perspective of the International Business Community: The Competitive Edge in ICT & Logistics Paul S Bender Partner Supply Chain Executive Advisors, LLC Miami, Florida, U.S.A. (

2 ©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender Objectives Offer working definitions Summarize the main issues determining competitive edge in ICT & Logistics.

3 ©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender Logistics Definition P S Bender In motion In process In wait. The management of physical inventories

4 ©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender TECHNIQUE Calculus/Math Programming Prob & Stat Analysis Complex Adaptive Systems Game Theory Heuristics Simulation APPROACH Optimization Satisficing Quantification Agent-Based Models Strategic Games Trial & Error: E-Rules Cause & Effect Descriptive TYPE Prescriptive Decision Support Systems Solver Classification

5 ©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender Independent Worldwide Networked Opto-Electronic context infrastructure supporting THE INTERNET Content Computing Communications

6 ©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender Ubiquitousavailable everywhere Non-stopworks around the clock Scalablesupports unlimited users Multi-mediadata, audio, video signals Digitalhigh fidelity Fastreal time response Interactiveduplex communications Hyper-segmentingone-to-one contacts Multi-exchangesimultaneous multi-users Very low costgetting cheaper. THE INTERNET Offers Unique, Efficient Capabilities:

7 ©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender THE INTERNET Expands Scope of Existing Approaches: Globalization Virtualization Networking effects Co-management Outsourcing Mass customization Arbitrage Total quality management Synchronization.

8 ©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender THE INTERNET Enables New Approaches: Hyper-Segmentation Cybermediation Customer Empowerment Dynamic Pricing COINs. eMarkets. P2P eXchanges eASPs Real Time Data Warehousing Predictive Data Mining.

9 ©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender THE INTERNET slash can slash costs

10 ©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender IT In Logistics eMarkets Intranets & Extranets Electronic Data Interchange XML Protocol communications Wireless communications Online databases Advanced DSSs Bar & Area Coding RFID technology.

11 ©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender IT - Enabled Logistics Synchronized material flow systems Flow-through logistics facilities Process decoupling Design for postponement Direct store & consumer delivery Downloading & streaming Co-managed inventories Integrated reverse logistics.

12 ©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender Conclusions The simultaneous impact of new logistics concepts & technologies and new ICTs is revolutionizing business. Organizations adopting the new approaches in Logistics & ICT are gaining major competitive edge over the rest.

13 ©Copyright 2004 by Paul S Bender tt THE END Thanks for your attention!

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