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+ Course Recap. + Review of Course Objectives Define and apply basic concepts, models and theories in Politics; Competently and critically discuss and.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Course Recap. + Review of Course Objectives Define and apply basic concepts, models and theories in Politics; Competently and critically discuss and."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Course Recap

2 + Review of Course Objectives Define and apply basic concepts, models and theories in Politics; Competently and critically discuss and explain issues and challenges in practice and exercise of politics and governance in the Philippines; Appreciate the political perspective and dimension in life and society; Discern and respond to calls for action to transform society and reform politics.

3 + “Man is by nature a political animal.” --- Aristotle

4 + Concepts and Theories Politics Power and Power Structure State and Nations Ideologies Democracy Government

5 + Defined politics and discussed the problematique of defining and understanding politics Reviewed the different approaches in studying politics Attempted to answer the question on whether politics can be scientific Defined concepts, models and theories as tools of Politics and set some guide on how we should use them

6 + Plato and Aristotle’s political philosophies illustrate the traditional notion/ conception of politics (politics as concerning governmental and public affairs); Machiavelli’s political philosophy treats politics as the exercise of power; and that legitimate authority does not necessarily presupposes power.

7 + Defined power and its elements Discussed the different power structure models, namely: radical democracy, democratic pluralism, multiple elite, power elite and class struggle Discussed the three (3) Notions of Power: Power as legitimate authority (Weber) Power as product of compromise and consensus (Social Contract Theorists) Power as dispersed and decentralized (Foucault)

8 + Defined State using different perspectives Identified the characteristics, elements and pre-requisites of states Defined the different models of state Defined the concept of nation using two perspectives, namely: political and cultural Reflected on nationalism

9 + Defined political ideology; identified its major elements Discussed basic tenets of the three (3) major ideological persuasions, Briefly described the other minor ideological persuasions

10 + Defined democracy and democratization Discussed the different models of democracy, namely: Classical Democracy (Athenian), Protective Democracy (Locke, Bentham, James Mill), Developmental Democracy (Rousseau, J.S. Mill), People’s Democracy (dictatorship of the proletariat) Discussed rival views on practice of democracy: pluralist, corporatist, elitist, new right and marxist

11 + Defined government and determined its functions Defined the roles of the major institutions that comprise the government machinery--legislature, executive and judiciary

12 + Practice How Philippine politics is interpreted/ analyzed Power Structure in the Philippines State Model Philippines is Closest to Structural Design of the Philippine Government Pressing Issues and Problems Confronting the Philippine Society

13 + Praxis: Political Change Analysis of Philippine politics Philippine politics (state/ government/ power structure/ democracy) is … Why change should happen in the Philippines Philippine politics and society must change because …. Forms of Engagement Citizenship Governance Party-Building and Political Leadership

14 + Final Words “It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succor of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.” – Gandalf, LOTR

15 + Final Words “There’s a cliché my uncle likes to repeat: Why is youth wasted on the young? To which I reply with a similar cliché: Why is wisdom wasted on the old? But neither of us believe that life would be better if we swapped, his wisdom for my youth. Wisdom corrupts the spirit. It is associated with decay and the grave. I would not desire to be young and wise—it would be intolerable to know what life really is when one’s function is rightfully, action. Sometimes when I am wise I know how difficulty it would be to achieve even the merest hints of my own dreams and it makes me want to quit right there and then. But then I am foolish again, young again, and I just go on trying. Time enough for old age and bitterness. And by that time there will be other foolish youth to replace me.” - Lorena Barros

16 + Thanks!

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