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ČSOB Pojišťovna 19 April, 2004 Jeroen van Leeuwen Chief Executive Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "ČSOB Pojišťovna 19 April, 2004 Jeroen van Leeuwen Chief Executive Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 ČSOB Pojišťovna 19 April, 2004 Jeroen van Leeuwen Chief Executive Officer

2 2 Source: ČSOB Pojišťovna INSURANCE MARKET DEVELOPMENT IN 2000-2006 Czech republic Total written premium / GDP was 4% in 2002 compared to 8.6% in EU Life insurance - approximately 11% growth Non-life insurance - approximately 10% growth Total - approximately 10% growth Total written premium / GDP was 4% in 2002 compared to 8.6% in EU Life insurance - approximately 11% growth Non-life insurance - approximately 10% growth Total - approximately 10% growth *) prediction Total written premium (EUR billion)

3 3 Source: Czech Insurance Association INSURANCE MARKET STRUCTURE Czech Republic 37% 29%29% 29%29% 6%6% 6%6% 4% Market share* 33% 13% 10% 8%8% 8%8% 2002 2003 NON-LIFE INSURANCELIFE INSURANCE Market Share* By total written premium (CZK billion) *) market share as at the 31 December 2003 **) figures of 2003 inclusive of non-life insurance of Pojišťovna ČS ČSOB Pojišťovna is in the fifth position on the total Czech insurance market with 5,8% market share in 2003, being the fifth in both life and non-life insurance markets. 5th 11%11% 11%11% 12%12% 12%12%

4 4 Source: ČSOB Pojišťovna EUR million (CAS) 2001 2002 2003 P2004 NON-LIFE TECHNICAL ACCOUNT Gross premium written 86 8587 92 Earned premiums, net 36 4462 75 Claims paid, gross amount -60 -82-75 -67 Claims paid, net -26 -37-46 -54 Result of property/casualty technical account -6 -2-5 LIFE TECHNICAL ACCOUNT Gross premium written 98 106 99 112 Earned premiums, net: 98 10699 112 Claims paid -50 -49 -53 Claims paid, net -49 -50- 49 -53 Result of life technical account 1 -2 0 6 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 1 -5-2 3 FINANCIAL DATA ČSOB Pojišťovna TECHNICAL PROVISIONS 310 372 426

5 5 MEDIUM-TERM BUSINESS & FINANCIAL GOALS ČSOB Pojišťovna Expense ratio net (Life; in %) Combined ratio gross (Non-life; in %) Combined ratio net (Non-life; in %) Solvency ratio (Life) Solvency ratio (Non-life) Profit (Life; EUR milion) Profit (Non-life; EUR milion) Profit (Total; EUR milion) 2003 P2004 18.6 77.4 105.2 1.19 2.03 0 -5,2 -2,3 14.3 92.6 101.7 N/A 5,7 -1,2 2,9

6 6 MEDIUM-TERM DIRECTION ČSOB Pojišťovna Market share (Life; in %) Market share (Non-life; in %) Market share (Total; in %) *) Prediction of ČSOB Pojišťovna 2003 2004* 2005* 8.0 4.4 5.8 8.6 4.3 6.0 9.6 4.6 6.5 Percent (%) 2006* 10.6 5.5 7.5

7 7 DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS ČSOB Pojišťovna Internal channel 40 % (450 exclusive agents) External channel 39 % (multi-agents and brokers) ČSOB bank21 % Internet(travel insurance)0,01 % Strategy for future: retain position in external distribution, increase market share through internal channels including the bank.

8 8 GENERAL Expand tied agent distribution network in respect of quantity & quality Develop referral business between the bank and agents Significantly support over-the-counter sales of bancassurance products NON-LIFE SPECIFICS Packages Increase share of SME and retail in total business LIFE SPECIFICS Universal life insurance products for agents Introduce plugged-in products for the bank MEDIUM-TERM BUSINESS DIRECTION & ISSUES ČSOB Pojišťovna

9 9 BANCASSURANCE ČSOB Pojišťovna Room for growth in the Czech market is within bancassurance All three main banks are active in bancassurance CSOB is the only one that wishes to develop both life and non-life

10 10 BANCASSURANCE ČSOB Pojišťovna PRODUCTS: Individual travel insurance insurance against risk of accident or sudden illness possibility to conclude additional accident, baggage, liability or trip cancellation insurance Card travel insurance travel insurance for cardholders and their relatives Consumer credits insurance Life insurance capital – guaranteed and unit-linked regular premium and single premium

11 11 BANCASSURANCE ČSOB Pojišťovna RESULTS 2003 - INDIVIDUAL TRAVEL INSURANCE: 2002 2003 03 / 02 RESULTS 2003 - CARD TRAVEL INSURANCE: 2002 2003 03 / 02

12 12 BANCASSURANCE ČSOB Pojišťovna RESULTS 2003 - CONSUMER CREDITS INSURANCE Total cross ratio since the beginning - 83 % (94% on present new business) Credits #63 649 Insured credits #52 909 Annualised premium (in EUR) 632 153

13 13 BANCASSURANCE ČSOB Pojišťovna RESULTS 2003 - LIFE INSURANCE (number of contracts) 2002 2003 RESULTS 2003 - LIFE INSURANCE (premium – in EUR thousands) 2002 2003

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