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Department of Education and Child Development Presented by: Chris Williams (DECD) Steve Wood (SWOOD)

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Education and Child Development Presented by: Chris Williams (DECD) Steve Wood (SWOOD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Education and Child Development Presented by: Chris Williams (DECD) Steve Wood (SWOOD)

2  October 2011 MoG changes announced  Significant changes to departmental structures across many agencies  Combining former DECS, Families SA and some parts of Health Machinery of Government

3 Who’s Who?  DECS  DFC  FSA  C3MS  TKM&S  SSSA  DECD  DCSI

4  One of the largest SA Govt departments  20,000+ staff  Supporting almost 1,000 schools and preschools  Significant internal systems Department of Education and Children Services

5  Previously part of DFC  2,000+ employees  Supporting 6,500 children across the state  C3MS – case management system Families SA

6  Chris Williams  Troy McMellon  Steve Wood DECD Project Team

7  DECD IT  Families SA IT & Finance  SSSA  DCSI Resources

8  Existing development at Families SA  Scheduled for implementation 1 st July 2012  Manages payments to carers of children  Daily payment run must happen  2300 fortnightly  300 weekly  1-20 daily C3MS

9  Job Cost tracks payments to each child  JC Project = GL Cost Centre / Activity  6500 children in care (Task)  850 cost centres/locations (Project)  Approximately 5,000,000 task records created  Only 10,000 used C3MS - Volumes

10  Basware impacted by loading 5m tasks  What is the alternative?  Create the tasks only when they are used.  But they must exist for Basware to validate  Use the SDK C3MS - Problem

11  Create a template Project and attach every possible Task to it  If the project/task does not exist check the template  If Task exists on the template Project validate  Pre-processor then creates Task record C3MS - SDK

12  Runs daily @ 11 am  Performs vendor adds and maintenance  Load JC journals  Checks invoices for new tasks  Creates Task add transactions  Loads invoice file  Payment run manual – at this stage C3MS - Preprocessor

13  Replaces DFC Cognos reporting  Budget variance  GL journal entries  Vendor summary  Job cost  Monthly cash flows  Trend analysis  Revenue and expenditure reports MS Reporting Services

14  Datacom Server  Postmaster  MS Access  MS Excel  PlanetPress  ChartGen  Sort/Exits Tools

15  General Ledger  Job Cost  AP/AR/FA  Basware  Reporting  Payroll (Chris & Valeo) Scope

16 Masterpiece DECS  SYS1  GL/AP/AR/FA  Basware  Valeo  Web Focus DFC FSA  SYSH  GL/JC/AP/AR/FA  Basware  Chris/Kronos  Cognos

17 Masterpiece Enterprise - DECD

18  3 Blocks  Project (3)  Object (5)  Cost / Location (4)  999-99999-9999  Cost Account (GL Ref 3) General Ledger - DECS

19  4 Blocks  Entity (1)  Cost Centre (4)  Activity (4)  Object (5)  F-9999-9999-99999 General Ledger – DFC/FSA

20  Project  Cost Centre/Activity (8)  9999-9999  Task  Client id represented as hex  AAAAA (5)  Cost Code  XAA Job Cost – DFC/FSA

21 Job Cost – DECD  Project  Client id (8)  59999999  Task  Location/service  AAAAA (5)  Cost Code  XAA



24 DECS/FSA Mapping

25 General Ledger Mapping  FSA require up to 150 GL Project codes  Clear 500-650 range  Purged 50-60 existing projects no longer used  Renumbered 15 projects still required

26  Used by Basware & eCrow  Validates  GL account codes  JC Project, Task & Cost Codes  Families JC validation from template project Masterpiece SDK

27 Mapping Conversion PaymentsUse when making payments not related to children FSA Code Enter GL code used prior to Transition DECD CodeNot On File This is the new DECD GL code DFC GLThis is the broken down description of GL codes used prior to Transition Entity Cost Centre Not On File Activity Not On File Object Not On File DECD GLThis is the broken down description of the new DECD GL code Project Not On File Object Not On File Cost Centre Not On File Child PaymentsUse when making payments related to children FSA JC PROJECT Enter the job cost project used prior to transition FSA JC TASK Enter the job cost task used prior to transition FSA JC COST CODE Enter the job cost cost code used prior to transition DECD JC PROJECT This is the C3MS client ID which will be used as the JC Project DECD JC TASK This is the job cost task used in the DECD ledger DECD JC COST CODE This is the job cost cost code used in the DECD ledger Masterpiece Mapping

28  DECS – Valeo  DFC Families SA – Chris & Kronos  Leave DFC GL codes in Chris  Chris GLI file converted to MP journal  Mapped and convert DFC ledger codes to DECD codes Payroll

29  230 Families SA cardholders (already on eCrow)  200 DECS cardholders replacing manual acquittal  Validates GL & JC codes using SDK  Automatic GST recording using AP invoices eCrow

30  Multiples sources to be contacted  Email, Facsimile or post  Advised changes to…  ABN’s  Names  Contact details Vendor Mailout

31  New organisation in DECD instance for FSA  Exports vouchers to MP 01016F org  Transferred users and delegations  Masterpiece validation using SDK Basware

32  Updates control accounts  Removes usage data for Fabs reporting  Posts batches  Modifies GST codes DECD Pre-processor

33 Questions The end

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