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TCEQ Trade Fair Austin, Texas Overview of Source Water Protection Projects Mason T. Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "TCEQ Trade Fair Austin, Texas Overview of Source Water Protection Projects Mason T. Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 TCEQ Trade Fair Austin, Texas Overview of Source Water Protection Projects Mason T. Miller

2 Source Water Protection Implementation Timeline Active since 1986 – Wellhead Protection (WHP) Expanded to Source Water Protection (SWP) in 1996 650 WHP and SWP participants Implemented by TCEQ, Contractors and Partner Agencies

3 Source Water Protection Projects

4 Source Water Protection Major Components Program Introduction and Research Source Water Protection Area Source Water Protection Inventory Source Water Protection Report Best Management Practices

5 Program Introduction and Research Plan Stakeholders Meeting Board/Council Members Underground Water Districts Civic Groups Etc. Discuss Goals and Objectives of Source Water Protection

6 Program Introduction and Research

7 Source Water Protection Area Groundwater Minimum 5 year capture zone Half mile radius for wells that we are unable to delineate a capture zone Provide 20 year capture zone

8 Source Water Protection Area


10 Source Water Protection Inventory A Potential Source of Contamination (PSOC) is anything that is or could become detrimental to the water supply. 30 TAC §290.38(16) PSOC that originate on the land surface PSOC that originate beneath the land surface

11 PSOC that Originate Above the Land Surface Animal Feeding Operations Chemical Storage Dry Cleaners Fertilizer and Pesticide Applications Land Application Sludge Petroleum Storage Tanks (aboveground) Wastewater Outfalls And Others

12 PSOC that Originate Beneath the Land Surface Injection Wells Mined Land Oil/Gas Wells Petroleum Storage Tanks (underground) Sanitary Landfills Septic Systems Water Wells And Others

13 Potential Source of Contamination







20 Source Water Protection Report

21 Contingency Plan TCEQ provides template/examples Emergency contacts Alternate water source Media guide

22 Best Management Practices Most effective pollution control practice Implementation helps protect source water and public health Based on structural and non-structural TCEQ provides list based on: Source water assessment results PSOC identified in SWP area Stakeholder input

23 Best Management Practices


25 Source Water Protection Contractors Atkins North America Inc., TCEQ Prime Contractor LBG Guyton and Associates, Subcontractor LRPR, Subcontractor

26 Source Water Protection Contract SWP plans for 24 water systems during FY15 SWP through identification, education and prevention When complete water systems are given tools to protect their drinking water on a local level Free!

27 Source Water Protection Partnerships Texas A&M Forest Service Implementing Texas Partnership for Forest and Water Relationship between forested watersheds and water resources Identify common goals between water utilities and forest managers Identify challenges and obstacles that prevent achieving goals Identify actions that can help overcome these challenges Conduct watershed assessment to identify priority areas For more information contact: Hughes Simpson – Source Water Protection Partnerships

28 Texas Rural Water Association SWP program sponsored by USDA/FSA Requirements Be a Public Water System Have a least one well or intake Be willing to develop a steering committee Be willing to Implement a least one best management practice Be willing to carry out public education For more information contact: Deborah McMullan -

29 Conclusion Focus protection effort Assist the public in better understanding the source of their water Implementation of best management practices to protect source water Want all community water systems to have SWP plan Assist water systems in maintaining program

30 Contact Information Drinking Water Technical Review Team Mason T. Miller Sean Ables (254) 761-3037 (512) 239-1758

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