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Christian Ethics Scott B. Rae, Ph.D.. Ethics in a Post-Christian Culture  People in our culture make moral decisions based on:  Principles (deontological)

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Presentation on theme: "Christian Ethics Scott B. Rae, Ph.D.. Ethics in a Post-Christian Culture  People in our culture make moral decisions based on:  Principles (deontological)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christian Ethics Scott B. Rae, Ph.D.

2 Ethics in a Post-Christian Culture  People in our culture make moral decisions based on:  Principles (deontological)  Consequences (utilitarian)  Self-Interest (egoism)  Culture (relativism)  Intuition (intuitionism)

3 Elements of a Christian Ethic  A blend of principles and virtues  Obedience as an expression of loyalty to God  That sets one apart from the surrounding culture  Accomplished through the internal dynamic of the Holy Spirit  With an inescapable social dimension  That has a special emphasis on the poor

4 Natural Law  Definition--universal, objective, transcendent moral principles revealed outside of Scripture  General Revelation in the area of moral values  Oracles to the nations  Proverbs 8  Romans 2:14-16

5 Natural Law  Epistemological Issues  Natural Law as a bridge to a secular culture

6 Divine Command Ethics  Dealing with Ethical Conflicts  Euthyphro Dilemma  Morality and Religion

7 Justice and the Church  Justice Reflects the Heart of God (Ps. 10:16-18, 82: 2-4)  Justice Connects Us to the Heart of God (Isa 1:17, 58:5-8, Jer. 22:13-17, Isa. 42:6- 7)  Justice Follows the Example of Jesus (Matt. 11:2-6, 25: 31-46, Luke 4:14-21)

8 The Church and the Culture  Purpose of OT Law  Messianic Promise of Justice  Kingdom of God Theme  Extension of the Good Samaritan

9 The Church and the Culture  Luke 14:12-14--place for the poor  James 1:27--reflects Jeremiah 22:13-17.

10 The Church and the Culture  “Challenging wrong economic practices and social bias against the poor and marginalized was just as much a part of His kingdom teaching as was His instruction of worship and prayer. To say that Jesus’ Messianic mission was not “political” is to spiritualize and misunderstand His whole gospel of the Kingdom.” -Sider, p. 153.

11 Social Mission of Church  Objections  No NT Precedent  Evangelism/Discipleship Priorities  Pre-Millennial Eschatology  Separation of Church and State

12 Social Mission of the Church  “A privatization of the gospel which refuses to take seriously the sorrows and injustices of the world is a sign that the eschatological dimension of the gospel has been lost. Christ did not come in order to create a religion, but to accomplish God’s purpose of placing all things under His government.”

13 Social Mission of the Church  “The reign of God is not a social program, but faithfulness to its demands necessitates social programs and social struggle.”  Stephen Mott, Biblical Ethics and Social Change, Eerdmans

14 Social Mission of the Church  For Further Reading:  Rodney Clapp, A Peculiar People: The Church as Culture in a Post-Christian Society, IVP  Robert Webber, The Church in the World, Zondervan  John Howard Yoder, The Priestly Kingdom, Notre Dame

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