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1 ETISEO S eminar May 10 th -11 th 2005 Sébastien AMBELLOUIS Louahdi KHOUDOUR Amaury FLANCQUART INRETS-LEOST 20 rue Elisee Reclus, BP 317 59655 Villeneuve.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ETISEO S eminar May 10 th -11 th 2005 Sébastien AMBELLOUIS Louahdi KHOUDOUR Amaury FLANCQUART INRETS-LEOST 20 rue Elisee Reclus, BP 317 59655 Villeneuve."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ETISEO S eminar May 10 th -11 th 2005 Sébastien AMBELLOUIS Louahdi KHOUDOUR Amaury FLANCQUART INRETS-LEOST 20 rue Elisee Reclus, BP 317 59655 Villeneuve d ’ Ascq cedex {sebastien.ambellouis, louahdi.khoudour, amaury.flancquart}

2 2 Our Lab Sizes of the room (length, width, height) 10 meters x 4 meters x 2.8 meters 3 doors 4 windows Low textured wall Black colored ground

3 3 Around our lab 2 car parks Inrets our lab door 1 door 2 car park 1 car park 2

4 4 The toys Cameras Tri-ccd color cameras One Thermal camera (analogical and numerical output) Mono-ccd and mono-cmos color cameras Analogical and numerial cameras Black and white cameras Lenses several focal length (from fish eye to 50 mm) Specific lenses for tri-ccd cameras Acquisition 6 color cameras simultaneously Light artificial and natural lighting condition

5 5 Modification lot of acquisition information Focal, compression rate etc. Variation of scene information indoor, outdoor add contextual objects in the scene play dynamic or static occlusion etc. simulation of several kind of application people enter and exit the room count people etc. What is possible to do ? Reference to the excel file

6 6 Indoor sequence Thermal camera

7 7 Indoor Sequence Tri-ccd camera

8 8 Outdoor sequence Two tri-ccd cameras

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