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Pearson & the Suez Crisis

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1 Pearson & the Suez Crisis

2 Suez Canal

3 Suez Crisis July Egyptian President Abdul Nasser nationalises the Suez Canal Company This had been run by Britain and France Nasser could now block the flow of oil to these countries This would cripple their economies and reduce their influence in the Middle East

4 Although a legal action, Britain and France prepare for an invasion
Under Nasser the canal is run very well and there is no excuse to invade They need an excuse… Israel is an ally to France and Britain and is having political issues with Egypt Israel launches an invasion on Egypt. This gives Britain and France the excuse they need to enter as “peacekeepers”

5 Once Israel invades Egypt, Britain and France enter as peacekeepers and begin bombing Egyptian positions  France and Britain are condemned at the United Nations U.S. president Dwight Eisenhower is against this action The Western alliance is ripped apart It looks very likely that we are about to see WWIII (With nukes!!)

6 Lester B. Pearson

7 Pearson’s Role in the Suez Crisis
At the time he was Secretary of External Affairs of Canada Canada had no economic or military interest in the Suez he was in a good position to negotiate (unbiased) He works with the U.N. to create the world’s first real peacekeeping force

8 This is no easy task. Canada has no permanent seat on the U. N
This is no easy task. Canada has no permanent seat on the U.N. security council He must wait until November of 1956 to make his proposals From Nov. 1st to 4th, 1956 Pearson spends 4 sleepless days working to create the U.N. peacekeeping force He succeeds and within two weeks real peacekeepers are sent to Egypt By the end of the year British and French troops withdraw

9 Back in Canada Many dislike that Pearson was not loyal to “the Mother Country” (Britain) He doesn’t receive much praise until Oct when he wins the Nobel Peace Prize January 1958 he becomes leader of the Liberal party 1963 he is elected Prime Minister

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