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 Apostles/Disciples  30 C.E.  Middle East  Easter  Good Friday  Christmas  Lent  Ash Wednesday  Pentecost  Bible—Old and New Testaments  Priests.

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Presentation on theme: " Apostles/Disciples  30 C.E.  Middle East  Easter  Good Friday  Christmas  Lent  Ash Wednesday  Pentecost  Bible—Old and New Testaments  Priests."— Presentation transcript:


2  Apostles/Disciples  30 C.E.  Middle East

3  Easter  Good Friday  Christmas  Lent  Ash Wednesday  Pentecost  Bible—Old and New Testaments  Priests  black with white collar  Monks  robes  Nuns  habits  Roman Catholic  Protestant  Eastern Orthodox

4  Adam & Eve created by God  Earth created in 6 days  Monotheistic—Trinity (3-in-1 concept)  Father  Son  Holy Spirit  Omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient  He is forgiving, merciful and good

5  Jerusalem  Istanbul  Rome  Churches/ Cathedrals/ Chapel  Largest religion in world  2.1 billion all over  Issues  gay marriage, abortion, female and gay clergy, priests & abuse  Catholics  Pope- Cardinal-Bishop-Priest- Deacon  Orthodox  Patriarch- Bishops-Priest  Only some branches allow female priests  Devil (Satan)  Demons  Angels  Spirits  Saints

6  Only one God  Jesus was His Son that He sent to save humanity  “The Messiah”  Died on the cross-Resurrection  Trinity—3-in-1  God, Jesus, Holy Spirit  Christ will return on Judgment Day (apocalypse)  Virgin Mary—mother of Jesus  God’s grace—salvation from sin, death and hell

7  7 Sacraments (Rites of Passage)  Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Communion, Marriage  Ten Commandments  Weekly Sabbath is on Sunday  Praying to Mary or saint as intermediaries for some branches

8  Follow Commandments  Avoid sin and do good  Be faithful  Ask for forgiveness  Heaven or Hell  Purgatory (in Catholicism)

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