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Desisciplhi p WLholeife. A time f or Heeros M akeadieff r c en e whereyaoure.

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Presentation on theme: "Desisciplhi p WLholeife. A time f or Heeros M akeadieff r c en e whereyaoure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Desisciplhi p WLholeife

2 A time f or Heeros

3 M akeadieff r c en e whereyaoure

4 Discipleship emerges out of prayer, study, dialogue and worship by a community learning to ask questions of obedience, as they are engaged directly in mission. Alan Roxburgh

5 Wha ’ fil st lin g ? vision our

6 Key ingredients for culture shift: A driving vision Establish a Core Team Catalytic key questions A series of one degree shifts Harness the power of human life stories Focus, be intentional … and wise with time

7 [120 waking hours per week]

8 IDENTIFYING OUR FRONTLINES Church (building and gathered activities) Outer ring: ‘big issues’ of today’s world Inner ring: activities close to the daily life of the church

9 IDENTIFYING OUR FRONTLINES Church (building and gathered activities) Outer ring: ‘big issues’ of today’s world Inner ring: activities close to the daily life of the church Middle ring: daily contexts that are not part of the daily life of the church

10 Primary Arena for Discipleship Work Home Leisure Church Worship Relationships Mission

11 deegre 1 hiftss

12  Envisions  Resources  Supports  Celebrates AuNewClture Desisciplhip WLholeif e

13 Sd i caffol ng owero eTh p f 12 67

14 Front-line ? Challenges ? Help ?

15 Front-line ? Opportunities ? Help ?

16  Talents  Freedoms  Opportunities  Power  Resources Howyouusethe Godgi v s e you

17 Fr not line t eh on Fr u i tfulness

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