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January 14, 20001 The NAMC LCDP Will Provide A Proven Contractor Capacity Building Program For The Public and Private Sector.

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Presentation on theme: "January 14, 20001 The NAMC LCDP Will Provide A Proven Contractor Capacity Building Program For The Public and Private Sector."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 14, 20001 The NAMC LCDP Will Provide A Proven Contractor Capacity Building Program For The Public and Private Sector

2 January 14, 20002 The LCDP The Local Contractor Development Program is the leading national program for achieving small contractor participation in public and private sector construction projects. The LCDP provides a new basis for underwriting, that substantially reduces the traditional barriers that prevent participation: surety bonding and contract financing.

3 January 14, 20003 The LCDP Goals Achieve productive small business participation in construction projects Achieve measurable results Savings on awarded work As measured by the difference in the awarded prime bids of participating LCDP contractors from the next lowest non LCDP participant A larger pool of small business prime bidders In general without the LCDP there will not be additional new small business prime bidders Provide a foundation for the ongoing success of small contractors Enhance local economic development

4 January 14, 20004 The LCDP Elements Outreach Qualification Assessment Surety Bonding and Contract Financing Technical Assistance Referral Contractor Progress Monitoring

5 January 14, 20005 The LCDP Team The Owner funds the LCDP through the NAMC Chapter –NAMC’s PMs and Financing professionals will conduct a LCDP Qualification Assessment. –NAMC’s PMs will perform Construction Progress Monitoring –NAMC’s outreach staff will conduct Outreach and Referral

6 January 14, 20006 The LCDP Methodology Early analysis determines the contractor community’s capacity Technical assessment provides qualified contractors with surety bonding and contract financing Ongoing contractor performance monitoring reduces risks Feedback on the path to qualification, for firms lacking capacity

7 January 14, 20007 Outreach Communications and marketing plan to encourage participation by small contractors Identification of available support services provided by locally based organizations Expansion of existing pool of local contractors eligible to bid on projects

8 January 14, 20008 The LCDP Underwriting “Qualification Assessment” As rigorous as traditional underwriting, but with a different focus –Contractor’s technical qualifications, experience and track record are the major criterion –A qualifying “financial floor” designed with small business realities taken into account Business improvement recommendations provided regardless of approval level

9 January 14, 20009 In-house Bonding Authority Qualification Assessment assures technically qualified contractors Conducted by engineering/construction and financial professionals Extensive interview, references, credit check and contractor progress monitoring Rates that will keep bidders competitive

10 January 14, 200010 In-house Contract Financing Authority LCDP underwriting is used for contract financing and surety bonding “Feeder System” Local banks benefit from financial development of emerging businesses Financing terms matched to local market

11 January 14, 200011 The LCDP Will Provide Referrals to Technical Assistance Resources Administration Outsourcing Management Job Cost Reports Software Financial Statements Labor Burden Costs Subcontractor Monitoring Equipment Utilization Contracts Completed Profitability Job Cost Reporting

12 January 14, 200012 Performance Monitoring Monitoring of schedules, performance, and compliance with CM directives Preparation of periodic and final reports on contractor progress and performance Coordination of contractor performance information with construction management team

13 January 14, 200013 The LCDP Results Achieve small business participation goals in a non set-aside, non preference environment Enable small contractors to overcome credit and bonding hurdles Contribute lasting economic benefit to local communities through creation of viable local businesses Provide a unique database of qualified local contractors

14 January 14, 200014 The LCDP Uniqueness Program targeted to support local emerging small and disadvantaged firms Program operation in a non set-aside, non preference environment In-house authority for surety bonding and contract financing –Pre-qualification assessment to assure contractor capabilities –Underwriting for surety bonds and contract financing technically based –All technically qualified participants receive surety bonding and working capital Contractor Progress Monitoring on awarded work

15 January 14, 200015 Support for the NAMC LCDP DevCorp Consulting Services –LCDP training and program consultation –QA final package review, surety recommendation –Contract Financing Aon Construction Services Group (The market leader in contactor insurance products) –QA recommendation approval –Surety bonding

16 January 14, 200016 The LCDP, a Proven Program Experience with programs in Florida, Texas, Michigan, Maryland, Colorado, Ohio and Washington Over 500 contracts successfully completed with no losses or defaults Over $300M in bonding capacity and $40M in contract financing provided Over 100 new prime contractors created

17 January 14, 200017 For Information Contact: Carlton Lewis Principal (202) 297-6350 Janette “Jan” Keiser Principal (206) 714-8955

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