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Genetics of Axis Specification in Drosophila Part 1 - Basics of Drosophila Embryogenesis Gilbert - Chapter 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics of Axis Specification in Drosophila Part 1 - Basics of Drosophila Embryogenesis Gilbert - Chapter 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics of Axis Specification in Drosophila Part 1 - Basics of Drosophila Embryogenesis
Gilbert - Chapter 9

2 Today’s Goals Introduce Drosophila melanogaster as a developmental biology model organism Describe key steps in Drosophila embryogenesis Introduce a groundbreaking genetic screen that was used to better understand Drosophila development

3 Drosophila melanogaster
Classic genetic model organism Thomas Hunt Morgan first used this organism - Early 1900’s

4 Drosophila melanogaster
Shares many of the characteristics of a good developmental biology model organisms Such as? BUT - there are a number of disadvantages . . . Embryos are REALLY tiny! Embryos are quite complex Larval stages, metamorphosis

5 Power of Genetics Polytene chromosomes
Ability to manipulate DNA, RNA, Protein made Drosophila a usable developmental bio model organism Revolutionized the study of development, by providing a base to study the molecular genetics of development



8 Early Development of Drosophila
Egg is centrolecithal After fertilization, series of superficial cleavages Blastoderm is syncytial until 13th cleavage (256 nuclei!) Nuclei begin dividing centrally, migrate toward the edges Several nuclei migrate to posterior end, form cell membranes (pole cells) Give rise to the adult gametes What cells are like this in mammals?


10 Figure 23-6a Copyright © 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.
Figure 23-6a Early stages of embryonic development in Drosophila. (a) Fertilized egg with zygotic nucleus, about 30 minutes after fertilization. (b) Nuclear divisions occur about every 10 minutes, producing a multinucleate cell, the syncytial blastoderm. (c) After approximately nine divisions (512 nuclei), the nuclei migrate to the outer surface or cortex of the egg. (d) At the surface, four additional rounds of nuclear division occur. A small cluster of cells, the pole cells, form at the posterior pole about 2.5 hours after fertilization. These cells will form the germ cells of the adult. (e) About 3 hours after fertilization, the nuclei become enclosed in membranes, forming a single layer of cells over the embryo surface, creating the cellular blastoderm. Figure 23-6a Copyright © 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.

11 Figure 23-6b Copyright © 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.
Figure 23-6b Early stages of embryonic development in Drosophila. (a) Fertilized egg with zygotic nucleus, about 30 minutes after fertilization. (b) Nuclear divisions occur about every 10 minutes, producing a multinucleate cell, the syncytial blastoderm. (c) After approximately nine divisions (512 nuclei), the nuclei migrate to the outer surface or cortex of the egg. (d) At the surface, four additional rounds of nuclear division occur. A small cluster of cells, the pole cells, form at the posterior pole about 2.5 hours after fertilization. These cells will form the germ cells of the adult. (e) About 3 hours after fertilization, the nuclei become enclosed in membranes, forming a single layer of cells over the embryo surface, creating the cellular blastoderm. Figure 23-6b Copyright © 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.

12 Figure 23-6c Copyright © 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.
Figure 23-6c Early stages of embryonic development in Drosophila. (a) Fertilized egg with zygotic nucleus, about 30 minutes after fertilization. (b) Nuclear divisions occur about every 10 minutes, producing a multinucleate cell, the syncytial blastoderm. (c) After approximately nine divisions (512 nuclei), the nuclei migrate to the outer surface or cortex of the egg. (d) At the surface, four additional rounds of nuclear division occur. A small cluster of cells, the pole cells, form at the posterior pole about 2.5 hours after fertilization. These cells will form the germ cells of the adult. (e) About 3 hours after fertilization, the nuclei become enclosed in membranes, forming a single layer of cells over the embryo surface, creating the cellular blastoderm. Figure 23-6c Copyright © 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.

13 Figure 23-6d Copyright © 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.
Figure 23-6d Early stages of embryonic development in Drosophila. (a) Fertilized egg with zygotic nucleus, about 30 minutes after fertilization. (b) Nuclear divisions occur about every 10 minutes, producing a multinucleate cell, the syncytial blastoderm. (c) After approximately nine divisions (512 nuclei), the nuclei migrate to the outer surface or cortex of the egg. (d) At the surface, four additional rounds of nuclear division occur. A small cluster of cells, the pole cells, form at the posterior pole about 2.5 hours after fertilization. These cells will form the germ cells of the adult. (e) About 3 hours after fertilization, the nuclei become enclosed in membranes, forming a single layer of cells over the embryo surface, creating the cellular blastoderm. Figure 23-6d Copyright © 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.

14 Figure 23-6e Copyright © 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.
Figure 23-6e Early stages of embryonic development in Drosophila. (a) Fertilized egg with zygotic nucleus, about 30 minutes after fertilization. (b) Nuclear divisions occur about every 10 minutes, producing a multinucleate cell, the syncytial blastoderm. (c) After approximately nine divisions (512 nuclei), the nuclei migrate to the outer surface or cortex of the egg. (d) At the surface, four additional rounds of nuclear division occur. A small cluster of cells, the pole cells, form at the posterior pole about 2.5 hours after fertilization. These cells will form the germ cells of the adult. (e) About 3 hours after fertilization, the nuclei become enclosed in membranes, forming a single layer of cells over the embryo surface, creating the cellular blastoderm. Figure 23-6e Copyright © 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.

15 Although nuclei share the same cytoplasm, the cytoplasm is not uniform in its makeup
Maternal molecules are distributed differently Eventually cells will form plasma membranes and the embryo will consist of a cellular blastoderm Mid-blastula transition occurs slowly, increasing transcription of zygotic genes

16 Gastrulation At MBT, gastrulation begins, forming mesoderm, endoderm, ectoderm Cells fold inward to form ventral furrow Embryo bends to from cephalic furrow Pole cells are internalized, endoderm invaginates Ectoderm converges and extends along midline to form GERM BAND


18 Germ Band Wraps around the embryo
As it wraps around the dorsal surface, the A-P axis of the embryo is laid down Body segments begin to form At the end of germ band extension Organs are beginning to form Body segmentation is set-up Groups of cells called imaginal discs are set aside, these cells will form adult structures



21 Drosophila Larvae During metamorphosis
3 “instar” larvae Pupae Adult After gastrulaiton, 1st instar larvae is formed Has head and tail end Repeating segments along axis Generally the same type of body plan as adult

22 Drosophila body plan 3 thoracic segments 8 abdominal segments
Each different from each other 8 abdominal segments Able to tell the difference in the larvae based on cuticle Covering of the embryo Correspond to the adult segments



25 Axis Specification Controlled by a variety of genes
Maternal effect genes Gap genes Pair-rule genes Segment polarity genes Homeotic selector genes


27 Genetic Screen for Genes involved in Drosophila Development
Nusslien-Volhard, Wieschaus Fed mutagens to Drosophila Then breed until mutation is homozygous recessive Examined embryos for patterning defects Used embryonic cuticles to do screens Looked at pattern of denticles, shapes of segments

28 distinctive structures
The wild-type body is segmented and each segment has a unique identity and thus produces distinctive structures

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