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Job “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will stand upon the earth.” Job 19:25.

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Presentation on theme: "Job “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will stand upon the earth.” Job 19:25."— Presentation transcript:

1 Job “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will stand upon the earth.” Job 19:25

2 Elihu’s Speeches Job 33 His response to Job
He invites Job to listen and to respond (1-7) He criticizes Job’s hypocrisy (8-13) God speaks to man in two ways (14-22) Dreams & visions Discipline of pain God sends a messenger to call men to turn to God (23-28) Summary and call for Job’s response (29-33)

3 Elihu’s Speeches Job 34 His speech to Job’s friends (1-4)
Response to Job’s charge that God is unjust (5-9) His vindication of God (10-30) God does not act unjustly God is sovereign over His creation It is improper for man to criticize God God’s judgment is impartial – He is omniscient God’s judgment is irresistible – He is omnipotent God strikes down the wicked

4 Elihu’s Speeches Job 34 He exhorts Job to accept God’s correction (31-37)

5 Elihu’s Speeches Job 35 He states Job’s belief (2-3)
His reply to Job (4-8) Man’s unanswered cries for relief are because of his attitude toward God (9-12) God responds to those who seek Him with the right spirit (13-16)

6 Elihu’s Speeches Job 36 Introduction (1-4)
God is just in His dealings (5-14) Job’s ongoing suffering is because of his attitude toward God (15-17) Job needs to repent (18-21) God is wise (22-26)

7 Elihu’s Speeches Job 36-37 God’s inscrutable ways—as seen in nature
The thunderstorm (36:27-37:5) The snow (37:6-8) The wind (37:9-13) Job cannot understand God’s ways (37:14-20) Man cannot look on the sun (37:21-22)

8 The Lord Answers Job Job 38-42
God calls Job to stand before Him (38:2-3) God shows Job the limitation of his own knowledge (38:4-39:30) Job was not present at the creation of the earth (38:4-7) Job doesn’t understand how God controls the seas (38:8-11) Job doesn’t understand how God controls light and darkness (38:12-15) Job doesn’t understand many other things (38:16-18)

9 The Lord Answers Job Job 38-42
Job does not know the sources of light and darkness (38:19-21) Job knows nothing about the snow and hail (38:22-23) Job knows nothing about the lightning and rain (38:24-28) Job knows nothing about how God creates ice and frost (38:29-30) Job knows nothing about God’s control of the stars (38:31-33) Job has no control over the rain (38:34-48)

10 The Lord Answers Job Job 38-42
Job cannot provide for the animals of the earth (38:39-41) Job knows nothing about the wild goats (39:1-4) Job knows nothing about the wild donkeys (39:5-8) Job knows nothing about the wild ox (39:9-13) Job knows nothing about the ostrich (39:14-18) Job knows nothing about God giving courage to the horse (39:19-25) Job does not take care of the hawk or eagle (39:26-31)

11 The Lord Answers Job Job 38-42
Man knows so little about God’s ways and action in the natural world, thus it is wrong for him to charge God regarding His moral government of the world. Man should recognize his limitations and submit to God’s government. Since Job is so unqualified to answer these questions about God’s natural world, he is unfit to sit in judgment of God’s moral government of the world.


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