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Preview4/14/15 Practice Question Write question. Use testing strategies to try and come up with an answer. Which of the following is the BEST description.

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Presentation on theme: "Preview4/14/15 Practice Question Write question. Use testing strategies to try and come up with an answer. Which of the following is the BEST description."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preview4/14/15 Practice Question Write question. Use testing strategies to try and come up with an answer. Which of the following is the BEST description of the respective economies of the North and the South?

2 Answer Choices A.) the South produced manufactured goods; the North was involved in importing and exporting. B.) the North produced manufactured goods; the South focused on agriculture. C.) the South exported raw materials to Europe; the North focused on agriculture. D.) the South produced manufactured goods; the North was involved in shipping and exploration.

3 Today4-14-15 Learning Target:We will identify Sectionalism as an era of US History. Success Criteria: I will summarize the era of S. in 4-5 sentences

4 Sectionalism

5 The Missouri Compromise Was Developed by Henry Clay, signed into law in 1820. Missouri enters as slave state. Maine was carved out of northern Massachusetts and admitted as a free state. The balance was kept between FREE and SLAVE states… And a NEW LINE is drawn across the United States: All new states north of 36-30 latitude would be free… States south of that line would be slave states.

6 Compromise of 1850 No slave trade in Washington D.C. Fugitive Slave Act in the South. California free state Slavery based on Popular Sovereignty in the Mexican Cession.

7 THE NORTH PoliticalEconomicSocial Opposed slavery Impacted by 2 nd Great Awakening Still believed in basic inequality of the blacks Supported tariff because it protected industries Factories & Manufacturing Slaves NOT needed for work Lived in urban areas Towns grew around the factories and railroad system Tenament housing

8 READ Gray Book Pg. 234

9 THE SOUTH PoliticalEconomicSocial Protecting slavery Southerners were against internal improvements because it cost money States’ rights King Cotton Tobacco cash-crop. Main transportation in the South was rivers, streams, and inter-coastal routes. Opposed tariffs since it increased the price of goods imported from Europe Middle and lower class supported slavery even though few had twenty slaves or more. They were afraid of slave rebellion and competition from free blacks.


11 THE WEST PoliticalEconomicSocial Westerners wanted low priced or free land in the West. Support transportation improvements The Northwest and Southwest disagreed on slavery. self-sufficient farming “Bread Basket”- farmers grew grains like wheat or barley Depended on turnpikes, canals, steamboats, and railroads Support tariffs to pay for internal improvements Manifest destiny supporters


13 Sectionalism Activity Teacher will call out a characteristic and you will hold up the card to the section of the United States you believe that characteristic to belong to. Red = South Green= North Yellow= West

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