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CSCE 201 Email Security Fall 2010. CSCE 201 - Farkas2 Electronic Mail Most heavily used network-based application – Over 210 billion per day Used across.

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Presentation on theme: "CSCE 201 Email Security Fall 2010. CSCE 201 - Farkas2 Electronic Mail Most heavily used network-based application – Over 210 billion per day Used across."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSCE 201 Email Security Fall 2010

2 CSCE 201 - Farkas2 Electronic Mail Most heavily used network-based application – Over 210 billion per day Used across different architectures and platforms Send e-mail to others connected directly or indirectly to the Internet regardless of host operating systems and protocols NEED: – Authentication – Confidentiality

3 CSCE 201 - Farkas3 Why Email Security? Message confidentiality Message integrity Sender authentication Nonrepudiation

4 How email works? TCP sub-protocols: – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): outgoing mail, port 25 – Post Office Protocol (POP): incoming mail, port 110 CSCE 201 - Farkas4 SMTP POP3 Sender Receiver Internet

5 Internet Mail Access Protocol POP3: email is downloaded to the client’s computer and deleted from the server IMAP4: email remains on the server – Can be organized into folders – Can be accessed remotely – Can be used offline CSCE 201 - Farkas5

6 Email attacks Spam: unsolicited email – Costly: time spent on looking at and deleting email – Text, image spam Protection: spam filters – Set level of spam email protection – Block specific senders (black list) – Allow only specific senders (white list) – Block top level domains CSCE 201 - Farkas6

7 Email Attacks Malicious attachments and embedded hyperlink – Virus, spyware, adware, etc. Protection: – Malware detection tool – Read messages using a reading pane – Block external content – Preview attachments – Use email postmark CSCE 201 - Farkas7

8 8 Secure E-mail Approaches PEM: Privacy-Enhanced Mail S/MIME PGP: Pretty good Privacy

9 CSCE 201 - Farkas9 Pretty Good Privacy Phil Zimmermann (early 90’) Confidentiality and authentication for – Electronic mail and – Storage applications

10 CSCE 201 - Farkas10 PGP – Evolution 1.Best available cryptographic algorithms (90’) 2.Integrate these algorithms such that 1.Independent of operating system and processor 2.Based on a small set of commands 3.Make the application and the documentation available through the Internet 4.Agreement with a company to provide compatible, low-cost commercial version of PGP

11 CSCE 201 - Farkas11 PGP - Usage PGP became widely used within a few years – Available worldwide for different platforms – Based on proven secure algorithms such as RSA, IDEA, MD5 – Wide range of applicability – Was not developed or controlled by government standards

12 CSCE 201 - Farkas12 PGP Services  Digital Signature: RSA, MD5  Hash code of message is created using MD5, encrypted using RSA, with sender’s private key, and attached to the message  Confidentiality: RSA, IDEA  Message is encrypted using IDEA, with one-time session key generated by the sender, session key is encrypted, using RSA and the recipient’s public key, and attached to the message

13 CSCE 201 - Farkas13 PGP Services  Compression: ZIP  Message may be compressed for storage or transmission  E-mail compatibility  Encrypted message is converted to ACSII string  Segmentation  To accommodate maximum message size, PGP performs segmentation and reassembly

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