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 Grab a piece of copy paper and create the graphic organizer on the board. JUMP START.

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Presentation on theme: " Grab a piece of copy paper and create the graphic organizer on the board. JUMP START."— Presentation transcript:

1  Grab a piece of copy paper and create the graphic organizer on the board. JUMP START


3  Settlement Colonies – Europeans moving to a new place.  Dependent Colonies – European officials controlling non-European people.  Protectorates – Local rulers serve European nations. IMPERIALISM  “A powerful nation dominating the politics, economics, or culture of another.”

4  New markets around the world increased the demand for products.  The need for raw materials to feed industry leads European nations to take control of regions where they could be found.  Nations would attempt to change local culture to create markets.  Nations attempt to dominate trade in new regions. INDUSTRIALISM  “The expansion and operation of factories and businesses.”

5  “ Glorification of armed strength.”  Colonies provided soldiers.  Large navies protect colonies and trade.  Coal and steamships project power around the world. MILITARISM

6  “Love of one’s country.”  Colonies were symbols of power.  European nations project their influence.  Colonies were expansions of their home nation. NATIONALISM

7  “Viewing others as inferior due to differences in race.” RACISM  Many people thought that it was their duty to spread European culture.  viewed Western culture as “more advanced” and saw others as primitive.  “helping” others by changing their culture or converting them to Christianity.


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