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Deutscher Wetterdienst Consolidation of the software for the generation of External Parameters and extension with new raw data sets Hermann Asensio.

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Presentation on theme: "Deutscher Wetterdienst Consolidation of the software for the generation of External Parameters and extension with new raw data sets Hermann Asensio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deutscher Wetterdienst Consolidation of the software for the generation of External Parameters and extension with new raw data sets Hermann Asensio

2 Task 2: Tools – Software for generating external parameters Write software requirements specification; evaluate existing tools (DWD, PEP by CLM-community, fieldextra by MeteoSwiss) choose a solution Consolidate tools to retrieve data from DWD database Create/consolidate software to process raw data, as defined in first bullet (interface with raw data, look-up table, aggregation on user defined grid, GRIB and NetCDF output, …) Create and deploy a reference system at DWD, accessible through a Web interface (using consolidated look-up tables defined in task 4) Write technical documentation Tasks

3 Task 3: Revision of external parameters Task 3.1: Document available data Task 3.2: Consolidate and extend database Add seasonal climatology of vegetation characteristics. Add parameters for subscale orography. Add parameters for orographic radiation correction. Add parameters for urban fraction. Add parameters for deep soil temperature. Add parameters for FLake. Provide alternative sets of soil types in Europe. Address the feasibility of deriving surface characteristics with known deficiencies (e.g. solar albedo) using alternative data sources or methods.

4 Overall description of the External Parameter System external parameters on target grid Orography Soil data Land use

5 ksh scripts Fortran programs global icosahedral grid GME ksh scripts Fortran programs limited area domain COSMO current status external parameter generation new library “EXTPAR” external parameter generation ksh scripts Fortran programs (Fortran 2003/ Fortran 95) user defined grid Icon GME COSMO

6 Software for the generation of External Parameters (COLBOC Task 2): technical development  new software code basis (Fortran 2003 standard) according to the software requirement specifications, current Version “EXTPAR V1_5”  technical documentation with doxygen as Website (HTML generated with the help of “tags” from comments in the Fortran source code)  user guide available  NetCDF as basic file format for Input/Output  GRIB output with ECMWF “GRIB_API”

7 Consolidation and extension of database (COLBOC Task 3) : Additional external parameters  external parameter fields for the COSMO model, total 15 fields  planned extensions for the COSMO model, total 30 fields HH, FR_LAND, SOILTYP, Z0, SSO_STDH, SSO_GAMMA, SSO_THETA, SSO_SIGMA, PLCOV_MN, PLCOV_MX, LAI_MN, LAI_MX, FOREST_D, FOREST_E, ROOTDP HH, FR_LAND, SOILTYP, Z0, SSO_STDH, SSO_GAMMA, SSO_THETA, SSO_SIGMA, PLCOV_MX, LAI_MX, FOREST_D, FOREST_E, ROOTDP NDVI, NDVI_MX, NDVI_RATIO, AER_BC, AER_DUST, AER_SO4, AER_SS, T2M_CL, URBAN, RSMIN, EMISS_RAD, FR_LAKE, DEPTH_LK, SLOPE_ASP, SLOPE_ANG, HORIZON, SKYVIEW

8 Currently used raw data for external parameters GLOBE DSMW GLC2000, GlobCover2009

9  NDVI (SEAWiFS)  climatology of near surface temperature (CRU)  climatology of aerosol optical thickness (I. Tegen)  lake depth database (30’’ gridded global field, Eakterina Kourzeneva: DWD, RSHU, MeteoFrance) Additional raw datasets

10 Additional external parameters  Fraction Lake FR_LAKE  Lake Depth DEPTH_LK required for FLake

11 Additional external parameters Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI)

12 Caveats The external parameters are only as good as the available raw data sets. GLC2000 land use classes (currently used) Globcover 2009 GLCC USGS land use / land cover system

13 EXTPAR development Version 1.2 2011-03-25  add point in polygon test for ICON grid search update to support ICON refinement grids  update documentation  add parameter DWD_min_lake_depth for minimal lake depth  introduce simple hight correction for T_CL field bug fix in interpolation routine and handling of undefined GLOBE values  adapt netcdf output to standards of COSMO-CLM

14 EXTPAR development Version 1.3 2011-04-19  introduce Globcover 2009 land use data set for external parameters  change in GRIB output: - add support for GRIB1 and GRIB2  change netcdf output: time as "unlimited" dimension  introduce variables clon, clat, clon_vertices, clat_vertices for ICON grid  bug fix in netcdf output for COSMO grids  additional concistency check for vegetation on ice grid elements (e.g. glaciers)  clean up of code

15 EXTPAR development Version 1.4 2011-04-21  add module with routines and settings for orography smoothing (Anne Roches, MeteoSwiss)  set correct stepType for GRIB1 and GRIB2, and timeRangeIndicator for GRIB1 (Hermann Asensio)  add a manual correction for the lake depth of Lake Constance (ha)  improve netcdf output (roa, ha)  clean up of code (roa, ha)

16 EXTPAR development Version 1.5 2011-08-11  bug fix in the concistency check for FR_LAKE (Hermann Asensio)  remove erroneous simple height correction of T_CL field (Hermann Asensio)

17 Open topics

18  distribution of software (and raw datasets)  Webinterface for standard requests for the generation of external parameters for arbitrary domains (prototype available  update documentation Software for the generation of External Parameters (COLBOC Task 2) : open topics

19 Consolidation and extension of database (COLBOC Task 3) : open topics  smoothing of orography in EXTPAR for parameters for sub-grid scale orography effects (proper scale separation for Z0 / SSO ?)  External parameters for orographic radiation correction  consolidate and extend raw datasets:  Harmonized World Soil Database  MODIS data for surface background albedo  ETOPO1, SRTM or ASTER DEM for orography

20 Vielen Dank für die Aufmerksamkeit!

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