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The Celts Ludmila Nerudová. The Celts tribes settling all over Europe the Hallstatt and the La Tène Cultures řeč.: Keltové lat.: Galové.

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Presentation on theme: "The Celts Ludmila Nerudová. The Celts tribes settling all over Europe the Hallstatt and the La Tène Cultures řeč.: Keltové lat.: Galové."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Celts Ludmila Nerudová

2 The Celts tribes settling all over Europe the Hallstatt and the La Tène Cultures řeč.: Keltové lat.: Galové

3 A Geographical Distribution

4 Society separate tribes a chief or a king a warrior class an aristocracy class (druids) everyone else

5 Religion polytheism natural gods druids crop, animal or human sacrifices

6 Festivals Summer/Winter solstice Spring/Autumn equinox Samhain Imbolc Beltine Lugnasad

7 Trade and Farming social and political contact minted own coins great farming skills hillfort = oppidum

8 Art weapons wood carvings ornaments few written records

9 Housing and Clothing shirts, breeches stripped and checked cloaks roundhouses

10 The End of the Celtic Period Roman invasion in 43AD Latin language the Anglo-Saxons the Vikings

11 Some English Words of Celtic Origin dad, mum – from Welsh “dad“, “mam“ slogan – from Gaelic “sluaghghairm“ = battle cry smashing – from Irish “Is maith sin“ town – from Celtic “dunom“ whiskey – from Scottish Gaelic “uisge bheatha“

12 Thank you for your attention!

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