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Published byMaximillian Morrison Modified over 9 years ago
October 28, 2008 Board of County Commissioners 2009-1 Regular Cycle Transmittal Hearing
Today’s Amendments 2009-1 Regular Cycle Amendments –2008-2-A-4-1 – Privately initiated Innovation Way East (IWE) AmendmentInnovation Way East (IWE) Amendment –2008-2-B-FLUE-1 – Staff initiated Amendment to FLUE Policy regarding the Urban Service Area (USA) Expansion for IWEAmendment to FLUE Policy regarding the Urban Service Area (USA) Expansion for IWE –2009-1-B-FLUE-1 – Staff initiated Amendment to FLUE Policy adding maximum densities/intensities for the IWE Planned Development Future Land Use designationAmendment to FLUE Policy adding maximum densities/intensities for the IWE Planned Development Future Land Use designation
Today’s Amendments 2009-1 Regular Cycle –Privately-Initiated Future Land Use Map Amendment 2008-2-A-4-12008-2-A-4-1 –Staff-Initiated Amendments 2008-2-B-FLUE-12008-2-B-FLUE-1 2009-1-B-FLUE-12009-1-B-FLUE-1
Case #:2008-2-A-4-1 Agent:Chris Sinclair – Renaissance Planning Group Owner:Farmland Reserve From:Rural (R) To:Planned Development – Innovation Way Urban Community Village (PD – IW-UCV) (USA) and related policies Acreage:4,578 gross / 2,923 net acres Proposed use:9,252 residential units 557,578 square feet commercial 278,784 square feet office Board of County Commissioners 2009-1 Regular Cycle Privately Initiated Amendment
2008-2-A-4-1 Location map
2008-2-A-4-1 Aerial
2008-2-A-4-1 Future Land Use
Today’s Amendments 2009-1 Regular Cycle –Privately-Initiated Future Land Use Map Amendments 2008-2-A-4-12008-2-A-4-1 –Proposed Text Amendments associated with 2008-2-A-4-1 Future Land Use Element adding Objective 8.15 and Policies 8.15.1 - 8.15.12Future Land Use Element adding Objective 8.15 and Policies 8.15.1 - 8.15.12
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Objective 8.15 Objective 8._15INNOVATION WAY EAST: Orange County shall adopt the PD Innovation Way Urban Community Village Future Land Use Map Designation for the Innovation Way East property to facilitate the development of a mix of land uses that is supportive of the high-tech/high- value corridor known as Innovation Way, described in the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) Goal 8 of the Orange County Comprehensive Policy Plan. As stipulated in Policy 8.2.4 of the Future Land Use Element, all new development within the Innovation Way Overlay shall be developed in a manner that supports and furthers the Compact Village Urban Form Scenario adopted as Exhibit B. To that end, the Compact Village Urban Form Scenario and its description in the Innovation Way Economic Development Resource Management Study (2005) requires that the area within the Innovation Way East property boundaries provide “the housing and support uses” for the high tech corridor. In addition to a comprehensive transportation system, other community infrastructure will be required to attract high-tech/high-value employment, including a mix of housing options, recreational facilities, schools and utilities. In order to achieve Objective 8.15__, Orange County shall also adopt Policies 8.15.1-8.15.12 that will also apply to the development within the Innovation Way East property. All Innovation Way Goals, Objectives and Policies shall be applicable to the Innovation Way East property except as set forth in the policies below. Future Land Use Element Objective 8.15 Objective 8._15INNOVATION WAY EAST: Orange County shall adopt the PD Innovation Way Urban Community Village Future Land Use Map Designation for the Innovation Way East property to facilitate the development of a mix of land uses that is supportive of the high-tech/high- value corridor known as Innovation Way, described in the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) Goal 8 of the Orange County Comprehensive Policy Plan. As stipulated in Policy 8.2.4 of the Future Land Use Element, all new development within the Innovation Way Overlay shall be developed in a manner that supports and furthers the Compact Village Urban Form Scenario adopted as Exhibit B. To that end, the Compact Village Urban Form Scenario and its description in the Innovation Way Economic Development Resource Management Study (2005) requires that the area within the Innovation Way East property boundaries provide “the housing and support uses” for the high tech corridor. In addition to a comprehensive transportation system, other community infrastructure will be required to attract high-tech/high-value employment, including a mix of housing options, recreational facilities, schools and utilities. In order to achieve Objective 8.15__, Orange County shall also adopt Policies 8.15.1-8.15.12 that will also apply to the development within the Innovation Way East property. All Innovation Way Goals, Objectives and Policies shall be applicable to the Innovation Way East property except as set forth in the policies below.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.1 Policy 8.15.1 To ensure compliance with the intent of Goal 8 – Innovation Way of the Orange County Comprehensive Policy Plan, and more specifically Policies 8.15.1-8.15.12 related to the Innovation Way East Future Land Use Amendment, the policies related to the Innovation Way East Future Land Use Map designation shall be implemented only through the processing and adoption of the Innovation Way East Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and Detailed Area Plan (DAP) (per FLUE Policy 8.1.11) and final development orders, along with approval of the associated Planned Development (PD) rezoning applications. The DRI and DAP may be processed and adopted concurrently as long as the requirements of the Future Land Use Element policy 8.2.11— Initiation of the Innovation Way Community Detailed Area Plan (DAP) are met. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.1 Policy 8.15.1 To ensure compliance with the intent of Goal 8 – Innovation Way of the Orange County Comprehensive Policy Plan, and more specifically Policies 8.15.1-8.15.12 related to the Innovation Way East Future Land Use Amendment, the policies related to the Innovation Way East Future Land Use Map designation shall be implemented only through the processing and adoption of the Innovation Way East Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and Detailed Area Plan (DAP) (per FLUE Policy 8.1.11) and final development orders, along with approval of the associated Planned Development (PD) rezoning applications. The DRI and DAP may be processed and adopted concurrently as long as the requirements of the Future Land Use Element policy 8.2.11— Initiation of the Innovation Way Community Detailed Area Plan (DAP) are met.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.2 Policy 8.15.2 The Innovation Way East DRI and DAP may contain no more than two Urban Community Villages. Any DAP and DRI, and any changes thereto, for Innovation Way East shall be consistent with Policies 8.15.1 - 8.15.12. The Innovation Way East DRI and DAP shall be guided by the following maximum future land use program, which shall guide any development within the Innovation Way East Future Land Use Map amendment boundaries: Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.2 Policy 8.15.2 The Innovation Way East DRI and DAP may contain no more than two Urban Community Villages. Any DAP and DRI, and any changes thereto, for Innovation Way East shall be consistent with Policies 8.15.1 - 8.15.12. The Innovation Way East DRI and DAP shall be guided by the following maximum future land use program, which shall guide any development within the Innovation Way East Future Land Use Map amendment boundaries:
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.2 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.2 Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.2 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.2 FLUM Amendment # 2008-2-A-4-1—Innovation Way East Average Daily Trips (ADT). Use Phase 1 A 2013 -2016 Phase 2 2015-2022 Phase 3 2021-2028 Total Residential (units) 1,0104,4953,7479,252 Office (sq. ft.)50,00075,000153,784278,784 Commercial (sq. ft.) 75,000150,000332,568557,568 Total ADT85,157 A. Phase 1 to occur on properties west of Turkey Creek
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.2 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.2 Maximum densities and intensities for development within the PD Innovation Way East Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation shall be consistent with Innovation Way Objective 8.2 of the Comprehensive Policy Plan, as well as the above maximum development program, which will also be adopted under Policy of the Future Land Use Element. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.2 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.2 Maximum densities and intensities for development within the PD Innovation Way East Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation shall be consistent with Innovation Way Objective 8.2 of the Comprehensive Policy Plan, as well as the above maximum development program, which will also be adopted under Policy of the Future Land Use Element.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.2 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.2 The individual densities and intensities within each of the uses identified in the development program shall have the ability to increase or decrease, provided that the overall Average Daily Trips (ADT) do not exceed 85,157. At the time of DRI submittal, the thresholds and ADTs for each of the three phases will be further refined. Land uses may be converted from one use to another based on an approved equivalency matrix, provided that the revised development program continues to comply with the adopted County policies and standards. The ability to achieve the maximum intensities and densities is dependent upon the implementation of an Innovation Way Multimodal Transportation District. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.2 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.2 The individual densities and intensities within each of the uses identified in the development program shall have the ability to increase or decrease, provided that the overall Average Daily Trips (ADT) do not exceed 85,157. At the time of DRI submittal, the thresholds and ADTs for each of the three phases will be further refined. Land uses may be converted from one use to another based on an approved equivalency matrix, provided that the revised development program continues to comply with the adopted County policies and standards. The ability to achieve the maximum intensities and densities is dependent upon the implementation of an Innovation Way Multimodal Transportation District.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.2 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.2 Institutional uses shall also be allowed as determined to be needed by Orange County and Orange County Public Schools. Such institutional uses shall be in addition to the future land use program listed above, and shall not require a reduction to the future land use program through the use of an equivalency matrix. The location and timing of schools shall be addressed within the PD rezoning and shall be subject to school concurrency requirements. Nothing contained in Policy 8.2.11.IV.viii shall be construed to require preservation of existing agricultural uses. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.2 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.2 Institutional uses shall also be allowed as determined to be needed by Orange County and Orange County Public Schools. Such institutional uses shall be in addition to the future land use program listed above, and shall not require a reduction to the future land use program through the use of an equivalency matrix. The location and timing of schools shall be addressed within the PD rezoning and shall be subject to school concurrency requirements. Nothing contained in Policy 8.2.11.IV.viii shall be construed to require preservation of existing agricultural uses.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.3 Policy 8.15.3 Because the Innovation Way East DRI and DAP will be providing housing and other land uses to support the employment-rich Innovation Way Corridor, as characterized by the Innovation Way Economic Development and Resource Management Study (October 2005, pages 147 – 152), the County may allow some flexibility in the use mix requirements, per Policy 8.8.5 for the Innovation Way East DRI and DAP. The provision of housing in the Innovation Way East DRI and DAP will be timed with the provision of jobs per FLUE Policy 8.15.8. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.3 Policy 8.15.3 Because the Innovation Way East DRI and DAP will be providing housing and other land uses to support the employment-rich Innovation Way Corridor, as characterized by the Innovation Way Economic Development and Resource Management Study (October 2005, pages 147 – 152), the County may allow some flexibility in the use mix requirements, per Policy 8.8.5 for the Innovation Way East DRI and DAP. The provision of housing in the Innovation Way East DRI and DAP will be timed with the provision of jobs per FLUE Policy 8.15.8.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.3 (Cont’d) Housing within Innovation Way East shall include a diversity of housing types and densities to attract citizens from a wide range of economic levels and age groups. As defined by Orange County in the May 22, 2007 Workforce Housing Task Force Report, a minimum of ten (10) percent of the total housing inventory within Innovation Way East shall be provided for workforce housing, of which at least 50% shall be provided in the form of rental workforce housing. Residential uses within Innovation Way East shall be located so as to facilitate direct bicycle and pedestrian connections between residential uses and supporting community facilities and services, such as shopping areas, employment centers, transit stops and stations, parks, and schools. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.3 (Cont’d) Housing within Innovation Way East shall include a diversity of housing types and densities to attract citizens from a wide range of economic levels and age groups. As defined by Orange County in the May 22, 2007 Workforce Housing Task Force Report, a minimum of ten (10) percent of the total housing inventory within Innovation Way East shall be provided for workforce housing, of which at least 50% shall be provided in the form of rental workforce housing. Residential uses within Innovation Way East shall be located so as to facilitate direct bicycle and pedestrian connections between residential uses and supporting community facilities and services, such as shopping areas, employment centers, transit stops and stations, parks, and schools.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.4 Policy 8.15.4 All future development within the Innovation Way East DRI and DAP shall be rezoned in accordance with any adopted Innovation Way Zoning Code. In the absence of an adopted Innovation Way Zoning Code, such future development shall be rezoned to Planned Development (PD) and shall include urban design guidelines that address the intent of FLUE Objective 8.2, particularly as it applies to Urban Community Villages, Village Centers, and Neighborhoods, as well as diversity of housing types, walkability, connectivity, specialized open space, management and protection of existing wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas, provision of multi-modal transportation options, and other infrastructure and services as required in FLUE Goal 8—Innovation Way and other applicable County policies. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.4 Policy 8.15.4 All future development within the Innovation Way East DRI and DAP shall be rezoned in accordance with any adopted Innovation Way Zoning Code. In the absence of an adopted Innovation Way Zoning Code, such future development shall be rezoned to Planned Development (PD) and shall include urban design guidelines that address the intent of FLUE Objective 8.2, particularly as it applies to Urban Community Villages, Village Centers, and Neighborhoods, as well as diversity of housing types, walkability, connectivity, specialized open space, management and protection of existing wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas, provision of multi-modal transportation options, and other infrastructure and services as required in FLUE Goal 8—Innovation Way and other applicable County policies.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.5 Policy 8.15.5 Multimodal transportation options and transportation connectivity are critical to fostering mixed-use growth with transit-supportive densities and economic development as opposed to low-density sprawl. The Innovation Way East DRI and DAP will integrate pedestrian, bicycle and transit modes within the DRI/DAP and provide for connectivity of multiple multi-modal corridors to other properties within the Innovation Way Corridor and Study area to the greatest extent possible. However, preservation of the environmental integrity of the Econlockhatchee River is a priority. Therefore, future transportation and utility crossings of the Econlockhatchee River shall be co-located with those already established as identified below, and be subject to any State, Regional, or County requirements regarding the protection of natural resources: Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.5 Policy 8.15.5 Multimodal transportation options and transportation connectivity are critical to fostering mixed-use growth with transit-supportive densities and economic development as opposed to low-density sprawl. The Innovation Way East DRI and DAP will integrate pedestrian, bicycle and transit modes within the DRI/DAP and provide for connectivity of multiple multi-modal corridors to other properties within the Innovation Way Corridor and Study area to the greatest extent possible. However, preservation of the environmental integrity of the Econlockhatchee River is a priority. Therefore, future transportation and utility crossings of the Econlockhatchee River shall be co-located with those already established as identified below, and be subject to any State, Regional, or County requirements regarding the protection of natural resources:
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.5 (Cont’d) A.Weewahootee Road B. The natural gas line, power line, and associated service road crossing approximately ¼ mile north of Weewahootee Road C. Beachline ( SR 528) D. The existing service road crossing Turkey Creek approximately ½ mile directly south of the Beachline (SR 528) Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.5 (Cont’d) A.Weewahootee Road B. The natural gas line, power line, and associated service road crossing approximately ¼ mile north of Weewahootee Road C. Beachline ( SR 528) D. The existing service road crossing Turkey Creek approximately ½ mile directly south of the Beachline (SR 528)
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.6 Policy 8.15.6 Access to Innovation Way East is currently provided by Aerospace Boulevard, a four lane urban roadway that abuts the western boundary of the property and connects with the existing International Corporate Park interchange with SR 528. Phase 1 of Innovation Way East shall not proceed beyond the level of service capacity of Aerospace Boulevard until funding agreements for the following improvements listed in Orange County’s Capital Improvements Element are reached. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.6 Policy 8.15.6 Access to Innovation Way East is currently provided by Aerospace Boulevard, a four lane urban roadway that abuts the western boundary of the property and connects with the existing International Corporate Park interchange with SR 528. Phase 1 of Innovation Way East shall not proceed beyond the level of service capacity of Aerospace Boulevard until funding agreements for the following improvements listed in Orange County’s Capital Improvements Element are reached.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.6 Policy 8.15.6 Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.6 Policy 8.15.6 RoadImprovementBegin – Completion Date Funding Source Road ENew 2 lane road2009 – 2011Partnership Orange County, developer Innovation Way Extension, SR 528 Interchange New interchange2009 – 2011Orange County, developer, OOCEA (1) Innovation Way South from Innovation Way North to the southern boundary of International Corporate Park New 2 lane road with right-of-way for future widening to 4 lanes 2013 – 2015 Orange County impact fees, developer (2) (1) Developer agreement pending approval by Orange County and OOCEA (2) The Innovation Way East owner will participate with other landowners in Innovation Way and Orange County in developing a funding mechanism for this roadway that allocates costs among the landowners.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.7 Policy 8.15.7 By the end of 2009, Orange County is scheduled to adopt the Innovation Way Multimodal Transportation District (MMTD). Transportation concurrency determinations for Innovation Way East will be made according to the requirements of the MMTD. Should the MMTD not be adopted prior to the beginning of Phase 1 or any later phases, transportation concurrency determinations will be made via the County’s existing program. Based on the concurrency determination the property owner will enter into land owner and roadway agreements with the County for the construction and funding of the improvements needed to mitigate the impacts. The maximum development program for Innovation Way East established under Future Land Use Element Policy of the Future Land Use Element shall not be exceeded for any phase unless the MMTD is adopted. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.7 Policy 8.15.7 By the end of 2009, Orange County is scheduled to adopt the Innovation Way Multimodal Transportation District (MMTD). Transportation concurrency determinations for Innovation Way East will be made according to the requirements of the MMTD. Should the MMTD not be adopted prior to the beginning of Phase 1 or any later phases, transportation concurrency determinations will be made via the County’s existing program. Based on the concurrency determination the property owner will enter into land owner and roadway agreements with the County for the construction and funding of the improvements needed to mitigate the impacts. The maximum development program for Innovation Way East established under Future Land Use Element Policy of the Future Land Use Element shall not be exceeded for any phase unless the MMTD is adopted.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.8 Policy 8.15.8 Consistent with Innovation Way Policy FLUE, which requires a balance of high value/high tech jobs and residential development, and consistent with the Innovation Way Economic Development and Resource Management Study (pgs. 147-152), the Innovation Way East DRI/DAP will further the goal of balancing jobs and housing within the Innovation Way Study Area by providing housing and other supporting land uses to help serve the more employment rich development to the west. Within the Innovation Way East DRI/DAP, the jobs/housing balance requirement can be satisfied with established jobs located in the neighboring ICP DRI. The timing and phasing of residential development within Innovation Way East shall be addressed in the DRI/DAP and shall be coordinated with non- residential development and resulting employment within the ICP DRI. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.8 Policy 8.15.8 Consistent with Innovation Way Policy FLUE, which requires a balance of high value/high tech jobs and residential development, and consistent with the Innovation Way Economic Development and Resource Management Study (pgs. 147-152), the Innovation Way East DRI/DAP will further the goal of balancing jobs and housing within the Innovation Way Study Area by providing housing and other supporting land uses to help serve the more employment rich development to the west. Within the Innovation Way East DRI/DAP, the jobs/housing balance requirement can be satisfied with established jobs located in the neighboring ICP DRI. The timing and phasing of residential development within Innovation Way East shall be addressed in the DRI/DAP and shall be coordinated with non- residential development and resulting employment within the ICP DRI.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.9 Policy 8.15.9 Connecting Innovation Way East to the west through fixed-guideway transit and other transportation modes is critical for the successful achievement of the goals, objectives and policies applicable to the Innovation Way Study Area. Objective 8.5 requires protection of at least two (2) mass transit alignments or corridors through Innovation Way. Any development within the Innovation Way East DRI/DAP shall reserve sufficient right-of-way to accommodate such transit connections. In addition, each development approval along either fixed-guideway transit alignment shall include right-of-way for such alignment. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.9 Policy 8.15.9 Connecting Innovation Way East to the west through fixed-guideway transit and other transportation modes is critical for the successful achievement of the goals, objectives and policies applicable to the Innovation Way Study Area. Objective 8.5 requires protection of at least two (2) mass transit alignments or corridors through Innovation Way. Any development within the Innovation Way East DRI/DAP shall reserve sufficient right-of-way to accommodate such transit connections. In addition, each development approval along either fixed-guideway transit alignment shall include right-of-way for such alignment.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.9 (Cont’d) To promote long-term regional connectivity, the applicant and the County shall work together to reserve sufficient rights-of-way for, and implement, regionally significant multimodal transportation corridors and improvements, including, but not limited to, the following: An additional interchange on the Beachline Expressway within the Innovation Way East property boundary. One or more north-south multimodal corridors connecting Innovation Way East south to the Orange-Osceola County line. The Innovation Way roadway and fixed-guideway transit alignments. Weewahootee Road as an arterial roadway. Additional fixed-guideway and roadway alignments Any additional transit and roadway alignments defined by the County during the subsequent DRI and DAP process required prior to obtaining development permits. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.9 (Cont’d) To promote long-term regional connectivity, the applicant and the County shall work together to reserve sufficient rights-of-way for, and implement, regionally significant multimodal transportation corridors and improvements, including, but not limited to, the following: An additional interchange on the Beachline Expressway within the Innovation Way East property boundary. One or more north-south multimodal corridors connecting Innovation Way East south to the Orange-Osceola County line. The Innovation Way roadway and fixed-guideway transit alignments. Weewahootee Road as an arterial roadway. Additional fixed-guideway and roadway alignments Any additional transit and roadway alignments defined by the County during the subsequent DRI and DAP process required prior to obtaining development permits.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.9 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.10 An application for rezoning for Innovation Way East may be filed concurrently with the submittal of or after the adoption of a Detailed Area Plan (DAP) and a Development of Regional Impact (DRI). However, rezoning requests may not be approved until after the DAP and DRI are adopted. Even after DRI/DAP adoption and rezoning approval, development permits may not be issued until after January 1, 2013, unless an agreement between the landowner and a major employer is executed that calls for an employment center to be located within Innovation Way East and development of the employment center is specifically approved by Orange County. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.9 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.10 An application for rezoning for Innovation Way East may be filed concurrently with the submittal of or after the adoption of a Detailed Area Plan (DAP) and a Development of Regional Impact (DRI). However, rezoning requests may not be approved until after the DAP and DRI are adopted. Even after DRI/DAP adoption and rezoning approval, development permits may not be issued until after January 1, 2013, unless an agreement between the landowner and a major employer is executed that calls for an employment center to be located within Innovation Way East and development of the employment center is specifically approved by Orange County.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.9 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.11 Innovation Way East shall participate in the Innovation Way Stewardship Program by its preservation of land or by participating in a County-approved financing plan to purchase real property for conservation (the Innovation Way Environmental Stewardship Financing Plan or IWESFP). Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.9 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.11 Innovation Way East shall participate in the Innovation Way Stewardship Program by its preservation of land or by participating in a County-approved financing plan to purchase real property for conservation (the Innovation Way Environmental Stewardship Financing Plan or IWESFP).
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.9 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.12 To maintain compatibility with and viability of the industrial land uses located in the International Corporate Park (ICP) DRI, the County will require that the adjacent properties provide appropriate and sufficient amount and types of buffering on site. Future Land Use Element Policy 8.15.9 (Cont’d) Policy 8.15.12 To maintain compatibility with and viability of the industrial land uses located in the International Corporate Park (ICP) DRI, the County will require that the adjacent properties provide appropriate and sufficient amount and types of buffering on site.
2008-2-A-4-1 Analysis and Recommendations Staff Analysis Policies included as part of the application will ensure consistency with the adopted Innovation Way policies: –Required submittal of DRI/DAP and PD Rezoning –Timing and phasing of development (e.g., Phase I occurs west of Turkey Creek) –Transportation improvements (connectivity, right-of-way for multimodal transportation corridors, interchange and arterial improvements) –Interrelationship between Innovation Way East and ICP’s development programs –Participation in the Innovation Way Stewardship Program –Requires a minimum of 10% of workforce housing units Staff Recommendation:Transmit LPA Recommendation:Transmit Staff Analysis Policies included as part of the application will ensure consistency with the adopted Innovation Way policies: –Required submittal of DRI/DAP and PD Rezoning –Timing and phasing of development (e.g., Phase I occurs west of Turkey Creek) –Transportation improvements (connectivity, right-of-way for multimodal transportation corridors, interchange and arterial improvements) –Interrelationship between Innovation Way East and ICP’s development programs –Participation in the Innovation Way Stewardship Program –Requires a minimum of 10% of workforce housing units Staff Recommendation:Transmit LPA Recommendation:Transmit
2008-2-A-4-1 Innovation Way Scenario #5 Map
Case #:2008-2-B-FLUE-1 Request:Adding 4,578 acres the Urban Service Area regarding Innovation Way East Amendment Future Land Use Element Policy Staff Recommendation:Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Policy Plan and recommend approval of the transmittal to DCA of Amendment # 2008-2-B-FLUE-1. LPA Recommendation: Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Policy Plan and recommend approval of the transmittal to DCA of Amendment # 2008-2-B-FLUE-1. Board of County Commissioners 2009-1 Regular Cycle Staff Initiated Amendment
Case #:2009-1-B-FLUE-1 Request:Amending Policy of the Future Land Use Element adding maximum densities and intensities for Innovation Way East as follows: Board of County Commissioners 2009-1 Regular Cycle Staff Initiated Amendment FLUM Amendment # 2008-2-A-4-1—Innovation Way East Average Daily Trips (ADT) Use Phase 1 2013 -2016 Phase 2 2015-2022 Phase 3 2021-2028Total Residential (units)1,0104,4953,7479,252 Office (sq. ft.)50,00075,000153,784278,784 Commercial (sq. ft.)75,000150,000332,568557,568 Total Average Daily Trips (ADT)85,157 Phase 1 to occur on properties west of Turkey Creek The individual densities/intensities within each above listed use shall have the ability to be modified increase and/or decrease, provided that the overall ADT approved for the DRI/DAP does not exceed 85,157 trips. At the time of DRI submittal, the project thresholds for each of the three phases will be further refined. Land uses may be converted from one use to another based on an approved equivalency matrix in the DRI, provided that the revised development program continues to comply with the adopted County policies and standards.
Case #:2009-1-B-FLUE-1 Staff Recommendation:Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Policy Plan and recommend transmittal of Amendment # 2009-1-B-FLUE-1 to the Florida Department of Community Affairs LPA Recommendation: Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Policy Plan and recommend transmittal of Amendment # 2009-1-B-FLUE-1 to the Florida Department of Community Affairs Board of County Commissioners 2009-1 Regular Cycle Staff Initiated Amendment
October 28, 2008 Board of County Commissioners 2009-1 Regular Cycle Transmittal Hearing
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