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Center for Biological Physics Lori Goldner, Jenny Ross Adrian Parsegian Direct measurement of intermolecular forces to build a physics of molecular organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Biological Physics Lori Goldner, Jenny Ross Adrian Parsegian Direct measurement of intermolecular forces to build a physics of molecular organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Biological Physics Lori Goldner, Jenny Ross Adrian Parsegian Direct measurement of intermolecular forces to build a physics of molecular organization Watching single molecules move through channels Theory of intermolecular forces organizing soft materials, colloids and large bio-molecules

2 exploded virus and intact virus Bacteriophage T2 Kleinschmidt et al. (1962) DNA spooled inside a virus A. Evilevitch, (2006). Viral DNA is under pressure that can drive infection:

3 Equation of State: Osmotic pressure vs. DNA density, function of salt, temperature, etc. Building a physics of forces and energies for nanometer-to-micrometer - size particles

4 Unified equation of state for flexible polymers: Osmotic pressures of many sizes and concentrations fit with ONE parameter. Joel Cohen (Univ Pacific), Rudi Podgornik (Slovenia) To be part-time @UMass

5 Detection 10 ms pA Current through channel 0 Sergey Bezrukov, Philip Gurnev Building an apparatus in Hasbrouck next month Transport through single ionic channels Current detection of single-molecule transit

6 Theory of intermolecular forces (electrostatics, electrodynamics, solvation, steric) example of single-walled carbon nanotubes Rick Rajter, Rudi Podgornik, Roger French, Wai-Yim Ching, AP Connection between dielectric spectra and van der Waals torques/forces. Under study DNA, Lipids (cell membranes), Proteins Xiangyun Qiu, Rudi Podgornik, to be working @UMass Jason DeRouchey, Don Rau, et al. at NIH (where I used to work)

7 Thanks

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