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Published byDonald Murphy Modified over 9 years ago
National Center for Theoretical Sciences Physics Division Welcome to NCTS Xiao-Gang He
National Center for Theoretical Sciences was established in 1997 by National Science Council.
NCTS Sub-project II Main project Sub-project I Natl. Chiao-Tung Univ. (NCTU) Natl. Tsing Hua Univ. (NTHU) Natl. Cheng Kung Univ. (NCKU) Natl. Sun Yat-Sen Univ. (NSUYU) Natl. Taiwan Univ. (NTU) Natl. Central Univ. (NCU) one project
ProjectHead Main ProjectXiao-Gang He Subproject IPei-Ming Ho Subproject IIYan-Ten Lu Physics Division Leadership in Phase III(2009-2014)
Research Activities Scientific activities are carried out by center scientific staffs, by division initiatives (working group, topics program) and by a number of focus groups. Attract internationally well known scientists to come to give lectures The division pays much emphasis on guiding and training our students and postdocs to conduct researches competitive world wide by supporting some of them to attend well known international schools and conferences.
Focus groups 1. AMO:Atomic Molecular Optical Physics, Coordinator: Daw-Wei Wang (NTHU and NCTS) 2. Bio: Complexity and Life, Coordinator: Chi-Lun Lee (NCU), Chun-Chung Chen (NCTS) 3. CMR: Computational Material Research, Coordinator: Chih-Kai Yang (NCU/National Chengchi University) 4.CPCS:Critical Phenomena and Complex Systems, Coordinator: Ming-Chia Wu (NCU and AS) 5.CPA: Cosmology and Particle Asrophysics, Coordinator: Chao-Qiang Geng (NTHU) 6.GRA:Gravitation, Coordinator: Hing-Tong Cho (TKU/Tamkang University) 7.LQCD:Lattice QCD and Hadron Physics, Coordinator :Chung-Wen Kao (CYCU/Chung Yuan Christian University) 8.LHC:LHC Physics, Coordinator: Chuan-Hung Chen (NCKU) 9. MPSCS:Mesoscopic Physics and Strongly Correlated Systems, Coordinators: Chung-Hou Chung (NCTU), Ming-Chiang Chung (NCTS) 10.NMSCP:Numerical Methods for Strongly Correlated Physics, Coordinators: Po-Chung Chen (NTHU), Hong-Yi Chen (NTNU) 11. QIS:Quantum Information Science, Coordinators: Alec Maassen van den Brink (AS, IoP), Chung- Hsien Chou(NCKU) 12. String:String, Coordinator: Yi Yang (NCTU) 13. CPSCS: Computaitonal Platform for Strong Coupled Systems, Coordinators: S-R Zheng and Teranish (NCTU) 14. TCC: Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Coordinator: Chrri Hsu (AS, IoC)
Research areas lead by Center Scientists and Focus Groups Bio-Physics, Condensed Matter, Computational Physics, Nuclear, Particle Physics, Field, String, Quantum Information, AMO, Cosmology, Astrophysics and Gravity 12 Focus Groups in 2012. (Removed one on Plasma Physics FG due to lack of activities) New FG in 2013: A new Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (TCC FG) A new Computing Platform for Strong Coupling System (CPSCS FG) Will merge into six thematic areas: Quantum Matter, AMO&QIS (AMO,QIS), Novel Materials (CPC, NMSCP), Bio and Soft Matter Physics (Bio, CPCS), Computational Sciences (MPSCS, TCC, CPSCS), Cosmology, Astrophysics & Gravity (CPA, GRA), Nuclear, Particle, Fields & String (LQCD, LHC, String)
Activities: Weekly seminars at NTHU,NCTU, NCU, NTU, CYCU, NCKU Conferences and workshops: on the average 60. Among them about 10 schools aiming at students and postdocs trainings. Each year send about 25 students and postdocs to international conferences and schools.
Research out puts : NCTS SCI research papers 796 since 1997. In 2012, as of today, written 89 SCI papers. Average citation per paper in the last 10 years: NCTS has 11.07 which is higher than 6.53 per paper in Taiwan About 20 (Dec. 2012) ISI Web of Knowledge Highly Cited Papers written by NCTS related researchers. Invited International Conference Talks: 45 (in 2012) International conference session chairs:13 (2012)
11 自然科學領域 SCI 論文之世界排名 資料來源:基本科學指標( Essential Science Indicators ) Essential Science Indicators has been updated as of January 1, 2012 to cover a 10-year + 10-month period, January 1, 2001-October 31, 2011. 資料日期: 2012 年 1 月 4 日 項 目 領域 SCI 發表篇數排名被引用次數排名每篇被引用次數排名 ‘08‘09‘10‘11‘08‘09‘10‘11‘08‘09‘10‘11 化 學化 學 15 1918 3433 32 物 理物 理 16 14 222120 545049 53 數 學數 學 18 17 20 21 272934 38 地 科地 科 262524 23 2824 545152 49
12 資料來源:基本科學指標( Essential Science Indicators ) Essential Science Indicators has been updated as of Janaury 1, 2012 to cover a 10-year + 10-month period 資料日期: 2012 年 1 月 4 日 NCTS physics papers 每篇被引用次數 is 11.07 in the same period 物理領域 SCI 論文之 2011 世界排名 SCI 發表 篇數排 名 國 家發表篇數被引用次數 每篇被引用次 數 1 美國 228,9913,093,59913.51 2 大陸 140,613817,4385.81 3 日本 116,3791,007,4018.66 4 德國 108,0901,277,60311.82 5 法國 77,861808,56510.38 6 俄羅斯 77,600507,0436.53 7 英國 56,802706,55912.44 8 義大利 52,667533,92610.14 9 南韓 43,103303,1507.03 10 印度 37,436244,9146.54 …………… 14 台灣 23,200 ( 排名 14)151,459 ( 排名 20)6.53 ( 排名 53)
13 各國 物理 領域 1981 年 ─2010 年期間 每五年內的相對影響係數 資料來源: National Science Indicators on Diskette, 2010 資料更新: 2012 年 1 月 10 日 2006-2010 相對影響係數 : Netherlands (1.79) 、 USA (1.55) 、 Denmark (1.53) 、 France (1.3) 、 Japan (1.05) 、 South Korea (0.88) 、 Taiwan (0.83) 、 China (0.78)
Awards by NCTS Physics Division The division puts much emphasis on nurturing young theoretical physicists in Taiwan by awarding their efforts in different ways. Outstanding Young Researcher ward to young faculties in universities. This year the division also established a new award for Best Research Paper for postdoctoral research fellows encouraging postdocs to carry out forefront researches.
MOU signed with Korea Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCPT) Institute for Advance Study (KIAS) Japan High Energy Accelerator Laboratory (KEK) France L’Institut des hautes Etudes Scientifiques(IHES) China Peking University, Chong Post and Communication University Vietnam Hue University, Institute of Physics Australia Center for Excellence in Particle Physics at Terascale (CoEPP) International Exchange Program
Enjoy your stay in Taiwan Come back to visit us again
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