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Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre DLR Contribution to the THORPEX Pacific Asian Regional Campaign T-PARC O. Reitebuch, M. Weissmann DLR Oberpaffenhofen.

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1 Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre DLR Contribution to the THORPEX Pacific Asian Regional Campaign T-PARC O. Reitebuch, M. Weissmann DLR Oberpaffenhofen

2 Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre LWG Meeting, Monterey, February 6, 2008 PI @ DLR: Martin Weissmann Primary objectives during typhoon period  typhoon targeting and improved typhoon track prediction  investigation of extra-tropical transition of tropical cyclones and downstream impact Secondary objectives during non-typhoon period  targeting for medium-range weather forecast  water vapor transport from tropics to extra-tropics  Asian aerosol export  ridge building  diabatic Rossby waves  potential of lidar for operational future observing system Falcon payload  4- λ water vapor DIAL (PI: Martin Wirth, DLR)  2-µm wind lidar (PI: Stephan Rahm, DLR)  dropsonde unit (PI Reinhold Busen, DLR); about 400 dropsondes will be deployed Scientific objectives and airborne payload 4-λ DIAL, 2-µm DWL and dropsonde in Falcon during COPS in summer 2007 DLR T-PARC Web-Site

3 Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre LWG Meeting, Monterey, February 6, 2008 Pot. temp. on dynamic tropopause (shaded) – surface pressure (contours), 84 h forecast initialised 20030910-12 ET and downstream impacts: ECMWF EPS for Typhoon Maemi 2003 (Jones, Anwender)

4 Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre LWG Meeting, Monterey, February 6, 2008 Higher observation influence OI and information content IC than dropsondes total error  lidar 1-1.5 m/s (instrumental 0.75 - 1 m/s)  dropsonde, radiosonde 2-3 m/s  expected ADM-Aeolus HLOS 2-3 m/s  AMV 2-6 m/s Importance of lidar observations for targeting Lower total error (including representativity) than dropsondes and radiosondes 3 times higher information content than dropsondes (IC = N * OI) Weissmann, Busen, Dörnbrack, Rahm, Reitebuch (2005), JAOT Weissmann and Cardinali (2007), QJRMS

5 Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre LWG Meeting, Monterey, February 6, 2008 Forecast improvement during A-TReC 2003  Lidar observations over North Atlantic reduce forecast error by about 3 %, (dropsondes 1 %) and show clear positive impact on forecast skills for the forecast range 2- 4 days  But only limited data- set of observations during 2 weeks with 28.5 flight hours (including transfer) during the Atlantic THORPEX Regional Campaign A-TReC D. Marbouty (ECMWF newsletter 113, 2007): "..evaluating the impact of airborne Doppler lidar observations, is particularly interesting as it supports the idea that such measurements could prove very beneficial as expected from the ESA ADM-Aeolus experiment."

6 Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre LWG Meeting, Monterey, February 6, 2008 ongoing work by Weissmann and Holm (ECMWF) Assimilation of lidar observations of wind and water vapour Koch, Weissmann, Ehrendorfer (2007), Met. Zeitschrift Wind assimilation into ECMWF model for flight Germany-Iceland 2003 (A-TReC) Water vapour assimilation into ECMWF model for flight USA to Europe 2002 (IHOP)

7 Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre LWG Meeting, Monterey, February 6, 2008 scanning coherent 2 µm Doppler lidar: conical scans with 24 positions  24 LOS observations (~30/54 s)  vertical profile of 3-D wind vector horiz. resolution 5 - 40 km vert. resolution 100 m range: 0.5-12 km accuracy: 0.5-1 m/s Doppler lidar 20° off nadir dropsondes, u, v, t, rh, p first 4 wavelength water vapour DIAL worldwide ~920-945 nm, 100 Hz, > 2 W parameter: water vapour molecule number (+height of cloud tops) horiz. resolution: 2 - 40 km vert. resolution: 300 - 500 m accuracy: 5-10 % DIAL FALCON payload for targeted wind and H 2 O observations + HSRL aerosol

8 Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre LWG Meeting, Monterey, February 6, 2008 ”Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study” 06 July - 01 August 2007 ”Advance the quality of forecasts of orographically-induced convective precipitation by 4D observations and modeling of its life cycle” Upstream: targeted measurements in upstream sensitive regions to gain additional data for assimilation Map:mapping the pre-convective mesoscale wind and wapor fields Fluxmeasure vertical latent heat fluxes 14 mission flights, 46 flight hours Forced Convection (Map) High Pressure Convection (Flux) Mission Objectives Targeted Observatios (Upstream) slide courtesy A. Schäfler, measurement and analysis H 2 0 DIAL (M. Wirth), 2-µm DWL (S. Rahm) β H2OH2O V Dir 8 km 8.5 km 35 m/s

9 Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre LWG Meeting, Monterey, February 6, 2008 airport base: US Naval Facility Atsugi, Japan alternative airports: Okinawa, Misawa, Iwo Jima (tbd), Korea (tbd) flight hours: onsite: up to 90 h => 25 missions with 3.5 h transfer: 30 h deployment time in Japan: 24/25 August - 03 October (6 weeks, depends on available funds) transfer route: 3 days via Moscow-Surgut-Bratsk-Khabarovsk- Japan (tbc) funding institutions: Germany (DLR, FZK), US (NSF), Japan (JMA), Korea (METRI), Canada (Environment Canada), EUCOS funding level: ~ 90% max. range: 1350-1600 NM max altitude: 12.8 km (42 kft) DLR Falcon deployment in Japan DLR Falcon range from Japan

10 Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre LWG Meeting, Monterey, February 6, 2008 Subtropical operating region Driftsonde, NRL P-3, DOTSTAR, WC-130 Japan, Atsugi, NAF Large-scale circulation, deep convection, monsoon depressions, tropical waves, TC formation TC track characteristics, tropical/midlatitude interaction ET characteristics, forcing of downstream impacts, tropical/midlatitude interactions, extratropical cyclogenesis Extratropical Transition (ET – recurvature), Downstream Impacts Tropical Measurements TC Intensification and structure change Recurvature, initiation of ET Okinawa, Kadena AFB Midlatitude operating region NRL P-3, FALCON T-PARC/TCS-08 Components (from P. Harr) Guam, Andersen AFB Tropical operating region Driftsonde, NRL P-3, DOTSTAR, WC-130 TY Nabi, 29 Aug – 8 Sep, 2005

11 Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre LWG Meeting, Monterey, February 6, 2008 Research interests: observation targeting extratropical transition of tropical cyclones and downstream impact value of new observing systems (lidars) tropical moisture export Facilities and contributions: Falcon with 2 lidars and dropsondes (American+Asian contribution) assimilation and denial experiments (cooperation with ECMWF) EPS experiments, modelling and PV inversion, TIGGE analysis PANDOWAE research group: Predictability ANd Dynamics Of Weather Systems in the Atlantic-European Sector: DFG provided funding for scientific exploration of data for several post-docs and PhD students Institutions DLR (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Fligth Facility) Forschungszentrum and University Karlsruhe: Sarah Jones ECMWF: Carla Cardinali, Elias Holm, Martin Leutbecher UK Met Office European collaboration for T-PARC

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