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Measuring Up on College- Level Learning on College-Level Learning on College-Level Learning Sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trusts Margaret Miller, Project.

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1 Measuring Up on College- Level Learning on College-Level Learning on College-Level Learning Sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trusts Margaret Miller, Project Director SHEEO meeting, August 2002

2 Measuring Up 2000

3 Learning in the States: Incomplete

4 National Attention to Student Learning from within the Academy AAHE ’ s Assessment Forum, Pew ’ s Quality of Undergraduate Education and writing assessment projects, National Survey of Student Engagement, Collegiate Results Inventory/Survey, Rand /Council on Aid to Education assessment of undergraduate learning, American Association of Colleges and Universities ’ general education assessment project, Accreditors ’ requirement of evidence regarding institutional effectiveness, and Council on Higher Education Accreditation ’ s project on institutional effectiveness

5 National Attention to Student Learning from Outside National Postsecondary Education Cooperative ’ s common language project Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) skills National Skills Standards Board Equipped for the Future The National Education Goals

6 National Goal 6 “ By the year 2000, every adult American will be literate and will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in a global economy and exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship ”

7 Objective for Collegiate Education “ The proportion of college graduates who demonstrate an advanced ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and solve problems, will increase substantially. ”

8 What Do We Want to Know? How well do individual students perform? How well do institutions in the state individually promote learning? How well do institutions in the state collectively promote learning? What are the intellectual skills of the college-educated in each state?

9 Implications for Measurement and Policy Individual students –measure each one –education policy Individual institutions –an institution-level representative sample –education policy Institutions collectively –a state-level representative sample –education policy Educational capital –A representative sample of the state’s residents –Education, adult-literacy, and/or economic- development policy

10 on College-Level Learning on College-Level Learning Key Questions: What do all the state ’ s college-educated citizens know and what can they do that contributes to the social good? What kind of educational capital do they represent? and/or

11 Key Questions (2) How well do the state’s public and private colleges and universities collectively contribute to that educational capital? What do those whom they educate know, and what can they do?

12 Measuring College-Level Learning Measuring Up 2002: Kentucky pilot Measuring Up 2004: six-state trial Measuring Up 2002: grade states

13 Direct Measures Collect existing information from pre- professional and licensing exams National Assessment of Adult Literacy Work Keys New instrument

14 Indirect Measures Process measure: National Survey of Student Engagement Product measure: Collegiate Results Survey

15 Is this the time to assess college-level learning in a way that enables state-by-state comparisons? If so, What question(s) are we trying to answer? How close can we come to getting the desired information with existing measures? What new instruments should be developed, and how? What support, both financial and political, is necessary — and from whom? How can this effort be made so as to do no harm to students, institutions, and existing assessment efforts?

16 URLs Measuring Up http://measuringup2000.highereducation. org/ The National Forum on College- Level Learning nationalforum.html

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