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Projects Spring 2009 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

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1 Projects Spring 2009 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

2 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 Instructor Dr. H. B Mitchell email:

3 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 Projects Grades for the course are obtained from Project Interview Project. The student is expected to describe and analyze a relevant scientific article. The student should provide a written report (between 5-10 pages long) in which the essential elements of the article are presented together with a description of where this work fits into the general subject of multi-sensor data fusion. The student is also expected to analyze the article pointing out its advantages, disadvantages etc. For extra points the student should also provide some generalization of the article. This can take several forms: if the article is mainly algorithmic in content then a matlab implementation would be appropriate. If the article is on a mathematical technique then methods by which it can be generalized eg made robust against outliers, placed in a fuzzy logic framework, placed in a Bayesian framework etc may be more appropriate.

4 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 Projects Project. The project should be written in the form of a short scientific article. It must have an abstract, introduction/background, detailed description and conclusion. The report should contain an annotated bibliography.

5 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 Projects: Topics We have divided the articles into the following categories: Space: Spatial Alignment. Sem: Semantic Alignment. Rad: Radiometric Alignment. Sim: Similarity Measures Sub: Sub-space Measures Ens: Ensemble Learning MRF: Markov Random Field Appl: Applications Student are however encouraged to find alternative articles which may also be relevant to their field. In this case the student must get permission that the article is acceptable before beginning.

6 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 Projects 1. Sub: Feature extraction approaches based on Matrix Pattern: MATPCA and MATFLDA. Chen et al. Patt Recog Letters 26 (2005) 1157-1167 2. Sub: Random sampling + LDA for face recognition. X. Wang and X. Tang. Random sampling LDA for face recognition. IEEE Conf Computer Vision and Pattern Recog (2004) 4. Appl: IHS Pan-sharpening with tradeoff. M. Choi. A new intensity-hue- saturation fusion approach to image fusion with a tradeoff parameter. IEEE Trans Geoscience Remote Sensing 44 (2006) 1672-1682 6. Rad: M. J. Canty et al. Automatic radiometric normalization of multitemporal satellite imagery. Rem Sensing of Environ 91 (2004) 441-451 7. Ens: R. Martins et al. Crater detection by a boosting approach. IEEE Trans Geoscience and Remote Sens Letters 6 (2009) 127-131 8. Sim: Mittal and Ramesh. An intensity augmented ordinal measure for visual correspondence. IEEE Conf Computer Vision and Patt Recog (2006) 9. Sub: Turk and Pentland. Face recognition using eigenfaces (1991)

7 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 Projects 10. MRF: P-M Jodoin et al. Segmentation framework based on label field fusion. IEEE Trans Image Proc 16 (2007) 1-16 12. Rad: Pablo d'Angelo Radiometric alignment and vignetting calibration. 13. Space: B. Likar and F. Pernus. A hierarchical approach to elastic registration based on mutual information. Image and Vision Computing 19 (2001) 33-44 16. Space: Fast approximated sift. ACCV (2006) 918-927. + Lowe et al. Distinctive image features from scale invariant keypoints. Int J Comput Vis 60 (2004) 91--100 17. Ens: Moignette. Segmentation by fusion of histogram-based K-means clusters in different color spaces. IEEE Trans Image Process 17 (2008) 780-787 18. Sim: Earth movers distance. The earth mover's distance as a metric for image retrieval. Int J Comp Vision 40 (2000) 99-121 19. Sim: Inner Distance 20. Ens: Rohlfing and Maurer. Shape-Based Averaging. IEEE Trans Image Proc 16 (2007) 153

8 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 Projects 21. Ens: Boosting the distance estimation. Application to the K-nearest neighbor classifier. J. Amores et al. Patt Recogn Lett 27 (2006) 201-209 22. Ens: K-L Chang et al. Efficient shadow detection of color aerial images based on successive thresholding scheme. IEEE Trans Geoscience and Remote Sensing 47 (2009) 671-682 23. Sub: Two-dimensional Non-negative matrix factorization for face representation and Recognition. Zhang et al, 24. Space: Andronache et al. Non-rigid registration of multimodal images using both mutual information and cross-correlation. Medical Imaging Analysis 12 (2006) 3-15 25. Space: A. Rajwade et al. Probability density estimation using isocontours and isosurfaces: application to information theoretic image registration. IEEE PAMI (2009) 26. Sim: Ordinal Measures. Ordinal measures for image correspondence. Bhat and Nayar IEEE Trans PAMI 20 (1998) 415—423 27. Ens: Wang et al. Spectral Aggregation for clustering Ensemble. Proc Int Conf Patt Recog (2008) 28. Ens: Ng et al. On spectral Clustering: analysis and an algorithm. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2001) pp. 849-856

9 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 Projects 29. Space. Wang et. al. MSLD: A robust descriptor for line matching. Patt Recog. 42 (2009) 941-953 30. Sub. Wang and Suter. False peaks avoiding mean shift method for unsupervised peak valley sliding image segmentation Proc 7 th Digital Image Computing (2003)+ K-means. 31. Sub: Xiang et al. Recursive LDA. IEEE Trans Neural Networks 15 (2006) pp. 2097-2105 32. Ens: Munoz and Suarez. Switching class labels to generate classification ensembles. Patt Recog 38 (2005) 1483-1494 33. Ens: WND-CHARM. Multipurpose image classification using compound image transforms. Orlov et al. Patt Recog Lett 29 (2008) 1684-1693 34. Sub: Median LDA. Yang et al. Median Fisher Discriminator: A robust feature extraction method with applications to biometrics. Frontiers of Computer Science in China 2 (2008) 295—305

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