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Transferable Skills Development MGT 495 Lecture - 5 FACILITATOR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood Bagram.

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Presentation on theme: "Transferable Skills Development MGT 495 Lecture - 5 FACILITATOR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood Bagram."— Presentation transcript:


2 Transferable Skills Development MGT 495 Lecture - 5 FACILITATOR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood Bagram

3 The Importance of Communication Skills for Business Leaders as expressed by Business Authorities “Top executives from Fortune 500 companies rate communications skills as the most important quality for business leaders.” New York Times Business Section “There may be no single thing more important in our efforts to achieve meaningful work and fulfilling relationships than to learn and practice the art of communication.” The Art of Leadership Max De Pree, Author 2

4 Original Message Average Information Loss 100 Percent Top mgt’s understanding 63 percent VP Understanding 56 percent General mgr’s understanding 20 percent Employee’s understanding 30 percent Unit mgr’s understanding 40 percent Division mgr’s understanding Percentage of Understanding lost in communication 3

5 4 We need to improve communication... as 70 % of our communication efforts are: misunderstood misunderstood misinterpreted misinterpreted rejected rejected distorted or distorted or not heard not heard

6 Cost of Correspondence One page business letter that took 10 minutes to dictate cost between $50-$100. Poor writing costs even more since it o Waste Time. o Wastes Effort. o Jeopardizes goodwill. 5


8 7 Think > listen > talk

9 Communication "You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say." – Martin Luther 8

10 Need for Communication 1.Very strong in Human beings 2.Considered as a basic need, as in the case of eating, sleeping, etc. 3.Established as both social & individual need 9

11 Communication is the process of sending and receiving information. COMMUNICATION 10

12 COMMUNICATION The sharing of information between two or more individuals or groups to reach a common understanding ( but not necessarily an agreement ). 11


14 Most common ways to communicate Speaking Visual Images Writing Body Language 13

15 What are the hardest things to say? 14

16 I Don’t Know I Don’t Know I Was Wrong I Was Wrong I Need Help I Need Help Hardest Things to Say 15

17 16

18 17

19 18

20 Words Are Energy Never use words like defeats, failure & problem. Always talk of “Hope, Belief, Faith, Victory & Success.” When you use a Positive word, it raises your Energy Levels & Putting you in a “Winning Frame of Mind.” Words are Energy use them in your favor!! 19

21 Sharing of Resources "A candle loses nothing by Lighting another candle" 20

22 21 If you have your sight, you are blessed. If you have insight, you are a thousand times blessed. 21

23 To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge. - Benjamin 22

24 Doing is Believing "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." (Confucius 551-479 BC) 23

25 Communication "He who wishes to talk well must first think well.” "When you speak, your speech should be better than your silence would have been." (Origin unknown) 24

26 "I praise loudly. I blame softly.“ (unknown) 25

27 "Great speakers are not born, they're trained." -- Dale Carnegie "Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.“ Dale Carnegie 26

28 Conversation with Wise Man “A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.” --Chinese Proverb 27

29 "Communication is really all anyone ever gets paid for ultimately...and if you cannot effectively will PAY...not get paid..." -- Doug Firebaugh 28

30 "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." - Mother Theresa 29

31 Communication Goals Source: CGAP Direct

32 COMMUNICATION – Do you know? PEOPLE REMEMBER: – 10 % of what they read – 20 % of what they hear – 30 % of what they see – 50 % of what they see and hear – 80 % of what they say – 90 % of what they say and do 31

33 COMMUNICATION – Do you know? If you tell people something without repetition: – After 24 hours, 25 % have forgotten it – After 48 hours, 50 % have forgotten it – After 72 hours, 75 % have forgotten it – After one week, 96 % have forgotten it 32

34 FACILITATOR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood Bagram 33

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