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Presentation on theme: " The global BITS-Pilani Alumni Community 501©3 Registered in New Jersey, USA BITSAA International Out of Blue Initiatives (OoBI) Guidance."— Presentation transcript:

1 The global BITS-Pilani Alumni Community 501©3 Registered in New Jersey, USA BITSAA International Out of Blue Initiatives (OoBI) Guidance June 2009

2 The global BITS-Pilani Alumni Community 501©3 Registered in New Jersey, USA OoBI Guiding Principles Our vision and mission are aligned towards helping all BITSians in a positive manner We will entertain all authentic requests for help (financial and non- financial) from any BITSian in any part of the world/universe Permanent members of OoBI SWAT team are CFO, CEO, CHRO, Director OOBI and 1 Senior Board member. Each SWAT team will also have 2-3 co-opted BITSAA Leaders and the local chapter heads wherever applicable. Any fund raising initiatives and/or projects with direct interface to BITS Pilani administration arising out of OoBI require full board approval We need to secure commitment of regular updates from the direct beneficiary or their representative for OoBI

3 The global BITS-Pilani Alumni Community 501©3 Registered in New Jersey, USA OoBI Launch Process OoBI request Can come from any BITSian via any medium – web, email, phone, personal contact …. Verified by an active member & sponsored by a leader SWAT Team meeting OoBI decision 24-48 hrs Verification and sponsorship enable authenticity of the initiative Involvement of an active member acts as a forcing function to build out and strengthen the community SWAT team concept enable rapid response and delivers a message of professionalism combined with empathy for the cause Any positive ROI from the OoBI will be additional advantage

4 The global BITS-Pilani Alumni Community 501©3 Registered in New Jersey, USA OoBI Types BITSAA International involvement will depend on the type of OoBI and ability of the organization to provide support/help TypeRecommended BITSAA International Involvement (once verified & sponsored) Comments Personal (Injury, death, natural calamity) “Full Force” 1.Awareness - Website, volunteer drives, emails 2.Fundraising - Initiate team to reach out to our donor list, set target and pursue aggressively 3.Solicit help from other organizations (where applicable) SWAT lead to be based out of local area /chapter of concern Incorporate extra volunteers for a high intensity project Professional (e.g. Campus placement) “High Enthusiasm” 1.Awareness – Website, emails 2.Coordinate with Fundraising and Tech teams to contact highly placed BITSians at specific organizations Others (e.g. student treatment issues on campus etc) “Cautious Optimism” 1.Understand detail and root cause 2.Increase / enable platform for dialogue

5 The global BITS-Pilani Alumni Community 501©3 Registered in New Jersey, USA OoBI Communication Maintain a regular page on about the OoB initiatives Send updates once a quarter to BITSAA Universe about OoB happenings –‘All is well’ updates need to be sent in case on non-happening quarters Flash news in all communication mediums (including emails) for extremely urgent requests –Urgency will be determined by the SWAT team

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