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1 National Evaluation Capacity: Lessons Learned and a Conceptual Scheme Osvaldo Feinstein Casablanca Conference on National Evaluation Capacity Organized.

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Presentation on theme: "1 National Evaluation Capacity: Lessons Learned and a Conceptual Scheme Osvaldo Feinstein Casablanca Conference on National Evaluation Capacity Organized."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 National Evaluation Capacity: Lessons Learned and a Conceptual Scheme Osvaldo Feinstein Casablanca Conference on National Evaluation Capacity Organized by UNDP’s Evaluation Office 15-17 December 2009

2 2 Theme 4 of the Conference “Towards an enabling environment for evaluation capacity at the national level: what type of support is needed?”.

3 3 Plan of the Presentation a. six lessons learned on NEC b. a conceptual scheme c. ways to support NEC d. questions for the session

4 4 Lessons learned 1 Unbundling evaluation capacity 2 Individual training to conduct evaluations is neither necessary nor sufficient 3 Focus on national rather than only on government’s evaluation capacities

5 5 Lessons learned 4 Identification of different types of evaluation capacity gaps 5 Some countries may develop their NEC with support from other countries 6 National and regional evaluation networks can contribute to NEC

6 6 A conceptual scheme Distinguish between MANAGING, CONDUCTING, & USING evaluations Differentiate among GOVERNMENT, UNIVERSITIES,THINK TANKS CONSULTANTS & PARLIAMENT

7 7 Conceptual scheme (NEC Matrix) National Evaluation Capacities GovernmentUniversities, ThinkTanks, Consultants Parliament Managing Evaluations IIIIII Conducting Evaluations IVVVI Using Evaluations VIIVIIIIX

8 8 Ways of supporting NEC * Need for a diagnosis (use NEC matrix) * Some ways of supporting NEC: Information Networking Funding

9 9 Questions for the session 1 Are there any successful experiences in your country concerning the development of national evaluation capacities? 2 Would you like to share lessons on national evaluation capacity? 3 Which are some of the crucial national evaluation capacity gaps in your country? For example, i) lack of sufficient demand for evaluations? ii) lack of capacity to contract out evaluations or to conduct them or to use them? iii) other gaps, if any?

10 10 And three more questions 4Has your country received support from other developing country in enhancing national evaluation capacity? 5Can your country provide, or has provided, support to other countries in developing their national evaluation capacities? If so, please indicate which type(s) of support 6Do you have any other question(s)?

11 11 The end Thank you Merci Gracias Shokran شكرا

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