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Biomass and carbon stock changes in regenerating forests under JFM Dr. P. Sudha Centre for Ecological Sciences Indian Institute of Science Bangalore –

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1 Biomass and carbon stock changes in regenerating forests under JFM Dr. P. Sudha Centre for Ecological Sciences Indian Institute of Science Bangalore – 560 012

2 CDM CDM Non Annex I countries in achieving sustainable development Non Annex I countries in achieving sustainable development Annex I countries in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation Annex I countries in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation JFM JFM Participatory approach to Forest Management Participatory approach to Forest Management Benefits to accrue to the communities Benefits to accrue to the communities Appropriate institutional and financial mechanisms Appropriate institutional and financial mechanisms CFM CFM Self initiated forest protection committees Self initiated forest protection committees

3 Spread of JFM Spread of JFM JFM in 23 states of India JFM in 23 states of India Over 62,894 Village Forest Committees formed Over 62,894 Village Forest Committees formed 14 million ha of JFM area. 14 million ha of JFM area. Afforestation/Reforestation in degraded forest Afforestation/Reforestation in degraded forest Funded through central, state and external agencies Funded through central, state and external agencies Future Plans for JFM Future Plans for JFM GoI plans to cover nearly 1,73,000 forest fringe villages GoI plans to cover nearly 1,73,000 forest fringe villages Target for greening programme Target for greening programme 15 Mha of degraded forest - JFM 15 Mha of degraded forest - JFM 10 Mha of irrigated area - commercial agroforestry 10 Mha of irrigated area - commercial agroforestry 18 Mha of rainfed area - subsistence agroforestry 18 Mha of rainfed area - subsistence agroforestry Rs 4800 crores annually; existing Rs. 1615 crores Rs 4800 crores annually; existing Rs. 1615 crores

4 Potential area available for reforestation and afforestation Authors/Sources Authors/Sources NRSA NRSA Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Chambers et al Chambers et al Kapoor Kapoor Planning Commission Planning Commission Land Available for Planting Land Available for Planting 65.45 Mha 65.45 Mha 66 Mha 66 Mha 84 Mha 84 Mha 106 Mha 106 Mha 130 Mha 130 Mha

5 Methods for estimating C sequestration COMAP Model COMAP Model Annual and cumulative carbon stock changes Annual and cumulative carbon stock changes Incremental carbon stock Incremental carbon stock Total C stock per ha Total C stock per ha Cost-Effectiveness; Cost-Effectiveness; Investment cost; Rs/tC or Rs/ha Investment cost; Rs/tC or Rs/ha Life cycle cost; Rs/tC or Rs/ha Life cycle cost; Rs/tC or Rs/ha Net present value of returns; Rs/tC Net present value of returns; Rs/tC Calculation method Calculation method Area under JFM Area under JFM Annual Above Ground Biomass Growth Rates Annual Above Ground Biomass Growth Rates Financial value of carbon credit at Rs 500/tC Financial value of carbon credit at Rs 500/tC Total Mitigation Potential Total Mitigation Potential Financial Potential Financial Potential

6 Location and Region A & R Activity Annual C sequestration potential/yr Total tC/yr Kaluasar, WB Sal regenerating 2.7240 Kharikamathani, WB Sal regenerating 1.162 Uthannayagram, WB Sal regenerating 2.91605 Kapasgaria, WB Sal regenerating 1.844 Bhagawatichowk, WB Sal regenerating 1.790 Kunbar, Gujarat Regenerating teak 0.9170 Rampur, Gujarat Regenerating teak 1.0119 Garda, Gujarat Regenerating teak 0.883 C sequestration potential

7 Location and Region A & R Activity Annual C sequestration potential/yr Total tC/yr Bada Bhilwara, Rajasthan Deciduous2.01200 Alalli, Karnataka Evergreen2.0147 Hunasur, Karnataka Evergreen3.8453 Kugwe, Karnataka Evergreen3.0580 Halakar, Karnataka Evergreen1.734 Kutling, Orissa Regenerating Sal 1.4357 Nabra, Orissa Regenerating Sal 1.154 Gadabanikilo, Orissa Regenerating Sal 2.6158 Asundariya, Gujarat Regenerating Teak 2.1374 Baluji Na Muvada, Gujarat Deciduous4.9595 Dabbar, J&K Pine1.365 Johnu, J&K Pine1.010 Ritti, J&K Pine0.816

8 Financial Potential Location and Region Total tC/yr Financial value Financial value (Rs/HH/yr) Kaluasar, WB 2401199251845 Kharikamathani, WB 6231065485 Uthannayagram, WB 160580262016052 Kapasgaria, WB 4422062368 Bhagawatichowk, WB 90447851066 Kunbar, Gujarat 17085070516 Rampur, Gujarat 119597001085 Garda, Gujarat 834150096

9 Location and Region Total tC/yr Financial value Financial value (Rs/HH/yr) Bada Bhilwara, Rajasthan 12005997604224 Alalli, Karnataka 14773548645 Hunasur, Karnataka 4532265001606 Kugwe, Karnataka 5802900301585 Halakar, Karnataka 3416900147 Kutling, Orissa 357178560484 Nabra, Orissa 542712057 Gadabanikilo, Orissa 15878750551 Asundariya, Gujarat 3741870051281 Baluji Na Muvada, Gujarat 5952973752124 Dabbar, J&K 65322502150 Johnu, J&K 10517583 Ritti, J&K 16820055

10 Other issues to be addressed Larger Carbon benefits Larger Carbon benefits Other Carbon pools Other Carbon pools Soil Soil Litter Litter Below ground biomass Below ground biomass Inclusion of baseline estimations Inclusion of baseline estimations

11 Baseline and Additionality Issues Mean area afforested/reforested is 1.5 Mha under various programmes Mean area afforested/reforested is 1.5 Mha under various programmes Area brought under JFM 14 Mha Area brought under JFM 14 Mha Additionality??? Additionality??? Leakage?? Leakage?? Uncertainties?? Uncertainties?? Socio-economic Socio-economic Environmental impacts Environmental impacts

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