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Debriefing Fishbanks Fall 2009 1. Reflecting on the Game Video – Fish Banks game Teams’ Performances –What happened and why? –Alternative strategies What.

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Presentation on theme: "Debriefing Fishbanks Fall 2009 1. Reflecting on the Game Video – Fish Banks game Teams’ Performances –What happened and why? –Alternative strategies What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Debriefing Fishbanks Fall 2009 1

2 Reflecting on the Game Video – Fish Banks game Teams’ Performances –What happened and why? –Alternative strategies What can be done? 2

3 Summary of Ocean’s Behavior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FISHCATCHSHIPS

4 4 Typical Game Behavior Fish Catch Ships 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 YEAR

5 5 Typical Game Behavior – Fleet

6 6 Typical Game Behavior – Catch

7 7 Typical Game Behavior – Fish Population

8 8 Aggressive Strategies “Purchase many boats until average fish productivity starts to decline. When fish productivity goes down, fish other areas.” “Increase fleet size as long as yields are stable.” “Buy boats early in the game and then sell them toward the end. Catch as many fish as possible at the beginning of the period”

9 9 Conservative Strategies “We want to keep our fleet at this constant level and disperse it so as not to deplete fish resources in the deep sea and coast. “

10 The Fisheries System: Fish

11 The Fisheries System: Catch

12 The Fisheries System: Investment +,-

13 The Fisheries System Structure +,-

14 Does fish depletion happen in real life? Pacific sardine fishery (late 40s) Peruvian anchovy fishery (early 70s) North Sea Herring (1970s) Georges Bank Cod fish (early 90s) Pacific salmon fishery (2008) Atlantic bluefin tuna (2008) 2003 study suggests: –29% of all fished species have collapsed; catch 90% below historic levels –Total world fish catch depleted by 2048

15 Dietary Importance of Fish Population At present, fish comprise 34 percent of the animal- protein for the world's population; in developing nations, more than 40 percent. Source: "Assaulting the Seas: Rising Human Tide Overwhelms Oceans," The ZPG Reporter, July 1991. 

16 Other Importance of Fish Population  Export earnings for poor nations  Source of jobs and income  Foundation for the culture of many regions and towns  Support for a diverse ecosystem

17 Examples of Collapse Drinking too much alcohol Cutting too many trees Abusing trust and good will - phone marketing Relying on debt Building too many offices or residences Fabricating financial accounts Depleting ozone layer, ground water, agricultural soils

18 18 Fishbanks: Causes of collapse? Misinformation issues »Difficulty to assess the evolution of the fish population »Assumptions of stability »What happened? We sent ships but there is no catch? Delay in control response »Feasibility of a unilateral control measure? »Lack of trust? Limited time horizon »8 year game

19 19 Tragedy of the Commons Popularized by Hardin (1968) The model: Private gains hold social or ecological costs Benefits gained by individual, costs borne by all Incentive to put more cattle on the commons as long as personal gain is more than personal cost Common-pool resources subject to ruin

20 20 What can be done? Partition the seas Establish quotas Farm fish Change consumption preferences Limit ship fleets, technology Develop better methods for stock assessment Change social values and economic incentives Understand the role of technology

21 Impact of Technology on Ship Effectiveness - - - - -

22 22 Is self-regulation feasible? Responsible care ISO 14001, 14004 Global Reporting Initiative

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