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6d: Causes of the Great Depression

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Presentation on theme: "6d: Causes of the Great Depression"— Presentation transcript:

1 6d: Causes of the Great Depression
People over speculated on stocks, using borrowed money that they could not repay when stock prices crashed.

2 6d: Causes of the Great Depression
The Federal Reserve failed to prevent the collapse of the banking system.

3 6d: Causes of the Great Depression
High tariffs discouraged international trade.

4 6d: Impact on Americans A large number of banks and other businesses failed.

5 6d: Impact on Americans One-fourth of workers were without jobs.

6 6d: Impact on Americans Large numbers of people were hungry and homeless.

7 6d: Impact on Americans Farmers’ incomes fell to low levels.

8 6d: Major features of the New Deal
Social Security

9 6d: Major features of the New Deal
Federal work programs

10 6d: Major features of the New Deal
Environmental improvement programs

11 6d: Major features of the New Deal
Farm assistance programs

12 6d: Major features of the New Deal
Increased rights for labor

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