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1 Thin Resist film Processing issues Ioannis Raptis Patterning Group Institute of Microelectronics National Center for Scientific Reasearch ‘Demokritos’

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1 1 Thin Resist film Processing issues Ioannis Raptis Patterning Group Institute of Microelectronics National Center for Scientific Reasearch ‘Demokritos’ 15310 Ag. Paraskevi Attikis, Greece E-mail: Contents  Glass transition changes in thin resist films  Etching rate of thin resist films  Dissolution properties of thin resist films

2 SW-OPTI methodology / Results C.D.Diakoumakos, I.Raptis Polymer 44 251(2003) D.Niakoula, I.Raptis, D.Goustouridis, P.Argitis Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43 (5247)2004 Interference Equation Operation Principle Parameters affecting T g film  film thickness  film – substrate interactions  coating method  distribution of molecules At glass transition  Specific volume  Refractive index  Surface roughness change Exposure layout 50  m rectangular pads

3 T g film values of AZ-EM materials MMC13: terpolymer Mw: 30000 MMC14: terpolymer Mw: 14000 MMC15: terpolymer Mw: 45000

4 MW-OPTI interferometry method / Results Specifications: Real time calculation of polymeric film thickness Controlled heating and cooling rate Controlled atmosphere (humidity level) Results: Evaluation of T g film for films down to 50nm Thin exposed PMMA resist

5 Etch Rate is decreasing as the initial film thickness declines For initial thicknesses >150nm ER gets its bulk value ER bulk – ER thickn~50nm >20nm/min Relative decrease of about 20% depending on the polymer Increased etch resistance of thin polymeric films Possible explanations for this are based on the effect of: Sample heating (during process) Physical properties of polymer (Free volume, Density, Diffusivity) Etch Rate vs. initial thickness N.Vourdas, A.G.Boudouvis, E.Gogolides Microelec. Eng. 78, 474(2005)

6 Multi Wavelength Dissolution Rate Monitor Characteristics Low-Moderate sampling Rate (<50samples/sec) Need for fitting Applicable to very thin films (>40nm) Allows detailed study of swelling Spectrometer A.Kokkinis, E.S.Valamontes, I.Raptis J. Physics (2005) “Dissolution properties of ultrathin photoresist films for the fabrication of nanostructures ” Dissolution behaviour depends on film thickness Effect of Molecular Weight on dissolution

7 Conclusions / Future Plans Conclusions Non destructive Optical methodologies were developed for the in-situ monitoring of the thin film properties. T g film in case of thin films are different from the bulk ones. Exposed and unexposed areas present different properties Dissolution of thin films was studied. Results depend on the polymer/resist material. Thin film issues are important for the sub 45nm nodes Future Plans Comparison of the three available optical methodologies for the T g film calculation. Development processing conditions effect on the development rate of thin films Thermal processing (PAB, PEB) effects on polymer/resist properties in the case of thin films

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