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Egyptian and Nubian Empires

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1 Egyptian and Nubian Empires
Chapter 4 Section 1

2 Main Idea and Key Terms Two empires along the Nile, Egypt and Nubia, forged commercial, cultural, and political connections Hyksos New Kingdom Hatshepsut Thutmose III Nubia Ramses II Kush Piankhi Meroë

3 Nomadic Invaders Rule Egypt
After the prosperity of the Middle Kingdom, Egypt descended into war and violence Weak pharaohs and power disputes led to the fall of Egypt to the Hyksos During the Hyksos rule was when the Hebrews arrived in Egypt The Egyptians resented the Hebrews

4 Egyptian & Nubian Empires
Around 1600, Queen Ahhotep helped drive out the Hyksos The next pharaoh, Kamses, and his successors drove the Hyksos out of Egypt to Palestine The Hebrews that remained in Egypt were enslaved They left during the “Exodus”

5 The New Kingdom The pharaohs of the New Kingdom sought to build an empire Using bronze weapons and two-wheeled chariots, the Egyptians became conquerors

6 New Kingdom Hatshepsut declared herself pharaoh around 1472 b.c.e.
She encouraged trade instead of war She sent a trade expedition to the Land of Punt, near present day Somalia They brought back many items for ceremonies, as well as gold and ivory

7 New Kingdom Hatshepsut’s stepson, Thutmose III, was much more warlike
May have murdered his stepmother to take the throne He invaded Palestine and Syria, as well as south into Nubia, along the upper Nile This was the height of the Egyptian Empire

8 Hatshepsut

9 New Kingdom Later, the Egyptians faced the Hittites
Ramses II signed a treaty Like the Old Kingdom, rulers of the New Kingdom erected great buildings They hid their tombs beneath desert cliffs at the Valley of the Kings near Thebes

10 Decline Shortly after Ramses died, the entire Eastern Mediterranean faced a series of invasions After the invasions, Egypt never recovered The empire broke apart, and became regional kingdoms Eventually the Nubians came north and seized power

11 New Kingdom

12 The Kush For centuries, Egypt dominated Nubia and the kingdom of Kush
After the fall of the Egyptian empire, Kush began to rise Nubia then established a Kushite throne in Egypt The Kushites adopted clothing, Gods, writing, and customs from the Egyptians

13 Kush In 751 b.c.e., a Kushite king named Piankhi overthrew the Libyan dynasty ruling Egypt The Assyrians invaded in 671 b.c.e. and drove out the Kushites They fled south, where they experienced a golden age, despite their loss of Egypt

14 The Golden Age of Meroë After the defeat in Egypt, the Kushite royal family moved south to Meroë Meroë lay along the Red Sea It became active in trade with Arabia, Africa, and India Unlike Egypt, Meroë enjoyed significant rainfall and had iron ore Became a manufacturer of weapons and tools

15 Meroë Natural resources flowed out of Africa and luxury goods from India and Arabia flowed in After four centuries of prosperity, from about 250 b.c.e. to 150 c.e., Meroë began to decline Aksum began to dominate North African trade

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