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17.2 Notes.  1910 gave South Africa independence  20% white population ruled  Apartheid- separation of the races  Non-whites faced many restrictions,

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Presentation on theme: "17.2 Notes.  1910 gave South Africa independence  20% white population ruled  Apartheid- separation of the races  Non-whites faced many restrictions,"— Presentation transcript:

1 17.2 Notes

2  1910 gave South Africa independence  20% white population ruled  Apartheid- separation of the races  Non-whites faced many restrictions, segregation, poverty

3  The African National Congress- opposed apartheid peacefully then violently after  Sharpeville- town where government cracked down on protests and massacred 69 men  Nelson Mandela- protester, turned violent ◦ Arrested in 1960’s  Desmond Tutu- Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent opposition

4  F.W. de Klerk ended Apartheid under pressure  1994- right to vote  Nelson Mandela elected first president

5  Rwanda- deadly civil war ◦ Hutus- majority group ◦ Tutsis- minority but had ruled ◦ 1994 Hutu officials urged civilians to kill the Tutsis ◦ 800,000 Tutsis slaughtered ◦ 3 mil lost homes ◦ UN eventually stepped in  Hutus and Tutsis also fought a guerrilla war in neighboring Burundi

6  Arab north dominated the non-Arab south ◦ Discriminated against non-Muslims ◦ Rebel groups fought  Darfur-western region in Sudan ◦ Arab militants burned villages and drove hundreds of thousands from their land ◦ UN organized huge aid effort


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