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Sunir Kapoor Vice President Oracle Collaboration Suite Oracle Corporation Steven Levine Vice President Oracle Collaboration Suite Marketing Oracle Corporation.

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2 Sunir Kapoor Vice President Oracle Collaboration Suite Oracle Corporation Steven Levine Vice President Oracle Collaboration Suite Marketing Oracle Corporation

3 Strategic Road Map To Enterprise Collaboration Session id: 40219

4 Agenda  Collaboration Challenges Today  Collaboration Trends  Vision for Collaboration  Release Roadmap  Next Steps

5 Collaboration Challenges Today Fragmented ApplicationsFragmented Applications Information ProliferationInformation Proliferation Cost of CollaborationCost of Collaboration

6 Collaboration Trends  It’s More Than Email  It’s Growing  It’s Growing More Important It ’ s The Right Time to Think About The Right Architecture It ’ s The Right Time to Think About The Right Architecture

7 It’s More Than Email Types of Collaboration Email Electronic Documents Instant Messages Chat Room Logs Voicemail Calendar Entries Web Conferences And More…

8 It’s More Than Email Business Systems (ERP, CRM) Collaborative Assets: Customer records, Contracts, Email, Voicemail, Memos, Web Conferences, Data Sheets, Instant Messages, Planning Documents, Forecasts, Quotes, etc. Transactions, Legacy Applications 70% 30%

9 It’s Growing  IDC Numbers 2001 – 2007 – Conferencing Applications – 17.7% CAGR – Team Collaborative Applications – 19.8% CAGR – Messaging Applications – 22.4% CAGR  Radicati Numbers 2003 – 2007 – Enterprise Messaging Seats  316M growing to 562M – Enterprise Messages every day  45.4B growing to 111.4B – Corporate Instant Messaging  52M growing to 349M

10 It’s Growing More Important  More worker choose Email (44%) over Phone (26%) or Face-to-Face Meetings (17%) as the most often used communication tool at work  68% of companies say users get irate within as little as 30 minutes without e-mail access  33% of CIOs and IT managers surveyed say a week without e-mail is more traumatic than stressful life events such as getting divorced

11 It’s Growing More Important Regulations Are you at risk? Sarbanes-Oxley Act ? SEC & NYSE regulations ? HIPAA? USA Patriot Act ? DOD 5015 ? Food and Drug Admin., title 21 ? NASD 3010, 3110 ? Freedom of Information Act ? European Data Privacy Act ?

12 It’s Growing More Important Types of Collaboration Discoverable? EmailYes Electronic Documents Yes Chat Room Logs Yes Instant Messages Soon VoicemailSoon Calendar Entries Soon Web Conferences Soon And More… ????

13 The Right Architecture “Enterprises need to start considering collaboration as a platform component, and not simply as a set of tools for facilitating communication. This means collaboration software should be tied tightly to database, middleware, portal and operating system (OS) acquisitions.” Enterprise Collaboration: Time to Consider an Enterprise Platform Dan Rasmus – June 16th

14 Oracle Collaboration Suite The Right Architecture Source: Radicati Group

15 Benefits of the Right Architecture Reduce Total Cost of OwnershipReduce Total Cost of Ownership Improve Reliability & SecurityImprove Reliability & Security Enhance End User ProductivityEnhance End User Productivity Better Manage Your Unstructured InformationBetter Manage Your Unstructured Information

16 Integrated Suite Calendar E-mail Voicemail Files Search Outlook Fax Voice Wireless Web Web Conferencing

17 Oracle Collaboration Suite & Oracle 10g  Leverages – Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g – Oracle Application Server 10g – Oracle Database 10g

18  Reduce Cost While Providing Scalability & Reliability – Take advantage of clustering & automated storage management  Improve Service Levels & Control – Dynamically share resources across multiple applications with workload management – Manage the entire suite of applications with a single interface through Enterprise Manager 10g  Improve End User Experience – Monitor performance from an end user perspective & enforce application service levels Oracle Collaboration Suite & Oracle 10g Benefits

19 Oracle’s Strategic Direction for Collaboration  Deliver an integrated suite of collaborative applications  Provide application services for contextual collaboration  Enhance E-Business Suite collaboration

20 Open Standards-Based Collaboration IM Next

21 Oracle Collaboration Suite The Right Architecture Portal & Wireless Client Applications 9i Database & 9i Application Server Oracle Collaboration Suite Foundation Services Collaborative Applications APIs & Tools

22  Content  Communications Oracle Collaboration Suite Foundation Services  Context  Process Oracle Collaboration Suite APIs & Tools Foundation Services Collaborative Applications

23 Contextual Collaboration Embedded Web Conferencing Custom e-mail client

24 Oracle Collaboration Suite & Oracle E-Business Suite  Leverage Collaboration Suite Oracle Web Conferencing Oracle eMail Oracle Files Project Collaboration Interaction Center iSupport

25 Oracle Collaboration Suite & Oracle E-Business Suite Application Level Interfaces Calendar & task synchronization Shared pages With portlets

26 Oracle Collaboration Suite & Oracle E-Business Suite Project Collaboration Module

27 Oracle Collaboration Suite & Oracle E-Business Suite Project Collaboration Module Concept.PDF Project Collaboration Module File Workflow

28 Release Roadmap July 2002June 2003 20042005 First enterprise class solution on a database Integrated suite Lower TCO Improve reliability Enhance user productivity R1 Web conferencing New features across the Suite Improved Suite installation & configuration Open standards- based collaboration platform R2 Complete collaboration & content management solution Task & project capabilities Business process management Full web services / J2EE platform for RAD Next Release +Next Release Extending real- time collaboration & content management Threaded discussions Instant messaging & presence Extensible platform with APIs & customizable UI Integrated content management Rich document & records management

29 Outsourcing Applications Support Implementation Apps Admin DB/AS Admin Sys Admin HW Admin Traditional ® ® Customer Customer Manages: Availability Security Performance Change Problems Outsourcing ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Oracle Manages: Availability Security Performance Change Problems Better ServiceBetter Service Faster ServiceFaster Service Predictable CostPredictable Cost Focus on CompetenceFocus on Competence

30 Next Steps….  Recommended Sessions – Collaboration Suite Track – Listen to Customers & Analysts  EPL 40381  Hays Medical 40341  Infopia (outsourcing) 40142, 40009  Sara Radicati 36409  UNC Chapel Hill 40372  Xerox 36367 – Other  Oracle University 40120  OCS in Government 40336  Guru Sessions – Sunir Kapoor – Tues 12:00 – Bill Maimone – Wed 12:00 – Steve McAdams – Thurs 11:00  OTN Chalk Talks – Pemco Aeroplex – Wed 12:30 – Phone Directories – Thurs 11:30  Exhibit Hall – DEMOgrounds – Partner Pavilion – Booth 726  Hands-on Sessions – Marriott Hotel – room C2

31 A Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S


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