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© 2009 Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Internetworking, WANs, and Dynamic Routing.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2009 Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Internetworking, WANs, and Dynamic Routing."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2009 Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Internetworking, WANs, and Dynamic Routing Asst. Prof. Chaiporn Jaikaeo, Ph.D. Computer Engineering Department Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand Adapted from the notes by Lami Kaya and lecture slides from Anan Phonphoem

2 2 Internetworks Two or more networks connected become an internetwork, or internet KU Network CU Network TU Network Internetwork = Network of networks

3 3 Internetworks Internetworking two LANs with a MAN or a WAN Obvious example  The Internet Bangkhen Kampangsaen

4 4 The Internet (Conceptual View) ISP: Internet Service Provider NAP: Network access point (switching station)

5 5 Wide Area Network (WAN) Enterprise Network: WAN owned by a company

6 6 Traditional WAN Architecture


8 8 WAN Connection DCE generates clock for DTE WAN DTEDCE DTE DCE – Data Circuit-terminating Equipment DTE – Data Terminal Equipment generates clock

9 9 WAN Devices V.35 serial cable CSU/DSU or Modem (DCE) Router (DTE) To WAN

10 10 Example of WAN Topology These packet switches form a packet switching network

11 11 Store and Forward Paradigm A packet switch stores packets in memory The forward operation occurs once a packet has arrived and is waiting in memory. The processor examines the packet determines its destination and sends the packet over the I / O interface that leads to the destination

12 12 Addressing in a WAN WANs addresses follow a key concept that is used in the Internet: hierarchical addressing Hierarchical addressing divides each address into two parts: (site, computer at the site) In practice, instead of a identifying a site, each packet switch is assigned a unique number first part of an address identifies a packet switch second part identifies a specific computer

13 13 Addressing in WAN

14 14 Next-Hop Forwarding Germany New York Alaska Bangkok Next hop keep changing Bangkok  AlaskaBangkok  Germany  New York  Alaska

15 15 Source Independence Next hop depends on destination of the packet Not the source !  Source Independence Bangkok  Germany  New York  Alaska Forwarding packet uses the destination address in the packet

16 16 Next-Hop Forwarding Source E [2,1]  Destination C [3,2] Forwarding Table in Switch 2

17 17 Routing Tables The next-hop table is called  Routing Table Process of forwarding packet  Routing Large network Routing table can be very large

18 18 Dynamic Routing in a WAN We use the term routing software to describe software that automatically reconfigures forwarding tables Route computation in a WAN is to think of a graph that models the network Each node corresponds to a packet switch (individual computers are not part of the graph) An edge (link) denotes a direct connection between a pair of packet switches

19 19 WAN Routing WAN A Graph representation node Edge

20 20 Routing Table Edge = (u,v) node

21 21 Default Routes > 1 destination with same next-hop One default Lowest priority

22 22 Routing Table Construction Static Routing Manual configure Simple and low overhead Inflexible Dynamic Routing Automatic changing Change according to network problems Mostly use

23 23 Distributed Route Computation In practice, networks need to perform distributed route computation All packet switches must participate in distributed route computation No central entity to do computation There are two general forms: Link-State Routing (LSR) Distance-Vector Routing (DVR)

24 24 Link-State Routing (LSR) Also known as Shortest Path First (SPF) routing Dijkstra algorithm used it to characterize the way it works To use LSR, packet switches periodically send messages across the network that carry the status of a link Every switch collects incoming status messages and uses them to build a graph of the network

25 25 Dijkstra's Algorithm Uses a greedy approach to select the next node into the shortest path tree Assumes non- negative weight edges

26 26 Dijkstra’s Algorithm Animation

27 27 Distance Vector Routing (DVR) Uses Distributed Bellman-Ford Algorithm Like LSR, DVR arranges for packet switches to exchange messages periodically In DVR, a switch sends a complete list of destinations and the current cost of reaching each When it sends a DVR message a switch is sending a series of individual statements, of the form: “I can reach destination X, and its current distance from me is Y”

28 28 DVR Concept

29 29 Hop Count 1 hop 2 hops

30 30 Routing table distribution

31 31 Updating routing table For router A

32 32 Final routing tables

33 33 Updating the routing table Example

34 34 Routing Problems In theory, either LSR or DVR will compute shortest paths Furthermore, each approach will eventually converge meaning that the forwarding tables in all packet switches agree However, problems do occur For example, if LSR messages are lost, two packet switches can disagree about the shortest path DVR problems can be more severe because a link failure can cause two or more packet switches to create a routing loop in which each packet switch thinks the next packet switch in the set is the shortest path to a particular destination As a result, a packet can circulate among the switches indefinitely

35 35 WAN Technologies ARPANET X.25 Frame Relay Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service (SMDS) Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)

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