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Year % qualified for 5N BBSSNational 201381.272.7 201283.772.6 201190.772.7 201063.970.9 200976.871.1 200874.473.2 200776.872.5.

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2 Year % qualified for 5N BBSSNational 201381.272.7 201283.772.6 201190.772.7 201063.970.9 200976.871.1 200874.473.2 200776.872.5


4 Percentage passes for 10 out of 12 subjects offered were above national average. 9 subjects had higher % of Grades 1-2 as compared to national average. % of Grades 1-2 for Combined Humanities is 32.7(BBSS) Vs 17.6 (National), Malay is 44.4(BBSS) Vs 25.9(National),English Lang is 26.7(BBSS) Vs 16.1(National) and Mathematics is 46.5(BBSS) Vs 33.7(National). 100% passes for Additional Mathematics, Art, Chinese, English Language, Malay, Tamil and Hindi.

5 %Grades 1-2 better than in 2012 and National %Pass better than in 2012 and National

6 %Grades 1-2 better than in 2012 and Natiional %Pass better than National

7 %Pass and %Grades 1-2 better than National

8 %Grades 1-2 better than in 2012 and National %Pass better than in 2012 and National

9 %Pass same as 2012 = 100 and better than National %Grades1-2 better than in 2012

10 %Pass same as 2012 = 100 and better than National % Grades1-2 better than in 2012 and National

11 %Grades 1-2 and %Pass better than National %Pass better than in 2012

12 % Grades 1-2 better than 2012 and National

13 %Grades 1-2 better than in 2012 and National

14 %Pass the same as in 2012 =100 and better than National %Grades 1-2 better than in 2012 and better than National

15 %Pass better than National


17 Percentage passes for 9 out of 9 subjects offered were above national average. 5 subjects had higher % of Grade A as compared to national average. % of Grade A for Basic Chinese is 43.8(BBSS) Vs 26.2 (National), Basic Tamil is 66.7(BBSS) Vs 27.0(National), Computer Applications is 44.1(BBSS) Vs 29.1(National) and Elements of Business Skills is 42.1(BBSS) Vs 21.9(National).

18 100% passes for Basic Malay, Basic Tamil, Computer Applications, Design & Technology and English Language.

19 %Pass better than in 2012 and National %Grades 1-2 better than in 2012 and National

20 %Pass better than in 2012 and National

21 %Pass better than in 2012 and National

22 %Pass same as 2012 = 100% and better than National %Grade A better than National

23 %Pass same as 2012 = 100% and better than National

24 %Pass better than National %Grade A better than National

25 %Pass better than in 2012 and National %Grade A better than in 2012 and National

26 %Pass better than National %Grade A better than in 2012 and National

27 %Pass same as in 2011=100% and better than National








35 Please proceed to your classes to collect other documents from your teachers and visit the booths set up by the respective institutes.

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