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* Copy agenda down on your notebook, (backpacks should be behind you or on the floor). *Copy and answer Warm-Up question. -Be ready to share answers!!

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Presentation on theme: "* Copy agenda down on your notebook, (backpacks should be behind you or on the floor). *Copy and answer Warm-Up question. -Be ready to share answers!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 * Copy agenda down on your notebook, (backpacks should be behind you or on the floor). *Copy and answer Warm-Up question. -Be ready to share answers!! Agenda #3 Period #4 1)Copy agenda 2) Warm-up #2 3)Lecture #3: The U.S. Constitution 4) Deciphering the Constitution activity. 5) Exit slip

2 The Constitution

3 Lesson Objective  Students will be able to analyze the preamble, articles 1-7 and amendments 1-27 of the Constitution by answering guiding questions as they work in groups. 1. CA Standard: 2. 12.4 students analyze the unique roles and responsibilities of the three branches of government as established by the U.S. Constitution.

4 Goal Questions: #3 1. What are the six basic principles of the Constitution? 2. How Can the Constitution be legally changed?( name at least one of the 4 ways) Sentence starters 1.The six basic principles of the Constitution are…. 2. The Constitution can be legally changed by ….

5 Warm-Up #3 (3 minutes)  Analyze the political cartoon to identify the symbols that are used to describe the relationship between the President and Congress ? *(make sure you write in complete sentences)

6 Warm-Up #3 Interpreting tables: look at the table on page 57 tited “Ratification of the Constitution” and aswer the question: In what states was ratification won by only a narrow margin?

7 Pair-Share 3 min. Share with neighbor what they wrote about and be ready to discuss with whole class. * Remember that participation will be a part of their grade.

8 The Government That Failed  The Articles of Confederation  The first document to govern the United States.  Established a confederation among 13 states.  Congress had few powers; no president or national court system.  Most government power rested in the states.

9 The Government That Failed  Economic Turmoil  Postwar depression left farmers unable to pay debts  Shays’ Rebellion  Series of attacks on courthouses by a small band of farmers led by Revolutionary War Captain Daniel Shays to block foreclosure proceedings.  Economic elite concerned about Articles’ inability to limit these violations of individual’s property rights

10 Representation

11 Economic Issues  States had tariffs on products from other states  Paper money was basically worthless (14 currencies)  Congress couldn’t raise money

12 The Madisonian Model  To prevent a tyranny of the majority, Madison proposed a government of:  Limiting Majority Control  Separating Powers  Creating Checks and Balances  Establishing a Federal System

13 The Madisonian Model  The Constitution and the Electoral Process

14 The Madisonian Model

15 The Agenda in Philadelphia

16 Ratification

17 Ratifying the Constitution  Federalist Papers  A collection of 85 articles written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison under the name “Publius” to defend the Constitution  Bill of Rights  The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, drafted in response to some of the Anti- Federalist concerns about the lack of basic liberties

18 Six Basic Principles of the U.S Constitution  It originally consisted of a Preamble, or introduction, and seven sections called articles. 1. Popular Sovereignty: idea that people are the source of all power held by the government. 2. Limited Government: government only has the power that the people gives it and must obey the Constitution; this principle is also known as Constitutionalism. *Government officials are subject to the rule of law– they must always obey the law and never above it. 3. Separation of powers: establishes the 3 separate branches that share power. 4. Checks and balances: the constitution uses this system to ensure that none of the three branches can become more powerful. 5. Judicial review: the power of the courts to decide what the Constitution mean. 1. Can also declare government's actions to be unconstitutional 6. Federalism : principle used to divide power between the central government and the states.

19 Checking for Understanding What is constitutionalism?

20 Formal Amendment  Amendments are changes to the Constitution: in two way Formal or informal Formal Amendments are changes to the Constitution’s written words( 4 Methods) The process: Amendments are proposed at a national level by congress or at a national convention then ratified at state level by state legislatures. 1. Method 1: Congress proposes – State Legislatures Ratify 2. Method 2: Congress Proposes – State Conventions Ratify 3. Method 3: National Convention Proposes –State Legislatures ratify 4. Method 4: National Convention Proposes – State Conventions ratify  The first ten amendments are the Bill of Rights proposed in 1789 ( approved by the States in 1791) * the other 17 amendments became part of the Constitution one at a time.

21 Checking for Understanding Why is it important to allow the Constitution to be formally changed through Amendments?

22 Constitutional Changes by Other Means  Many informal changes have been made since 1787  Unlike formal amendments, these changes have not altered the Constitution’s actual words.  Informal Changes come from 5 sources: 1. Basic Legislation: Congress can either pass a law to fill in details about the specific ways the government operates or to explain certain parts of the Constitution. 2. Executive Action: Presidents may choose to make an executive agreement or pact, with the head of another country instead of a treaty. 3. Court Decisions: The Courts change it by explaining parts of it when ruling on cases. 4. Political Practices: Political parties have decreased the importance of the electoral college, the group that formally selects the nation’s president. 5. Customs: have developed in the American Government that are not mentioned in the Constitution

23 Decipher the Constitution : Activity  In your group read the Preamble and articles 1-7  Then read the guiding questions/ scenarios  Evaluate each scenario and cite the Article and section that explains it.

24 Goal Questions: #3 1. What are the six basic principles of the Constitution? 2. How Can the Constitution be legally changed?( name at least one of the 4 ways) Sentence starters 1.The six basic principles of the Constitution are…. 2. The Constitution can be legally changed by ….

25 Vocabulary Quiz  Write the word and define.  1.Democracy  2. Self-government  3. Dictatorship  4. capitalism  5. constitutionalism

26 Federalist #10  Written Madison  Factions: people will inevitably will from factions  Because of uneven distribution of property  Control the source or the effects of factions  Liberty is to factions as air if to fire  How to control the effects of faction  Worry about the tyranny of the masses the poor  3 arguments  1. the

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