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Recap Name three historical documents that were instrumental in the creation of our government. Magna Carta English Bill of Rights Petition of Rights.

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Presentation on theme: "Recap Name three historical documents that were instrumental in the creation of our government. Magna Carta English Bill of Rights Petition of Rights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recap Name three historical documents that were instrumental in the creation of our government. Magna Carta English Bill of Rights Petition of Rights

2 Chapter 3, Section 1 The Constitution

3 Articles of the Constitution Preamble: States the purpose of the Constitution and sets forth the goals of the government. Article 1: Legislative Branch Section 1: Creates US Congress. Section 2: Details the US House and Senate. Other sections spell out the procedures for making laws, lists the types of laws Congress may pass and specify the powers Congress does not have.

4 Article II: Executive Branch Section 1: States that power of the executive branch will be given to the President of the US (POTUS). Other sections lay out the powers and duties, qualifications and procedures for electing President and Vice President.

5 Article III: Judicial Branch Section 1: Establishes a Supreme Court and gives the national government the power to create the lower courts. Section 2: Outlines the authority of the Supreme Court. Section 3: Defines treason against the US.

6 Article IV: Relations among the States and National government. Article V: Amending the Constitution. Article VI: National debts, oaths of office, and the supremacy clause which states that laws passed by Congress and the treaties of the US are the “supreme law of the land.” Article VII: Ratifying the Constitution.

7 Six Basic Principles Popular Sovereignty Limited Government Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Judicial Review Federalism

8 Popular Sovereignty The people are the only source of any and all government in the United States. “We the people of the United States… do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.”

9 Limited Government The government may only do those things that the people give it power to do. Constitutionalism- government must be conducted according to constitutional principles. Rule of Law- Government and its officers are always subject to the law.

10 Separation of Powers The constitution distributes the power of the National government into the Congress, the President, and the Courts. This was intended to create a stronger government.

11 Separation Powers Legislative = Lawmaking Executive = Execute, enforces and administers the law. Judicial = interpret and apply the laws.

12 Checks and Balances The Constitution gives to each branch it’s own field of governmental authority. The three branches of government are not entirely separated or independent of each other… they are tied together by a system of checks and balances.

13 Judicial Review The power of the courts to determine whether what government does is in accord with what the Constitution provides. The courts may declare a law unconstitutional (or illegal) if they feel it does not reflect the Constitution. Established Marbury v. Madison.

14 Federalism Division of power among a central government and several regional governments. The states’ power will never be taken away!

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