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STATE AND GLOBALIZATION SASEN. GLOBALIZATION Privatization (Ex. Privatization of security) Deregulation (the idea that deregulation produces an efficient.

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2 GLOBALIZATION Privatization (Ex. Privatization of security) Deregulation (the idea that deregulation produces an efficient and effective market, competition) Growing authority of non-state actors (firms, NGOs, and International Institutions)

3 HYBRID INSTITUTIONS (GLOBAL WHILE NATIONAL) ministries of finance central banks the increasingly specialized technical regulatory agencies, such as those concerned with finance, telecommunications, and competition policy

4 THE NATURE OF AUTHORITY IN THE AGE OF GLOBALIZATION My argument is that the mix of processes we describe as globalization is indeed producing, deep inside the national state, a very partial but significant form of authority, a hybrid that is neither fully private nor fully public, neither fully national nor fully global.

5 STATES ARE BEING INVOLVED IN THE PRODUCTION OF THE STRUCTURES OF GLOBALIZATION cross-border regimes  Global economic system  Human rights regimes  through legislative acts, court rulings, executive orders, policy

6 The hegemonic power of the US and its impact on globalization

7 Citizenship as the foundation of nation state is producing citizens involved in global governance. Citizenship vs. human rights

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